Torn Apart Chapter 2

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Torn Apart Chapter 2

Y/n pov:

 I woke up in a apartment that I didn't recognized. There was someone in the kitchen but I couldn't see who it was. I got up to go see who was in the kitchen but someone came walking out. I ran back to the couch so they wouldnt think i was snooping. Of course it was Harry who brought me here. Harry walked out of the kitchen bringing me some tea. "I thought you might of wanted some tea." He said. I couldn't speak anything so I just nodded. He came and sat down next to me and handed me the tea. We sat in silence for a little bit and all you can hear was me sipping my hot tea, I broke the silence. "Thank you." was all I could of get out. "It was no problem I'm just glad your alright." He replied and smiled but something was different. Something about Harry was different right now, he isn't the one flirting right now and winking at me back at the club, he is being the kind caring guy right now. I actually like this part of him. "Erm Harry I don't really remember what happened last night. Why did do bring me here instead back at my place?" "Well this guy almost tried to rape you and I wanted to make sure your alright and not hurt." Harry said to me with worried in his eyes, I can tell he was serious. I blushed and looked down at the ground when he said that. We were once silence again for a couple of minutes. I can tell he was thinking something but I don't know what. "I know you like Niall," Harry said out of no where. I looked down at the ground so he wouldn't see me blushing. "Yeah I guess I do. I mean he is my guy friend and I had a little crush on him forever. So it does hurt seeing him with someone else. Especially one of my best friends." "Maybe you should try getting over him or something." Harry said staring at me straight in the eyes. He was giving me a light smile to me with his dimples showing and everything. I was lost in his eyes until he coughed and blushed. "Sorry," I said looking down at the ground. "It's ok your eyes are beautiful by the way," Harry said blushing and looking away. "Thank you and maybe I should get over him with someone else." At that moment I realized maybe Niall isn't my prince maybe Harry is my prince after all. That moment we just had, was something special. "I have to say you are just like Niall but in a cute way y/n. I like that about you." That kinda is a bummer to hear that because of I'm like Niall and it reminds me of him but I love what Harry said. "Thank you Harry, but the thing that sucks is that I'm good for no one. Niall doesn't even notice me since he has been with Demi. Zayn isn't even interested in me at all. The only one person I'm good for is that man in the alley." "Don't say that y/n! Your beautiful! Any man will be lucky to have you!" Harry told me while trying to cheer me up. "Thanks Harry i really appreciate it." "No problem and you know my curls are here for you when ever you need to play with them." He winked at me and smiled and pulled me close to him. "And I love how your like Niall. Your so cheeky and sweet and can be flirty and love to eat like him." Yes I can be and thank you! And I guess I better go because of your guy's interview tomorrow. You need your rest." I told Harry while grabbing my stuff. "Yeah I guess I better get rest bye y/n! Do you need a ride or anything?" Harry said with his deep loving accent. "No I'm good I'll have Danielle take me home since she lives near by." I walked towards the door and opened it. "Wait! Y/n!" "Yeah?" "Can you do me a favor? watch the interview tomorrow at 10?" "Yeah I will and thank you again for watching out for me last night." "Your welcome I'm always here." Then I walked out side. I called Danielle to come pick me up and she was already here in 5 minutes. She was talking about how sorry she was and how it went with Harry. I told her everything and she screamed. I arrived at mine and Demi's apartment and she was already asleep. I got into sweats and a big t shirt.

Harry's pov:

  I felt so bad for what she is going through. I mean I really liked her ever since she came out with Zayn. My heart aced when i saw them I was afraid they might end up being together but then it didn't go so well. But something about her makes me fall over heels for her and I love a girl who can make me do that. I can tell we had a special moment when we were staring at each other. I just can't get her out of my head. I want to spend everyday with her! I might actually be in love but maybe not. I will just have to see. Before she left I wanted to tell her but I couldn't. "Wait! Y/n!" "Yeah?" "Can you do me a favor? Watch the interview tomorrow at 10?" "Yeah I will and thank you again for watching over me!" she said before walking out. Nice going Harry you lost your chance for telling her. Maybe I'm not ready to tell her just yet but maybe I am.

Y/n's pov:

  Next morning I woke up around 9:45. I quickly got up to go to the tv to watch the interview. I went to the kitchen to grab some coffee and Went back to the couch. Demi walked out of her room looking miserable. "Hey Dem!? You ok!? You look miserable," I said to her. "No I feel horrible! I have this huge hangover." "Oh i hope your alright. Well do you want to watch the interview?" I said to her trying to make her not think of it. "Nah I'm good I don't want to watch Niall on the interview. We are fighting right now for stupid reasons," she said back to me. I can't believe it! Her and Niall are fighting! I'm shocked but they will probably will make up soon. I turned on the tv and changed to the Interview channel. Their interview on the Ellen show started. She went on the questions about the tour and their new single and album and played this game. Then she had a question that caught my eye a little. "Ok guys we had a question sent in and we decided to use it alright?" She said on tv, the boys nodded. "Alright now, the question is what do you look for in a girl?" "Well I have Eleanor and that's what kind of girl I want." Louis said smiling. The audience Awww. "I want a girl like Danielle and looks like I have one like her! She is very special!" Liam said to the audience. "I want a girl who can eat as much as me and is my height or shorter!" Niall said smiling big. "I want a girl who I can talk to any day and night and who has blonde or brown hair like Perrie Edwards." Zayn said while blushing. Now it was Harry's turn to answer. "Well I want a girl who is just like Niall! I love any girl like Niall!" He turned towards the camera and winked. I dropped my coffee and stared in shocked. Was he talking about me!? Could I be the one he was talking about!? The Harry Styles has a crush on me!? There was so many answers going through my head right now. I mean he even said last night that he loved how I was like Niall but in a cute way! "Hey!? Is everything alright!? I heard something break! What happened!!?" Demi said walking out of her room while rubbing her head. I replied back to her looking straight in her eyes, "I think Harry likes me."

A/n: Alright guys! What do you think about Harry and y/n? (y/n means your name just in case you never got that haha(:) Next chapter there is gonna be drama in it! I love pazer so in this fanfic danielle and liam are gonna be together in it! Also the next few chapters im going to bring Perrie into it so dont worry(:  Im going to make alot of cliff hangers also to make the story good. Well i hope you liked this chapter!

Torn Apart (Y/n) | Niall Horan and Harry Styles **Not Well WrittenWhere stories live. Discover now