Torn Apart Chapter 16

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Torn Apart Chapter 16

Y/n's Pov:

 It was around 7:30 now and I heard knocks going on down stairs. Really im not in the mood to get up. Knocks kept going downstairs so I just got up and walked downstairs. Tears were still coming down my cheeks. "Coming!" I said. I wiped my tears away and answered the door. "Hey girl hey!" Eleanor said. "What's wrong!" Danielle and Perrie yelled. I looked up at them and started to cry again. They all hugged me and comforted me. "It's.... It's..." I couldn't get any words out. "Let's get in side," Perrie said. I nodded and walked inside. We all sat on the couch and were quite. "So want to tell us what's wrong?" Danielle said rubbing my back. They all were like my sisters. I sighed and began to speak. "Well after I took a shower and got ready I heard giggling and laughing and demi say," I was cut off. "Wait Demi!? I thought she couldn't come!" Eleanor said. "That's what I thought! But anyways Demi said oh Nialler you bad boy and he replied saying I know I am. I quickly ran under the bed when they walked in. They started kissing and then I heard some groaning and moaning and I got scared cause I didn't want to think what I thought was happening. After that they came on the bed I was underneath and they started talking about me how I'm over protective but I haven't even did anything over protective so then I thought they were drunk but normally when your drunk the truth comes out. So after about 20 minutes later of groans and moans and the bed moving, I decided to text Demi saying I'm just leaving my house to get over here be there in 20. They both quickly got up and changed back in clothes and left." The three girls just sat there in shock. I raised an eyebrow waiting for them to say something. Perrie shook her head and said, "I'm shocked.... First cause Demi and Niall would say that second your not even overly protective and third I'm shocked because how did they get inside the house and why would they do it in Louis and Harry's flat?" "I don't know really I was wondering the same thing to," I said. "Are you mad at them?" Danielle asked. "Of course I am wouldn't you be?" I replied. "Did you tell Harry yet?" Eleanor said. I shook my head no. "Are you going to?" "I probably will I mean he is my boyfriend and we should tell each other everything." They all looked at each other nervously. "What?" I asked. "Um maybe you shouldn't tell Harry," Danielle said. Perrie and Eleanor nodded and agreed to Danielle. "Why not?" I asked. "Well because It might cause drama," Perrie said. "Why would it cause drama?" "Well because Harry and Niall- oww," Perrie said. "Sorry i didn't mean to do that," Eleanor said. Perrie gave her a weird look. I looked at the girls strangely and decided it wasn't important. "Ok let's just forget everything and have some fun," I said cheerily. They smiled and nodded. We stood up and walked to the bathroom. I leaned down and grabbed the 27 rolls of toilet paper. "Let's go!" I said standing up and running down the stairs. "What are we doing?" Eleanor said out of breath. "I'm going to show you guys an American prank!" I said. They all had a confused look on their faces. I laughed at them and jumped in the car. They followed behind me shortly. I started to drive down to Zayn's house. "What are we doing here?" Perrie asked. "Duh we are going to TP his house!" I said laughing. "What the hell is that?" Danielle said. "Watch and learn," I replied. I grabbed the toilet paper from the back of the car and un wrapped some of it. I smiled and threw it over the house. They had a mischievous look on their faces and went to grab more toilet paper. They came back and started throwing the toilet paper over. We were all laughing and having a good time. I grabbed another one and threw some at the tree. "This is genius!" Eleanor said clapping her hands. I was about to throw another one till the door slammed opened of Zayn's house. What? I thought Harry went to have a guys night out!? "Uhhh Zayn?" I said. "What the hell is happening here!?" he yelled. He began running to us. We all started laughing at him. He turned around and looked at his house. He put his hands behind his head. