Torn Apart Chapter 42

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*Important authors note at the end! Check it out!*

Torn Apart Chapter 42

Y/n's Pov:

 There stood Brielle and that guy kissing and laughing. That guy was not Harry. Harry loves Brielle! He is going to be heart broken! We can't tell him! But we need to! So much drama.

N-Hello? Y/n? You still there?

_-What? Oh yeah I'm still here

N-What are we going to do? If we tell Harry he probably won't believe us

_-Yeah we just need proof

N-Maybe take a picture or video record it

_-I'll do that now. Be home in 10

N-Ok love you

_-Love you to bye


 We hung up. I went on my camera and flip the switch to video. I clicked record and started recording the two. The guy's arm was wrapped around her shoulders. He was whispering things in her ear which caused her to laugh. She kissed his lips and smiled. I rolled my eyes. "Kyle we can't now! We are in public," Brielle giggled. "Come on no one will see us if we quickly go in the car," the guy, who's name is Kyle, said. "Maybe when we get back to your place," Brielle said. "Perfect," he smiled at her. They started kissing. I walked closer but ran into someone. "Sorry!" I whispered. I stopped recording and saved the video. "Y/n?" Brielle said. "What? Y/n isn't here," I quickly said. I grabbed the food and drinks and hurried out the door. I was about to get in my car but Brielle yelled, "Y/n stop!" I set the stuff in the car and turned around. "It isn't what it looks like," she said. "Really? Because it looks exactly what it looks like," I scoffed. "Please don't tell Harry," she said started to cry. I looked at her, straight in her eyes. I stayed silent. "Please," she begged. "I can't believe you would do that to Harry," I said. "Just please let me explain," she said. "You have one minute to explain," I said. "Ok so I just felt like Harry still likes you and I felt like I lost him so I met this guy and we just hit it off pretty well," she said. I shoot my head and bitterly laughed. "That's not a good excuse to cheat on Harry. I told you nothing is going on between us," I said. "That is a good excuse!" she exclaimed. Ok this made my blood boil. "THAT'S STILL NOT RIGHT TO CHEAT ON HIM!! YOU SHOULD OF AT LEAST TALKED TO HIM ABOUT IT! NOT GO AND FUCKING CHEAT!" I yelled at her. She looked a bit hurt. Good she should be. "Please just don't tell him," she said. I shook my head and said, "I don't know what I'm going to do. You better fix this." I got in my car and slammed the door. I took of driving away. The drive back to Niall's house was fast. I parked in the drive way and opened my door. I got out and took the food out. I slammed the door shut and locked the car. I walked in the flat and closed the door. I walked in mine and Niall's bedroom. He was sitting on the bed watching a movie. I sat down next to him. I gave him his drink and all of his food. I put my food in my lap and my drink on the bedside table. "What are you watching?" I asked. "Batman Dark Night Rises," he said. "Cool I heard its a really good movie," I said. I took some fries and put them in my mouth. "It is," he smiled. I smiled back and nodded. "So at Mc Donald's I bumped into someone and Brielle saw me," I said. "How did that go?" he asked. "Not well. She told me not to tell Harry," I said. "Are you?" he asked. "Most likely," I said. He took the last bite of his big Mac. Once we were finished eating, we threw the trash on the floor. "I'll clean it up in the morning," Niall said. I laughed cuddled with him. "I'm going to change," I said. He nodded. I got up and went to Niall's drawer. I pulled out one of his t-shirts. I took off my shirt and slid on his shirt. I took off my converse and shorts. Since his t-shirt was huge on me, I decided to wear no pants. I turned around to see Niall staring at me. "What?" I blushed. "Nothing, your just so beautiful," he smiled. He stood up and stripped down to his boxers and got back in bed. I got in bed next to him. He turned off the tv and the lamp light. He wrapped his arms around me, my head was laying against his chest. "Good night y/n. Love you," he said. "Night Niall. Love you to," I said. He kissed the top of my head. I fell asleep listening to Niall's heart beat.

Torn Apart (Y/n) | Niall Horan and Harry Styles **Not Well WrittenWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu