Torn Apart Chapter 18

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Torn Apart Chapter 18

Y/n's Pov:

 I woke up and walked out of my room and scratched my head and yawned. I saw Demi all dressed and ready in the kitchen cooking breakfast."Hey what's gotten into you? Waking up this early," I said. She turned around and smiled. "Morning to you to! And it's 12:15 in the afternoon, it's not morning anymore," she joked. I laughed at her and sat down. She came over and set down a plate with waffles with strawberries and syrup in front of me. She brought out the orange juice and set it out on the table. I looked at her weirdly and shook it off. I took a bite of my waffle and took a sip of my orange juice. Demi would watch me eat and just stare like she is still worried. "Ok what's up? I'm serious you never just make me breakfast unless I force you to. And plus you seem a little bit on edge and worried," I said out of nowhere. I threw the napkin onto the table and looked at her. "What do you mean?" She replied. "I mean you seem worried." "Oh, it's just that I'm still worried that your still mad at me and that you hate me," she said. I rolled my eyes and smiled. I looked straight in her eyes. "Demi, I'm not mad at you neither do I hate you. But you have to earn my trust ok?" I said. She nodded and stood up. "I'll just take these since you ate everything," she said picking up my dishes. "Ok," I said. I stood up and walked to my room. "I'm getting changed and hanging out with Harry!" I yelled to her. "Alright!" she yelled back. I walked to the window and it looked like it was going to rain. I walked to grab some blue skinny jeans and a grey cross hoodie and I slid on my black tall uggs. I set my hair up in a natural wave and put on my black ray bans. "I guess I'll go with no make up today," I said to myself. I grabbed my iPhone and walked out of the room. "Bye Dems!" I called out to her. "Bye babes," she ran to me and hugged me. I laughed at her and walked out the flat. "Wait y/n!" Demi yelled. I turned around and saw her holding an envelope. "Yeah?" I said. "Remember how a couple months after you got out of high school you enter into the University of Westminister- Fashion Courses!?" She yelled. "Yes I do? Why?" I asked. "An envelope came in about the college!" she yelled again. I screamed and then she joined in with the screaming. We were both screaming until someone told us to stop. I ran to her and grabbed the envelope.

    Flash back~

  "Hey y/n I'm going out to hang with Niall alright?" Demi called to me. "Alright!" I yelled back to her. "Not shocked," I joked in my head. I laughed to myself and smiled. She came over and grabbed her keys. "Hey what are you filling out?" she asked. She walked over and sat down next to me. "A college application to the University of Westminister- Fashion Courses!" I smiled at her. "Why you doing that??" she questioned. "Well unlike you Demi I'm not a famous singer/actress who is dating one of the world's most popular British/Irish boy band. I'm just a regular teen age girl who just graduated high school!" I laughed. "Oh yeah! You are so in love with fashion aren't you?" she said. "Yes I am!" "Well when you graduate you can make me some fashion clothes!" she laughed. "Maybe I will," I winked at her playfully. "Thank goodness!" she said. "Hey! Aren't you suppose to be hanging out with Niall?" I said. "Oh yeah! I gotta go see you later?" she replied. I nodded at her. "Also Demi dont say anything to Niall or the boys, if you see them, about the college just in case i dont get in. Ok?" i asked. "Sure thing!" she said. I gave her a hug and watched her leave. I sat down again and began to fill out the application again. "Hope I get in," I sighed.

   Flash back ended~

  I started to shake a little when I grabbed the envelope. Remembering the day I filled it out I had so much excitement in me. Now I'm scared if I don't get in. I slid my finger to open it. I pulled out the paper and read it. Demi stood there waiting impatiently. "What did it say!?" she said. "I... I didn't get in," I said. Her smile faded away. "I'm so sorry," she said giving me a hug. "No its fine but can you help pack my bags in a month?" I asked. "Why?" she asked. "Because IM GOING TO COLLEGE!!" I screamed. She began to scream also. We were both jumping together and dancing. "Congrats!" she said. "THANK YOU!" I said. I felt like I was going to cry tears of joy! I jumped into Demi's arms and hugged her. We always do this. I jumped off and smiled at her. "Well better get to Harry's! And show him the letter!" she said. "Ok!" I said. I got into my car and waved at her before driving off. I turned on the radio statio. I pulled up to Harry and Louis' flat. I got out and grabbed the envelope. I walked up to the door and knocked. No answer... I sighed and looked around and found the key under the mat. They really need to find a new place to hide the key. I opened the door and walked in. "Harry? I'm here," I yelled. I walked upstairs to hear talking coming from Louis' room. It sounded like Louis, Harry, and Zayn were in there. They were talking about last night. I stood there for 15 minutes listening to half their conversation. "Harry and Niall got in a fight when I left!?" I said a bit to loud. Whoops! I quickly ran down stairs and stood by the door acting like I just walked in. "Y/n?" Harry said. "Yeah?" I said closing the door. "Hey I didn't hear you come in," he said running down stairs. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my lips. "Keep it PG rated!" Louis and Zayn yelled running down the stairs. Louis lifted me up and spinned me around. "Hi Louis," I laughed. Zayn gave me a regular and soft hug. "Hi zayn," I said. "Hi there!" he laughed. "Well boo bear we will just be leaving you two alone!" Louis said. "Ok bye boo bear!" Harry said. I laughed at them. Me and Harry hugged them both good bye. "Harry? Can I talk to you?" I asked him. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the couch. "Oh no not the couch," he said. I laughed and said, "Don't worry!" He seem to relax a bit. We sat on the couch. "Well I have something to say!" I said. "Me to," he said. "Ok you go first!" I said. "You sure?" "Yes," I said. He nodded and began. "Well we have the Take Me Home Tour coming in a month... And I'm going to miss you so much that I asked management if you can come with me," he began. I felt crushed when he said that. "It took a lot of arguing to get you to come! Niall is bringing Demi along but she doesn't know yet. And the boys will be bringing their own girly friends! So now we don't have to be apart! You can come with us!" He said excited. My face fell and I looked down. "What's wrong?" he asked. "It's just.. I um.. Here!" I said handing him the envelope.

A/n: Hey Guys! Outfit is in the external link! Chapter 18! Hope you like((:

Torn Apart (Y/n) | Niall Horan and Harry Styles **Not Well WrittenWhere stories live. Discover now