Torn Apart Chapter 17

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Torn Apart Chapter 17

*Warning: A little languege will be in here

Harry's Pov:

Niall walked in with Liam by his side. My whole body started to tense up and y/n had notice. I wrapped my arm protectively around y/n's shoulders and pulled her closer to me. She covered her face in my chest and mumbled something that I couldn't understand. "Oh hey you two love birds!" Liam said. "Hey," I mumbled. "Be quiet y/n is asleep," I lied. "I can see," He said. Niall looked at y/n, laugh and smiled. He looked at me and his smiled and laugh faded away. "So what have you guys been doing out there?" I asked. "Just talking, what about you?" Liam asked looking at y/n. Niall was still quiet. I felt y/n smile into me. I smiled to my self and kept looking at Liam. "Well Zayn spoiled the surprise so I gave y/n her present early!" I said happily. "What was the present?" Niall asked me. He seemed really shy asking me that. I looked at him and said, "A necklace." He nodded and looked down at y/n. "Hi y/n," Niall said. Liam looked at him like he was crazy. "What? I know she isn't asleep... I knew her since we were grade 5 I can tell she is fake asleep," he replied back. Y/n groaned and sat straight up. "Hey," she said. She sat there with her legs crossed in her lap and started to play with her fingers. "Are you feeling ok?" she asked Niall. "Yeah I'm feeling fine just a little headache.. Why?" He said. She shrugged. "I dont know just wondering. Do you remember anything?" she said. "No," he said shaking his head. "Y/n can you please tell me why your asking all these questions?" he said worried. "It's not like you will care anyways you got better things to do then be worried," she said getting up and leaving. "Wait y/n!" Niall yelled. Y/n walked outside in the backyard and shut the door on him. He stood there just looking out at her. "What's wrong?" he asked. I just looked at the tv watching the movie. I felt Niall's glare at me when he walked over to me. "HARRY! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT ALL ABOUT!?" he yelled at me. I turned around and gave him a look. "I don't know ask her," I suggested. "NO I KNOW YOU KNOW WHY SHE IS ACTING LIKE THAT," he yelled again. I turned the tv off and stood up. "I KNOW WHY SHE IS ACTING LIKE THAT BUT IM NOT SAYING SO MOVE YOUR ASS AND ASK HER!" I yelled back. The other girls woke up startled with all the yelling going on. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON AT 1:30 IN THE MORNING!" Eleanor yelled looking at her phone. "I DON'T KNOW HARRY WON'T TELL ME!" Niall yelled back. "LIKE SHE SAID YOU WON'T CARE ANYWAYS!" I yelled back. Eleanor, Danielle, and Perrie all looked at me shocked. Perrie got up and walked over to me and whispered, "Wait you know what happened?" I nodded at her. "Great they know to anyone else know!?" Niall said raising his voice. We just stared at him not answering. "I don't know," Liam said. "I think only the guys don't know." "I don't know either so I guess I join the club to," Demi said rubbing her eyes and standing up. "I'm going to go talk to y/n," He said angrily walking to the door. Me and the other girls, besides Demi, we're going to say something but Niall already closed the door on us.

Niall's Pov: 

 I slammed the door closed and saw y/n sitting on the hammock. I sighed and walked over to her. She was swinging on the hammock with her eyes close and music playing lightly through the speakers next to her. I laid down next to her and put my arms above my head. She opened her eyes and looked at me. She rolled her eyes and closed them again. I poked her to see what she would do. Nothing.... I kept poking her until her eyes fluttered open. "Yeah?" she said bitterly. "What's wrong?" I asked. She just looked at me and studied my face. "You really don't remember?" she asked. What was she talking about? Did I do something? "No," I said shaking my head. She looked really hurt right now and looked like she wanted to cry. She is a tough girl and when she cries or is about to cry something is really hurting her. I felt like crying because of the way she is acting all hurt. Demi's song skyscraper came on the radio and I saw y/n stare at the radio. She looked back at me and sighed. "So you were that drunk and can't remember?" she asked again. "What do you mean I was drunk? Y/n please tell me what is going on," I said. I rested my arm around her shoulders. It looked like she was going to shrug it off but didn't. "It's kind of along story." "I got all night to hear it," I said. "Well this is going to be the third time telling the whole story," she said a little annoyed for keep telling it. "I don't care I really want to know what's wrong," I said pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "Well a couple of hours ago or yesterday," she began, "I just got out of the shower and got in eleanor's sweats and Harry's jack wills hoodie on with my all star shoes I had here. And I just got done with my hair in a messy bun and I heard noises coming from outside the guest bedroom. First I thought it was one of the boys goofing off but then I heard a guy's voice and a girl's voice. Then I heard Demi's voice," I got nervous when she said Demi's voice what was going on? "She said oh Nialler you bad boy," Right there I froze. I felt my face go pale. My heart felt like jumping out of my chest. I don't remember her saying this or this happening. Y/n had a tear come down her cheek. I knew right there she was hurt and even though I didn't know the whole story yet i knew that i had hurt her. "And you said I know I am. I quickly ran under the bed to hide. I know I shouldn't have and just stayed there and waited for you guys to come in but I wasn't thinking. You guys came in right when I got under. You guys started making out and talking about me. You guys were saying how overly protective I was and how annoying it was. I thought it was just because you guys were drunk and wasted and didnt know what you were saying but then I thought when your drunk the truth comes out. And you and Demi ended up doing it on the bed I was under. So after the moans, groans, and bed shaking later I decided to get rid of you guys and text Demi saying I'm on my way over now be there in 20. After you guys left I got out from under the bed and just went into a different room and waited till Eleanor, Danielle, and Perrie to get here. Once they got here i told them everything and they started asking did I tell harry yet and i said no and they asked are you and i said well yeah he is my boyfriend we tell each other everything." That hurt me right there. I wish i was the one she gets to call her boyfriend. I felt like crying right there but i cant let her know that i have feelings for her even though how bad it hurts. "Then they started saying i shouldn't and I said why and then Perrie was going to say something about Harry and you but Eleanor had hit her to stop but then we decided to forget everything so we went to prank zayn came back here found Demi waiting, i ignored her the whole time till we played truth or dare and I asked her if she kept anything from me and she said no im her best friend and then we watched movies after we watched insidious we watched titanic then the other girls fell asleep half way through and Harry came in then and I told him and then we sat on the couch and he gave me this necklace," she said holding the necklace. "And then it ended here," she finished. I sighed and felt horrible not only did I forget that I did that but because I had hurt the one I'm in love with. I sat up on the hammock and so did she. I embraced her in one of my famous horan hugs. We sat there holding each other in silence. Tears started coming down my cheeks into her neck. "Niall? Why are you crying?" she asked. "Because I hurt you and I didn't even mean those things! You aren't overly protective and even if you are then I'm glad you are because you care about me but I'm just so sorry for everything! I dont want you to be mad at me! I cant stand it when your mad at me! I love being your best friend! Can we just-" I was cut off with her putting a finger up to my lips. "It's fine Niall! I forgive you just please don't drink to much again," she laughed. She removed her finger from my lip. "I promise I won't," I said holding my pinkie out. She combined her pinkie with mine. I smiled wide at her showing my braces, she giggled at me. "So we're good right?" I asked. "Yep were good," she smiled. We laid back down on the hammock and just watched the stars. I set my arm around her and she cuddled in my chest. I don't know if it was me but I feel more complete when we are cuddling. "Shooting star! Make a wish!" she exclaimed excited. I laughed at her and watched her closed her eyes and wrinkled her nose. She does that everytime she makes a wish. I closed my eyes and made my wish. I wish one day I will get y/n as my princess. I opened my eyes and so did she. "Watcha wish for!?" she said. "Can't say or it won't come true," I said poking her nose. She did a puppy eye look and giggled. "PLEASE!!! I will tell you my wish!!" she said. "Nope! Then your wish won't come true!" I said. "I don't care! I wanna know!!" she said. "My lips are sealed!" I said fake zipping my mouth. "Fine," she fake pouted. "I'm mad at you... Again," she crossed her arms. "You can't stay mad at me for more then 2 minutes," I challenged. "Oh yeah? Watch me!" she challenged back. "A kiss on the cheek if I don't win," she giggled. "Oh and if I win?" I asked. "Same goes for you. I kiss you on the cheek!" she said. "Alright then! Deal!" I said. She nodded and said, "Start now!" She crossed her arms and looked up, I watched her. After about 30 seconds she began to smile and laugh. "See I knew you couldn't!" I laughed. "Yeah your right!" she laughed along. That's one thing I love about y/n. She is just like me! She laughs at everything and can't stay mad at people and is always smiling and she can even eat like me! "Want to go in side?" I asked. "Sure,"she said smiling. I got up and grabbed her hand to help her up. I was going to let go but she kept holding my hand. She stood close to me, like those couple do in movies, and started swinging my hand. I laughed and opened the glass the door. We both were now laughing inside. Everyone quickly turned around and sighed in relief. "What uh happened out there?" Harry asked worried. "We made up and talked about the problem and then he challenged me that I couldn't stay mad at him for 2 minutes and I lost the bet," y/n said laughing. "Yep and speaking of bet," I laughed. She tilt her head to the side. I leaned in and kissed her cheek. I saw her turn a bright shade of pink and so did I. Everybody looked shocked but Harry didn't. He looked pissed off. If looks can kill you I will already be dead. His fist started clenching and un clenching. I saw jealousy go through Demi. Then the others were shocked but also had a worried look. They kept looking at Harry then at me. "Why did everyone get so quiet?" y/n asked. They all shrugged and kept quiet. "Me and Niall are just friends nothing more," she continued. "Yeah... Just friends," I said under my breath. Damn it.... Stuck in the friend zone. Anyways she is with Harry and I'm with Demi. I smiled at them and said, "Yep we are just friends!" "See," she said. She let go of my hand and said, "Well Nialler I'm going back home.. Demi you coming?" Y/n said. "Yeah I'm right behind you," Demi said. "Sorry to leave early everyone," y/n said. "It's fine good night!" everyone said. "Y/n I'm walking you out wait up," Harry said looking at me. Great this night isn't going to go so well when Harry comes back in. Harry walked out with y/n in front of him. Demi gave me a quick kiss and left out the door. "Niall your in some deep shit," Perrie said when the door closed. I looked at her and nodded. "Yeah you better hide or something because when Harry gets back in here your going to be in deep shit," Danielle said. Liam walked over to Danielle and wrapped his arm around her waist. Why can't that be me and y/n. Oh yeah that's right because she is with some guy that Is going to use her and leave her broken hearted. "Niall? Hello??" Liam said. "Sorry what?" I said. "I said don't worry when Harry come back in just don't fight with him," Liam said. I nodded and said, "I'll try." "Good," he smiled. "So what happened when I was outside?" I asked. "We told Demi what happened," Eleanor said. "Yeah she is going to talk to y/n about it," Danielle said. I nodded and was about to say something but the door swung opened and in came Harry all pissed off. He slammed the door and crossed his arms. "Well me and y/n are going on a date tomorrow," he finally said. "That's good! Where are you guys going?" Liam said. Harry was quiet but was staring at me. "My bed," he said looking at me. This time my hands were clenching and un clenching. My face was red and filled with anger. "Oh.. Didn't need to know that," Liam said. Eleanor and Perrie stood up and went by me already know where this is going. "You know better get it over with since Niall knows that I'm going to use y/n and get her in bed with me," Harry said. "You better not!" I raised my voice. "I'm not you idiot! Can't you see I actually like someone for once!" He yelled. "I wouldn't be so worried if you didn't sleep with thousand of random women! When was the last time you even mention them or called them! Do you even know their names!?" I yelled back. "Would you just quit it and get over y/n already!" He yelled ignoring my question. "How do you even know she even wants you!?" I yelled. "I KNOW BECAUSE YOUR NAME ISN'T BEING SCREAM IN BED!" he yelled more loudly. He is lying... Y/n is a virgin and she would of told me. But this took me over the edge. I charged at Harry again and knocked him down. We fell on top of the table breaking it. The girls screamed and Liam started to panic back and forth. I threw my fist at Harry's jaw and he threw me back. He threw a punch at my eye but I dodged luckily. He got me straight in the stomach. It took my breath away. I kicked him straight in the side making him fall. I ran straight behind Liam. Harry got up and started to chase me. Liam pulled Harry back and held him. "WILL YOU GUYS QUIT THIS BULL SHIT!" Liam yelled. We looked at him a little shocked for his choice of words. He ignored the looks. "IT'S DRIVING PEOPLE CRAZY! YOU GUYS ARE FIGHTING OVER A GIRL FOR GOD SAKES! I DON'T GIVE A SHIT IF YOU GUYS AREN'T FRIENDS ANYMORE BUT AT LEAST QUIT THIS DAMN FIGHTING! I SWEAR IT'S TEARING THIS GROUP APART!" Liam yelled. Liam sighed and said, "Niall we know your hurting and we know you had liked y/n since you guys were 14 but yeah I know what I told you before but Harry is also right. If you did like her before you should of made your move. Non of this would of happened really. We have the take me home tour coming up in a month. Me or the rest of the boys dont want to deal with this on tour. Harry... Niall only cares for y/n and is afraid for her getting hurt. You would be doing the same thing if you were in his place now. And Niall.. Harry won't use y/n to get in bed with her. I know because he never acted like this before with those other girls. Yeah it might be hard believing it but it's true he actually cares for her. Just please quit this fighting for once." When he finished me and Harry were quite. "I'm still not becoming his friend again," Harry said. "Same here," I said. "Then don't fight anymore at least," Perrie said. The two other girls nodded agreeing. "Maybe.." I said. With that I walked out the door.

