Torn Apart Chapter 29

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Torn Apart Chapter 29

 Y/n's Pov:

"Ok class! You and a partner need to create an outfit that has something to do with the colors of purple and white," Mrs Morgan said. Me and Brielle looked at each other and smiled widely. We both started wiggling our eyebrows. She started laughing quietly. The bell rang telling us class is over. I gathered my books and put them in my bag. "Mrs. y/l/n," Mrs Morgan said. "Yes?" I asked. "May I speak with you?" She asked. I nodded and walked over to her desk. Brielle gave me a look saying I'll wait for you. I nodded at Brielle. After everyone left Mrs. Morgan began to speak. "Well Mrs. Y/l/n you know your my favorite student right?" She said. "I do now," I laughed. She also laughed. "Well I think your doing really excellent in my class and I just want to say that if you want you can move up a level of fashion artist and go on to more challenging things in fashion in my class," she smiled. I started to freak out in the inside. I quickly nodded my head. "Good! Also I have something to give to you," she said. She pulled out a large box. "I got it in the mail," she said. She handed me the box. "Some guy mailed it to me and on a note said give it to y/n," she winked. I blushed and opened up the box. There was tissue paper wrapped around the gift. I pulled out the tissue paper and saw a pair of sparkly heels inside. I took them out and threw the box away in the trash. "Wow that looks like a lot of money there," Mrs. Morgan sounded shocked. I laughed and nodded. "Who can afford these shoes!?" She exclaimed. "My wonderful boyfriend," I smiled. "Oo lala someone is in love!" She sang. I started laughing and said, "Yes I really am in love." I love how me and Mrs. Morgan became close, she is one of my favorite teacher and I can tell her anything. "Good luck with him. Someone is a little spoiled," she winked. I giggled and took off my converse. I put on the sparkly heels. "See you tomorrow," she waved. I waved back and walked out the door. Brielle was sitting down on a bench on her phone. I walked to her and said, "Hey! Ready?" She looked up and stood up. "Yes let's go," she smiled. "Wait! Where did you get those?" She pointed to my heels. I blushed and smiled like a maniac. "Harry," I said. "Ooo lala someone is spoiled!" She poked me. I laughed and slapped her hand away playfully. "No," I smiled. We walked back to our dorm. We went up the elevator and walked to our dorm room. I put the key in and opened it. We walked in and set our stuff down on the table. "Let me call Harry real fast," I said. She said, "ok." I walked to the balcony that was by the window. I closed the door and dialed Harry's number. It rang a few times before he answered. "Hey babe!" He sounded out of breath. "Hey? Why do you sound out of breath?" I asked. "I just got finished with a concert," he said. "Oh ok well I just want to say thank you for the shoes!" I smiled through the phone. "Your welcome kitten," he said. "Well I got to go I will talk to you later ok? Bye!" He said quickly before the line went dead. Weird... I decided to just forget about it and walk back in side. "Let's go out to eat shall we?" I asked Brielle. "Sure," she said. I grabbed my purse and key and walked out with Brielle. "Let's go get Italian food," she said. We walked to the closest Italian food place. "Uh two for y/n," I said. "Right this way," the waitress said. She grabbed two menus and showed us to a booth. We slid in on both sides. The waitress handed us our menus and left. "I'm getting chicken pasta and a coke... What about you?" I asked. "Uh lasagna and a sprite," she said. We set our menus down on the table. The waitress came back with a pen and paper. "My name is Cindy and ill be taking your order. What can I get you?" She asked. "Hi um ill like the coke and chicken pasta," I said. I saw her write it down. "And I'll have the lasagna and a sprite," Brielle said. "Ok your order will be out soon," Cindy said before leaving. Me and Brielle started talking about our fashion project. "Ok so maybe we can do like a dress that is purple and white," she said. I took a sip of my coke. "Like a strip of the top of the dress can be white and the bottom will be laced. Maybe?" I suggested. "Brilliant! I like that idea we will just have to draw it out later," she said. Our food arrived. "Yum," I said licking my lips. I picked up my fork and started eating my chicken pasta. After finished eating we split the bill and walked to our dorm. I opened the door and walked in. I put Brielle's left overs in the mini fridge. "Now time to come up with some ideas for our project," I said. "Good idea," she said. We sat on her bed and put our backs to the wall. I took out a sketch pad and pencil. I drew a model. "Wow you can draw good," Brielle said. I laughed at her comment and focused back on drawing the model. "Thank you," I said. "Your welcome," she replied. After I finished drawing and coloring at least 3 models, we began drawing down ideas on the models. On the first model we drew the idea we came up of at lunch. The second model we had a white strapless dress with a purple strap around the waist with a diamond heart on it. And for the third model we had one shoulder purple dress with a white ribbon on the side. And of course we had some white heels to go with the purple dress and purple heels to go with the white dress. "We will create more dresses tomorrow cause I am so tired," I yawned. "Yeah tomorrow," she yawned also. I took off my heels and put on some pajamas. I put on a white tank top and put on a pair of black sweats. Brielle was already asleep in her bed by the time I was done. I laughed and decided I should call the girls. After a few rings Danielle picked up.

D- Y/n!!??

_- Dani!?

D- Oh my gosh! I miss you so much! You need to get your ass down here in Florida!

_-You guys are already in Florida?

D-Yeah! It's amazing here!

_-I bet

E-Dani who are you talking to?

_-Eleanor is that you?

E-Y/n!? Is that you!

_-Yes it is

E-I can't believe it's you! It's been a long time since we talked! It's so weird and quiet!

_-Quiet? Rude!


_-I know!

P-Hi y/n!!

_-Hi Perrie!

P-We miss you!

_-I miss you guys to!

D-Hey! I was talking to her first!

P-I want to talk to her though!

E-I do to!

_-You guys ill talk to all of you


_-So how was the concert?

D-What concert?

_-The concert Harry said he just finished about 2 hours ago...

P-Wha- ouch! Oh yeah! That concert! It was crazy and fun!

E-Uh yeah! And it was unbelievable!


I heard Danielle scoffed. Weird she must be mad.

E-Yeah! Well we really miss you y/n! But we have to go! Get some sleep for school!

P-Yeah girl! Don't want to be tired!

_-Alright you guys love you! Night! 

 D/P/E-Love you! night!

I hung up the phone and plugged it in to charge. People are just getting more and more weird. I crawled in bed and turned off the lamp light. I wonder what is going on there...

A/n: Hey Guys sorry if this was a short chapter! Ill be updating one more tonight! Anyways! Merry christmas eve evryone! Hope it will be a fun christmas eve! I cant believe christmas is already here! Vote? Comment?

Torn Apart (Y/n) | Niall Horan and Harry Styles **Not Well WrittenDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora