Torn Apart Chapter 1

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Torn Apart Chapter 1

Y/n's pov:

Well it's official now, Niall and Demi are now dating ever since they finally met on the x factor. My best guy friend is dating my best friend. They have been dating about a year right now and jealously has taken over me. I guess Niall has finally found his one and only princess. So far things have been good between the two. Demi is one lucky girl but I wish that was me dating Niall. "Hey Y/N! I have a special surprise for you!" I was interrupted in my thoughts by Demi. "Is it a new Black Range Rover? If so THANK YOU!" "Yeah right you wish! But that wasn't what I was going to say! Now let me finish!" "Fine go ahead your highness!" "Well tonight the boys and us are going out tonight to celebrate their new album Take Me Home and I got you a date with zayn!" "DEMI NO YOU DIDN'T!" I sent her a glare. I can't believe she did that! I mean I will totally go out with him but I'm still upset about the whole Niall and Demi thing. "Yes i did and your going to go tonight!" "You can't make me go tonight! I just want to stay home!" "Oh come on Y/N you are going to-" She was cut off from the wonderful Irish accent I been missin all day. "Demi you can't make her go but I'm making her go, come on y/n go for me?" I looked at both of them straight in the eye and I gave a groan." Fine I will go and celebrate!" "THANK YOU!" I heard the other boys outside the door cheering. "Yay! Now let me go pick you out a dress that you can wear tonight while we go clubbing!" Demi grabbed my hand and pulled me in the room and started going through her wardrobe. I have to admit to my self, the boys out there looked quite charming out there especially Niall. While Demi was going through picking out dresses for her and me the door opened and I thought it was one of the boys. "Get the hell out you guys!" I yelled running to the door and shutting it. "Oh come on Y/N! Are you really shutting the door on your Besties Danielle and Eleanor!?" Eleanor said. I opened the door and jumped into their arms. "So sorry EL and Dani I thought you were the boys trying to get in." They looked really nice for tonight, Eleanor wore a nice red dress and Danielle wore a dark blue dress that flows out around the thighs. We turned around and Demi stood there in a awkward place, she never met Danielle or Eleanor since her and Niall have been going out. They introduced each other and got on pretty well. Danielle brought me a dress I can borrow and she handed me it because Demi didn't have anything I would like to wear so good thing Danielle brought an extra dress. I looked at the dress Danielle gave me and to be honest it was to short and it looked like it will show. So I went to my closet that me and Demi share and I started going through outfits. I found this outfit I would gladly wear. It was a black jacket and a purple mid thigh dress that was tight around my upper waist but became loose below the waist. I got into the dress and heels and heard a knock on the door. I went to open the door and zayn stood there. He smiled and said," You look beautiful tonight y/n." "Thank you." He held out his hand and I took it, I didn't want to be rude and ignore it. We walked out into the living room where everyone was at. "Y/N!!! That wasn't the dress I told you to wear!" Danielle said to me. Everyone laughed at her exaggeration. "Oh come on dani! She still looks absolutely gorgeous!" Liam said complementing me. "Thank you Liam and Danielle the dress you gave me was way to short and will show anything I could of gone naked Instead of wearing that dress!" "Well I'm sorry mam," Danielle joked. " I wouldnt mind that y/n. You will still look absolutely hot naked," That deep voice charming boy said. I turned to him and he was smiling big and his dimples were showing, his smile was lighting up his green gorgeous eyes. "Yeah I will past with that opportunity Harry but thank you for the sweet compliment," I said back to him. All he did was winked back at me. Niall nudged him and said something in his ear but i couldn't really understand him. We all walked out of the apartment and down to the cars. We got in the car and i had to sit between harry and zayn. Demi was talking to zayn saying all these things about me like saying how much I like reading and flirting and playing sports with anybody. I let out a soft groan and I heard Zayn and Harry laughed, that made me smile a bit. "Oh Demi I think y/n and the boys have heard enough about her." Niall told demi giving her a hint to stop. " I know Niall but they need to get to know her!" "I know demi but we all love her and think she will probably want you to stop babes." That whole sentence ran through my head, we all love her... we all love her.... Why didn't he say that he did or something, that I have no clue but I need to figure out. Like i mean i barely know the guys only Niall. We arrived at the club and when I got out and started walking I felt a pair of eyes on me the whole time. I turned around and saw those same Green eyes on me again. He again winked at me and smiled. I just ignored it and kept walking with zayn. After everyone went there separate ways. Zayn came up to me and said, " I'm really sorry y/n. I been seeing this girl back iat home. Her name is Perrie. I feel awful about going out with Someone else." "I get it Zayn its totally fine! I wouldn't want to ruin my relationship either." "Thank you y/n. Maybe when we get back you can meet her!" Then he left and I was alone. I decide to go get a drink and get my mind off of things but ended up getting alot of drinks. When I was out drinking everyone left and I didn't really notice till after at least 20 drinks later. I walked outside to go wait for a cab and some man i didnt know starting talking to me. "Hey beautiful want me to take you home so we can play around a little?" The man said drunkly. He grabbed my butt.  "No I'm good." "Listen beautiful your coming with me." He started grabbing me and pulling me to a dark alley and telling me not to scream or he will kill me. His cold body was on me and getting ready to undress me until I felt his body not on me. I kept my eyes closed until I felt a warm body on me. He said "Y/N! Are you ok!? Y/N! ANSWER ME!" That was the last thing I heard and then I blacked out.

A/n: ok guys so im really excited for writing this! i hope you guys are liking it so far! i promise there will be alot of drama later in the chapters(: Ill try updating tonight or tomorrow(:

Torn Apart (Y/n) | Niall Horan and Harry Styles **Not Well WrittenWhere stories live. Discover now