Y/n's Pov:

 Me and Demi sat in silence in the car. When we arrived at the apartment I went straight to the couch. She came in after me and sat next to me. It was an awkward silence in the room. "So," she said. "So," I repeated. She sat there looking at her feet, not saying a word. "I'm guessing you know what happened," I said. She nodded her head and looked up at me. "The girls and Harry told me and Liam when you and Niall were outside talking," she explained. "Oh ok," I said. "Listen y/n I'm so sorry! I really didn't mean the things I said I was drunk and not thinking! Now I wonder why you barely talked to me at girls night and why you asked me if I kept anything from you! I'm so sorry please forgive me!," she said. I looked at her. She looked at me to see my reaction. I sighed and smiled. "I forgive you,"I said. I leaned in and gave her a hug. We wrapped each others arms around each other with our heads touching. "Good!" she said. I smiled at her an laughed. "Well I'm going to bed!" she said. "Night!" I said back to her. She got up and walked to her bedroom a closed the door. I walked to my bed room and got in bed. "Wow it has been a crazy night," I thought to myself before falling asleep.
A/n: Chapter 17((: I tried making alot of drama in here! Y/n and Niall kissed kind of! Again sorry if there is any missed spelled words i didnt proof read...  Last Chapter for tonight....

Torn Apart (Y/n) | Niall Horan and Harry Styles **Not Well WrittenWhere stories live. Discover now