Torn Apart Chapter 6

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Torn Apart Chapter 6

Harry's Pov:

 "Well were do I begin..." I started. Eleanor and Danielle nodded for me to go on. "Well at the interview I described who my type of girl was and I said I like a girl who is just like Niall. Then I winked at the camera hinting y/n so she knows that I'm talking about her and-" "SO YOU LIKE Y/N! We so knew it!" Eleanor squealed. I covered her mouth so y/n and Demi wouldn't know. "Shh! I don't want y/n to here! Anyways back to what I was saying. The interview ended and I wanted to go see y/n really badly-" "Alright uh huh ok surre," Niall said interrupting me. "Hey shut it! You wanted me to explain and now I'm explaining so let me talk!" I kinda raised my voice at him. He rolled his eyes and looked away from me. "Now back to what I was saying.... I wanted to see y/n so I went in the dressing room searching for my keys. I found them and started to take off and Liam stopped me and asked where I was going. Of course I tried making up something and I told him I'm getting food. He shrugged it off and walked away with the guys. I began to walk out but I forgot my phone and I turned back to get it. When I turned around again Louis was standing there looking at me suspiciously. He starts questioning me and i finally gave up and said I like someone. And of course he yelled really loud saying Harry's in love! The other boys came in and looked at me and started questioning me about who it is. I finally gave up and and said I like y/n a lot. Niall got pissed off and started yelling and cussing at me. I started yelling and cussing at him and it got out of hand. We started throwing punches and the next thing I knew we were covered in blood and bruises. Then I said you have Demi as your girl friend. He yelled back saying that I'm just going to use y/n to get into bed with her and then leave her or im going to crush her and leave her heart broken which is not true. I yelled back saying its not like you don't like her and he was silent for awhile until he yelled MAYBE I DO LIKE HER! And we just didn't say a word to each other at all until now," I said finishing off the story. Everyone was silent and I saw Eleanor and Danielle whispering something. They looked up back at me and said, "So you guys got in a fight over y/n?! Wow that's kinda stupid... I'm sorry..." Eleanor said. The boys looked over at me and Niall, all we did was look at the girls and nod. "Niall but you have Demi! Do you not like her?" Danielle spoke to Niall. "Well I do like her but not as much as I like y/n," He said getting quiet. "I see how you feel and Harry Niall does have a point..." Eleanor said. "What do you mean he has a point? A point about what!?" I said a little confused. "Well about you just getting y/n into bed with her I mean-" "IM NOT USING HER TO GET IN BED! I ACTUALLY LIKE HER! WHY DO PEOPLE THINK THAT!?" I yelled back interrupting her. The guys looked at me and said, "SHH!" "They can't know what we are talking about!" Liam said. I nodded and began to whisper again, "I'm not using her... I actually like her and may be in love with her." "Yeah right Harry say that to the 40 other girls you slept with," Niall said laughing. "That's it! You better shut it!" I said charging to Niall getting ready to hit him. Zayn and Louis pulled me back so I wouldn't hit Niall. "HARRY! STOP IT! WE NEED TO SORT THIS OUT SOON!" Danielle yelled whispered. "Anyways! Niall has a point because you did sleep with a lot of other girls and left them hanging and didn't call them back. Niall Is just worried that you might her hurt," Eleanor said. "Well this is different! I actually really like y/n a lot! I never felt this way about someone," I said looking down. "Well obviously both of you guys like her and both of you guys need to sort this out soon," Liam said. The rest of the boys and Eleanor and Danielle nodded and agreed. Me and Niall nodded back. "Well we better get back out there so they don't think something is up," Zayn said. "Yes we should," Niall said. We all turned to the curtain and opened it. We walked out and saw y/n and Demi sitting on the couch watching the ending of their movie. They turned around and smiled and continued with their movie.

Y/n's Pov:

 "IM NOT USING HER TO GET IN BED! I ACTUALLY LIKE HER! WHY DO PEOPLE THINK THAT!?" We heard someone yell from the kitchen. Me and Demi looked at each other and back at the kitchen. "What do you think they're talking about?" Demi whispered. "I don't know Dems it's hard to hear cause they keep whispering," I said. "Should we get up and go by the door?" Demi said. "No because what if they come out when we are there, they obviously heard Danielle and Eleanor by the door," I said. She nodded and went back to the movie. A couple minutes later the curtain opened up and out came them. Me and Demi turned around and smiled and went back to the movie. The boys and their girl friends came and sat down next to us. Harry and Niall sat right next to me and both smiled at me. I smiled back and looked at the tv to watch the movie. Harry put his arm around me and pulled me close. I saw him stare at Niall but I ignored it think it was nothing. I heard mumbling coming from Eleanor, Danielle, and Demi. I looked at them and said, "What are you guys talking about?" They shook their heads and said, "Nothing! Nothing at all." Liam and Louis looked at the girls and they raised their eyebrows at them. I looked back and forth thinking they are hiding something. I hated it when people do this. The movie ended about 20 minutes later, everyone stood up and went to the kitchen. Everyone besides Harry and Niall, they went to the bathroom to go clean up. We all were talking while waiting for Niall and Harry. "So what do you guys want to do today?" Demi said. "Yeah, what should we do today?" I joined in. "Maybe we can all go hang out at the mall?" Zayn said. "Yeah we should and maybe invite Perrie to go?" Liam said. "She can come!? I'll go call her and ask her right now," Zayn said excited to go invite Perrie. We all started talking again about random things while Zayn was talking to Perrie. There was a crash in the bathroom and the guys and their girlfriends had this worried look, they took off running to the bathroom leaving me and Demi once again confused. We took off running also and so was Zayn. When we got there, People were yelling at each other and the bathroom was a complete mess. "What happened here!?" I said shocked. Everyone stopped yelling and looked at Me and Demi. Zayn looked like he knew what was going on so he got in there and started cleaning up a little. "Um well Niall and Harry were cleaning up and Harry tripped over Niall's foot and he fell and knocked down everything," Louis explained. Me and Demi rolled our eyes and shrugged our shoulders then left. Everyone else was talking quietly so we couldn't hear. They later walked out a couple minutes later. "Well shall we go?" Liam said. "Yeah but isn't Perrie going?" I said. "Yeah she is but she Is meeting us there," Zayn said. I didn't respond but I nodded. We got up and grabbed our stuff and was out the door. We took separate cars, it was Me, Danielle, Liam, and Harry. The other car was Niall, Demi, Louis, Eleanor, and Zayn. In the car It was quiet while the other three were talking. It took about 15 minutes to get down at the mall. We got out and met up with the others. Zayn Spotted Perrie's car and he took off running to it. "Uh Danielle? Do you think Perrie will like me?" I whispered to Danielle. "yes! She will love you!" Danielle said. I was nervous meeting Perrie because of the whole club thing with Zayn, but I don't know if she knows about it. Zayn found Perrie and they started walking to us. I smiled and got shy. Harry must of notice and said, "Don't worry she is very nice." I nodded in response. "Hi Perrie," I said. "Hi y/n! I heard so much about you from the boys," she said. I didn't know how to respond back so I smiled. "Well lets get going!" she said cheering. The girls and I laughed and we all started walking inside. We went shopping for a little bit. The boys went their separate ways after awhile. I got to know Perrie really well. She is super nice and sweet. Demi and Perrie also got along really well. I kinda got a little irritated today because Demi kept talking about Niall to Perrie, but I shook it off and told myself not to let it get to you. We met up with the guys for lunch, we ate inside the mall. The guys were kind of quiet which I didn't like. Harry came and sat down next to me and hugged me, I hugged back. I felt a pair of eyes on me while me and Harry were hugging. I turned around and saw Niall staring. He smiled and waved. I went over and gave him a hug and sat back over next to Harry. During the whole eating time, Harry kept giving me some of his food. The girls were smiling at me and winking. I blushed and looked away from them so it wouldn't make it obvious. "Well me and Danielle are going to get a refill. We will be right back," Eleanor said. They both stood up and walked away. Harry put his arm around me and whispered in my ear,"Hey I was wondering if you want to-" he was cut of with yelling some . "I CAN'T TAKE THIS! IM LEAVING!" Niall yelled, looking upset and looked like he was going to cry. He got up and left with leaving me and Demi and Perrie confused.

A/n: Finaly i got to bring Perrie into it! I dont think Harry is a womanizer just to clear that up! I'll post one more chapter later tonight! Also i hoped everyone had a good thanksgiving yesterday! And i decided im just going to keep writing utill i get a good ending of the fanfic... but im way far from being done((:

Torn Apart (Y/n) | Niall Horan and Harry Styles **Not Well WrittenWhere stories live. Discover now