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Im here cause It's my house!" he replied. "No I mean because it's guys night out I thought." "It is! But I felt sick so I went home early and then I woke up and saw toilet paper covering my windows!" he exclaimed. "And plus the guys went shopping for-" he began but stopped. "Shopping for what?" I asked. "Just went shopping and looking around," he said nervously. I shrugged and turned to the girls. "Well since we got caught lets go back," I said. "Let's go back," Danielle laughed. "Bye Zayn!" we all yelled. "Yeah yeah bye!" he yelled back. We giggled and got back in the car. Once in the car we all started cracking up when we were driving back to the house. When we arrived we saw a un recognized car parked out side of the drive way. We parked next to it and got out. It was Demi.... Of course she actually came.... Shocker! I crossed my arms and walked to her. "Hey Dems..." I trailed off. "Hey!" she said giving me a hug. She was squeezing me tightly and it slightly hurt. "Uhh Demi I think your hurting her," Eleanor said. "Sorry!" she said. I smiled and nodded. "New car?" I asked. "Yes Niall bought it for me he usually never buys me anything but that's probably because I never allow him," she answered. I nodded and was quiet. "Well let's go in side now," Danielle said awkwardly. I nodded and walked in the flat. I sat down on the floor and the others followed shortly. I glared at Demi for a short while till Perrie nudged me. I looked at her and shrugged. "So what do you want to do?" Danielle said. "How about we order pizza first?" Demi suggested. "Yeah sure!" Danielle said. She stood up and ran to the phone. She dialed Domino's Pizza and ordered a large cheese pizza, pepperoni pizza, Hawaiian pizza, and a sausage pizza. "Wait! Don't forget to order the chicken wings and bread sticks!" I yelled to her. "Geez you are one hungry girl," she joked. I laughed at her and tuned back in to the girl's conversation. "So like Louis started yelling at this teen for wearing crocs and socks together!" Eleanor exclaimed. "Oh god of course he will be doing that!" I giggled. "I know right! But I had to comfort the girl and say Louis is just being Louis," she explained. We started cracking up until Danielle came back. "Are you talking about what Louis did to that teen?" she said sitting down. I turned to Eleanor again. "Yep!" she said popping the P. "Well first of all you didn't comfort the teen Liam had to and second of all you are exactly like Louis and were laughing along with him!" Danielle said. " Fine you just had to spoil what I actually did!" she joked laughing. We talked for awhile till the door bell rang. "PIZZA!!" I screamed. I jumped up and ran to the door. I opened the door and grabbed the pizza, chicken, and bread. "How much do I owe you?" I asked. "It's on the house," he winked. "Um thanks?" I said more like a question. "Only on one condition," he said. "And what is that?" I said getting angry. "I get your number," he said cheekily. I was about to tell him off till Eleanor and Perrie stepped in. Here goes Eleanor and Perrie's sassy side I giggled to my self quietly. "Um excuse me," Perrie said. "Yeah?" the pizza guy said. "She has a BOY FRIEND... Yeah a BOY FRIEND..." Eleanor said exclaiming boyfriend. "So?" he said arguing back. "So she isn't interested in some pizza delivery boy who makes 6 dollars a week.. She wants someone who makes money not a delivery boy," Perrie said sassy. He looked offended and put his arms up in surrender. "Well sorry," he said. Looks like its my turn to step up. "No apology accepted here you forgot the money!" I yelled. I threw the money at him and closed the door. "Wow someone has a sassy side!" Perrie laughed. I nodded and laughed along. We walked back with the food and sat down on the floor. "So what game do you want to play?" I asked. "TRUTH OR DARE!" Danielle screamed. "Alright," I said chewing my pizza. I looked around the room to choose who goes first. "Uhhh ELEANOR! You can go first," I finally said. She nodded and set her finger to her chin. "Uhh ok um Danielle! Truth or dare?" she said mischievously. "Truth..." "Ok have you ever made out with Liam like tongue!?" "You are disturbing! And no I haven't not with tongue..." Danielle replied. We laughed at her. "Ok Perrie..." Danielle said, "Truth or dare?" "Dare..." She replied. "Ok I dare you to go outside and scream FIRE!! And see who comes out," Danielle said. Perrie nodded and got up and went outside. We followed behind and were quiet. "FIRE!!!!" She screamed. We looked around and saw almost every door swing open. They panicked and some had a hose ready to aim for the fire. "Where the hell is the fire!?" Some one yelled. "Sorry sir it was a dare," I yelled back. He rolled his eyes and went back inside his house. We all laughed and walked back inside. We played a few more rounds of truth or dare. "Alright Truth or Dare y/n?" Perrie said. "Um dare!" I said confident. "Alright I dare you to call Harry and-" "Oh no.." "And say seductively I'm ready when you are Hazza." "Why me!?" I asked. "It's a dare and plus you use all your chickens," she said. I groaned and dialed Harry. It rung a couple of times till he answered. (Phone call below)

Torn Apart (Y/n) | Niall Horan and Harry Styles **Not Well WrittenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang