Torn Apart Chapter 45

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Torn Apart Chapter 45

Y/n's Pov:

"Niall!?" I yelled. "Yes babe!?" He yelled back. "I'm tired!" I yelled. "Doesn't seem like it!" He yelled back. I laughed and yelled, "But I am!" "Me to!" He yelled back. "Tomorrow is a big day!" I yelled. "It is! I can't wait!" He yelled. "Me to!" I yelled. "Wait! Why are we yelling if I'm next to you!?" He yelled. I turned to face him on the couch. "I don't know!" I yelled. He laughed and pulled me on his lap. He kissed the side of my cheek. "When is everyone getting here?" I asked. The door bell rang. "Now," he smiled. I laughed and got up. I ran to the door and opened it. There stood everyone. They looked at me and yelled, "Y/n!" "Hey guys!" I yelled back. I welcomed them all in and closed the door behind everyone. Everyone gathered on the couch. "So tomorrow is a very big day!" Demi cheered. "It sure is," Danielle said. "I hope it's a boy," Perrie said. "I hope it's a girl," Harry said. "Girl also," Zayn said. "You guys are silly I hope it's a boy," Louis said. "Boy," Eleanor agreed. "Girl," Demi said. "Twins!" Danielle yelled. "Boy," Liam smiled. Me and Niall laughed. "I can't wait to be a godmother!" Demi said. "I can't wait to be a godfather," Harry grinned. "I can't wait to be a father," Niall blushed. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "I can't wait to be a mother," I said. "Baby Riley is going to have a lot of aunts and uncles," I said. "Baby Aly is going to," Niall playfully argued. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "What is the plan for tomorrow?" Liam asked. "Well, we will all wake up and get ready. Then me and y/n will leave to the doctors to find the gender and once we do we will come back and tell the news!" Niall said. "Exciting," Danielle said. "What do you guys want to do right now?" Perrie asked. "We can play a little bit of Just Dance 4," Niall suggested. "Nooo I suck at dancing!" Zayn complained. "But I don't so let's play! Come on it will be fun," Danielle said. "Please Zayn!" Perrie begged. Zayn groaned and nodded. Everyone cheered and set up the game. "I'll just watch because I have to take it easy," I said. Everyone nodded understanding. Once the game was in, everyone started playing while I sat down on the couch. "Ok so who is first?" Harry asked. "Danielle and Liam on a team vs Eleanor and Louis," Demi said. "Great well there goes that change of winning," Louis mumbled. Danielle chuckled and stood in front of the character. They were dancing to Call Me Maybe. Great well Louis won't stop singing this. They pushed play and started dancing. They were all hilarious dancing well except for Danielle. She was doing the right moves. Louis hip bumped Liam which caused Liam to mess up. "Louis! Follow the person!" Liam scolded. Louis laughed and continued to randomly dance. "So called me maybe!" Louis sung. Liam laughed and rolled his eyes. After a couple of turns, it was the moment we all been waiting for. Zayn to get up there and dance. "Come on Zayn just one song," Perrie said. Zayn shook his head. "Please we want to see you dance!" Niall begged. He did the puppy dog eyes. Those always work on Zayn. Zayn groaned and said, "Fine." Everyone clapped and spread out. Zayn walked up and stood in front of the screen. "But don't laugh at me," he said. Everyone nodded. The blue lit up. He was dancing to Beauty and A Beat. The song began and he started dancing. Wow was he horrible, not to be mean but wow. I mean Louis was bad! But Zayn was pretty bad! I covered my mouth so I wouldn't laugh. I couldn't hold in my laughs so I burst out laughing. So did everyone else did. Zayn turned around and crossed his arms. "You said you guys wouldn't laugh!" He complained. "Sorry! It's just to funny!" I continued to laugh. Zayn continued to dance till he fell on his butt. "I'm done with this game," he pouted. "I think we all are," Danielle said. "Lets play Call Of Duty," I said. "Can you even play? No offense," Louis said. "I can so play," I said. "I don't think you can or know how to," Harry said. "Is this a challenge?" I asked. Niall raised an eyebrow and laughed. He knows I can easily beat these boys. "It happens to be! $20," Louis said sticking his hand out. I took it and we shook. Harry put in Call Of Duty. "You vs me and Harry," Louis said. "Alright so when I win you both owe me $20," I said. "IF you win," he said. I grinned and nodded. We each took a controller. We clicked multiplayer mode. Three boxes popped up on the screen. I'm player 1, Harry player 2, and Louis player 3. "Good luck," I said. "Nope good luck for you," Harry said. We started playing. I spotted Louis first, hiding behind a truck.  I ran the character out and head shot him. "What!? No fair!" Louis pouted. He stood up and set the controller down and pouted. I laughed and looked for Harry. He was hiding somewhere. After a minute of looking around I found him! He was up on the roof top of the building. I snuck up behind him and head shot him. He died. "No!" Harry screamed. Player 1 wins came up on the screen. "You cheated!" They both complained. I shook my head and put my hand out. "Pay up," I said. "Noo! You cheated so we aren't! And plus we didn't shake," Louis said. "Louis you guys shook, so you both pay up," Niall defended me. "Well thanks for defending me Nialler!" Louis teased. Niall laughed and rolled his eyes. Harry and Louis took out their wallets and took out a 20. They both put the money in my hand. "Thank you," I laughed. They crossed their arms sat down again. "Nice shot by the way," Harry said smiling a little. "Yeah good job," Louis burst out laughing. I laughed and laid back. We all played a few rounds of COD. I won most of the rounds since the other girls aren't good at it. Niall turned off the tv and sat back down next to me. "Let's go to sleep it's late," I said. Everyone nodded and agreed. Harry and Liam went to go get the blow up mattresses. While they blowed them up, the girls and I went to go get blankets and pillows. We grabbed all the blankets and pillows me and Niall had. We all went back in the living room and threw the pillows and blankets on the blow up beds. I walked into the bedroom to grab some pjs. I put on a big grey t-shirt and some cute black and red checkered pajama shorts. I put on black and white fuzzy socks and put my hair up in a messy bun. I wiped my make up off. I walked back out to see everyone getting comfy. Niall saved me a spot. He patted the spot next to him. I smiled and turned off the light. I crawled in next to him and snuggled up close to his chest. It was Harry, me, Niall, then Demi on one mattress. The other mattress that they combined had Eleanor, Louis, Liam, then Danielle. On the pull out couch was Zayn and Perrie. "Good night everyone!" I said. "Night!" They all said. I closed my eyes. "Night princess love you," Niall whispered in my ear. "Love you to," I said falling asleep.


 I woke up with everyone still asleep besides Harry. Wait. Where is Harry? I sat up and looked around the living room. I quietly got up and untangled myself from Niall's arms. I stood up and walked to the kitchen where I smelt food cooking. Harry was standing by the stove cooking all dressed. I silent walked up behind him and tickled him. He jumped and let out a squeal. I started silently laughing so I wouldn't wake the others up. He smiled and shook his head. "Don't do that," he whispered. "Sorry," I whispered. I stood next to him and watched him cook. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "What?" He asked. "Nothing," I smiled he laughed and went back to cooking. "So whatcha cooking?" I asked. "Eggs, bacon, and pancakes. Do you want some?" He asked. "Well if you insist I guess I would want some," I said. He smiled and put some eggs, bacon, and pancakes in my plate. I grabbed the syrup and butter. I put them on the table and sat down. Harry came over to the table with our food. He set my plate down in front of me. I clapped and picked up my fork. He sat down in front of me. We began eating. I have to admit, I really do miss Harry's cooking. "How is it? Do you like it?" He asked smiling. "I don't like it Harry," I said. His smiled faded. I grinned and said, "I love it!" His smile came back and laughed. I took another bite of bacon. "Are you excited for today?" He asked. "Yep!" I said. "What time is it?" I asked. He looked behind me to read the clock and said, "8:12." "Why are you up this early?" I asked. "I don't know I just woke up and was hungry," he replied. "Ah I see," I said. He nodded. I took my last bite of the pancakes. "Yumm!" I said. I swallowed and grinned. "Outstanding job Harry!" I said. "Why thank you y/n," Harry did a little bow. I smiled and stood up. I walked to the sink and put my silver ware and plate in the sink. Harry did the same thing. "So what do we do now?" I asked. Harry started to think. "I know!" He said. "Follow me," he said. He took my hand and led me out front. We walked down the street and into the trees. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Just keep walking," he smiled down at me. He then looked back ahead. After what seemed like forever of walking we finally got where we were going. It was the ice cream shop where we went for our first date. "The ice ream shop?" I asked confused. "Come on," he said. He pulled me behind the ice cream shop. There was a secret hide out back behind it. It was hidden in the trees. We walked up a few steps and into a room. The room was painted a light blue and had big opened windows out to the balcony. There was two couches and a tv screen. There was an x box 360 with games. There was also a book shelf in the room to. I followed Harry out on the balcony. I closed the door behind me. Harry leaned against the balcony and looked out at the scenery of London. "Remember when we went on our first date to the ice cream shop and I said there was a secret hiding spot where I would go to and think but no one knew where it was," he said. "Yeah I remember," I said. "Well this is the secret hiding spot," he said. "Wow it's amazing here. I can see why you never told anyone," I said. "Yeah it is, your the only who I showed it to," he said. I smiled up at him and said, "Then I must be a very lucky girl." He laughed and nodded. I took his hand and he sighed. "Is there something on your mind?" I asked. "No," he said shaking his head. I rolled my eyes and said, "Harry I know there is. What's wrong? You wouldn't go here if there wasn't. Tell me what's wrong." He nodded. "It's just with the whole Brielle thing going on and how she cheated. Wow it's sucks to be cheated on," he said. "I know how it feels," I admit. He looked up at me and hugged me. He buried his head in my neck and I wrapped my arms around his waist. "Y/n you know how bad I felt and how much I hated my self for doing that to you. I never meant to hurt you in that way. I felt so stressed out with the tour and Niall loving you and I didn't know what came over me. I still hate myself for that but I know you are perfect for Niall and I really am happy you guys are together and he is better for you," he said. I didn't know tears were coming down. He was also crying. "Harry it's fine now. I understand and it was in the past. No need to feel sorry now or apologize now," I said. "I just messed up so much this past year and a half," he said. I looked up at him and he looked down at me. I cupped his head in my small hands. He was holding my waist still. I wiped a tear away from his eye. "It's ok Harry. A lot of People make mistakes that's apart of life. Niall even made mistakes like remember the time with the Demi and him thing while I was under the bed while they talked horrible about me and well you know what happened after," I said. He nodded and lightly smiled. "I even make mistakes but its apart of life," I said. "Yeah I guess your right but I just feel like I'm the bad guy always making mistakes and hurting the ones I care and love," he said. "You aren't the bad guy Harry trust me, we all love and care about you to," I said. "I also been feeling like I been turning my back on you guys and keep things from you and lie," he said. "We all have secrets Harry and to admit I'm keeping one now," I said. He nodded and pulled me into another hug. We stayed silent for a couple of minutes. "Harry?" I said. "Yeah?" He said. "There actually is a secret I need to tell you," I said. He let go of the hug but still held my waist. "What is it?" He asked. "I um actually lied to you when you asked if I knew what you and Niall fought about me," I said. "First Brielle kind of told me in the bathroom at the restaurant when you guys came back from tour but I didn't believe her then I heard Danielle talking on the phone about it and I said I didn't even know if its true and she said it is," I said. His face dropped. "So you know that-" he began to say but I cut him off. "That you still like me," I said. He looked down. His messy curls getting in his face. I lifted his head up to have him look at me. "Harry you don't have to be embarrassed about it," I said. "I'm not that embarrassed about it, I- just it's the wrong timing. Your having a baby soon, your with Niall, and I just got out of a relationship. And plus you guys look so in love and I don't want to mess things up between you guys. It's hard to see you happy with someone else and I did really hard tried to get over you but it was hard but it kind of worked a little bit, till Brielle cheated," he said. "I actually know how it feels believe it or not," I said smiling lightly. "You do?" He asked. "Yeah I do. I was torn apart between two guys I love and I watched one be happy with someone else and it hurt but I did try to move on and it worked for a little bit," I said. "Wow I didn't know you went through that before," he said. "I did and it was hard and tough cause a lot of drama happened," I said. "Who were the two guys?" He asked. I smiled and said, "I think you know who I'm talking about." He looked very confused. I smiled and rolled my eyes. "You and Niall," I said. "Ohh yeah! Wow I never knew you felt that way," he said. "I did and I went through the same exact things you are going through right now so I understand what your feeling," I said. "Trust me in the end it will all be worth it," I said. "You will find someone who is right for you soon," I said. He nodded and smiled. "I hope your right," he said. "I know I am trust me," I said. He pulled me into another hug. I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I saw him turn a light shade of pink. I smiled and buried my head in the crook of his neck. "Your the best y/n. I'm glad we are best friends," he said. "Me to Harry. I'm glad we are best friends," I said. We were silent for a little bit. He let go of the hug and looked at me while smiling. "Let's go back, you need to get ready," he said. "Oh! Your right!" I said. "Looks like we lost track of time," he said. I laughed and took his hand. We walked back inside and he closed the door behind him. We walked down the stairs and outside again. He locked the door behind him again. We walked through the trees till we saw the ice cream shop. We walked past it and down the street. We went through the trees again till we went back on the street. We were back in the neighbor hood. Mine and Niall's house came into view. We walked up the drive way and to the front door. We let to of hands so I can open the door. I opened it and we walked in. Everyone was all ready and in the kitchen. Liam and Zayn were cooking breakfast for everyone. "There they are!" Louis shouted. Everyone turned and saw us. "Hey guys! Sorry we went on a walk," I said. "You need to get ready y/n! It's 10:15!" Danielle said. The girls quickly stood up and gently pushed me in the bedroom. "Alright alright!" I said. They laughed and closed the door in my face. I locked it. I walked to the bathroom to go take a shower. I turned on the shower and waited for it to get hot. Once it was, I stripped and got in. I took a quick shower and got out. I wrapped a towel around me. I opened the door so the steam will come out. I brushed through my hair. I quickly brushed my teeth. I grabbed my blow dryer and began to blow dry my hair. After it was dry and straight, I plugged in my wand curler and curled loose curls in my hair. After I was finished with that, I did my make up. I put on little eye shadow and mascara. I put on lip gloss to. I smiled at myself and walked out of the bathroom. I went to my drawers and pulled out bra and underwear. I turned around to make sure Niall wasn't in here. I dropped my towel and put on my underwear and bra. I walked over to my closet and put out a white sweater. I slid it on over my head. I walked over to my drawers and pulled out black sweats. I put them on and grabbed a pair of white no show socks. I also put them on. I went to the basket and grabbed my white and black vans. I walked to my bed and sat down. I put them on each foot and tied them. I stood up and grabbed my diamond SnapBack hat and put it on my head. I walked to my desk and put on my black ray bans. I grabbed my over the head shoulder bag and put it over my head. I grabbed my iPhone. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I opened the door and walked out. Niall was sitting on the couch with everyone else. "Ready?" I asked Niall. He quickly looked at me and nodded. He smiled and ran over to me. I took his hand and we waved good bye to everyone before walking out of the door. We got in his car. I buckled up and so did he. He turned the car on and we began driving to the doctors. "Where did you and Harry go this morning?" He asked. "We went for a walk and we talked. He was going through a hard time and we talked about it," I said. "Aw your nice of you to do that," he said. "That's who is am you know," I laughed. He laughed and held my hand. "I'm glad you guys talked," he said. "I am also," I said. "I'm so excited," he said. "Same here, so hurry!" I said. "I'm trying here!" He laughed. "I can't wait till I find out what the gender is," I said excited. "I can't wait till I see Aly," he smiled. I rolled my eyes and said, "You mean Riley?" I said. "Nope," he grinned. I shook my head and smiled.


 We finally parked in front of the doctors. I unbuckled and got out. Same with Niall. I walked to his side and took his hand. He locked his car with his free hand. He put his keys in his pocket and we began walking to the automatic doors. We walked in and went to the elevators. The sign next to it told us where to go. "Floor 3 room 304," Niall said. I pushed the elevator button. The doors opened and we walked in. Niall pushed button 3 and the doors closed. After a minute wait, the doors opened and we walked out. We walked down the halls hand in hand. "307... 306... 305... 304!" Niall said. He opened the door and we walked in. We walked to the front desk lady. "Niall and y/n," I said. She smiled and said, "It will be a few minutes. You guys can wait in the chairs." We nodded and walked to the chairs and sat down. "I'm nervous," I said. I started to shake. "I am to but don't worry I'm here with you," he said kissing the side of my head. I relaxed at his touch. I nodded and smiled at him. "Mr. and Mrs. Horan," the front desk said. "That's cute she called you Mrs. Horan," he laughed. I turned a light shade of pink. He pinched my cheeks and wrapped his arm around my waist. We walked in the room and he helped me sit on the seat. He was holding my hand. We both had a huge smile on our faces. The doctor walked in. "Hi there Mr. and Mrs. Horan," the lady said. "Hello," we both said. The doctor took out the gel and the wand thing that is hooked up to the monitor. She switched the monitor on. "Ok this might be cold," she said. She rubbed the gel on my stomach. I looked at Niall and smiled. Niall looked very excited. "Ok now we use this to see the baby!" the doctor said. She used the tool and began rubbing the gel with it on my stomach. The doctors also was smiling. She also looked excited. I bet she loved her job. The doctors smile faded soon after. "That's weird," she said. Niall's and my face turned into confusion. "Let me go get the other doctor," she said. The lady stopped using the tool and set it aside. She stood up and walked out the door. "What is going on?" I asked. "I don't know," he said. I nodded a little worried. Niall was also worried. Two doctors came back in. The male doctor started using the tool. The male doctor whispered in the female doctors ear. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I'm sorry to say this but your baby didn't make it."

A/n: Bet you werent expecting that either!? Thats so sad about the baby! They were expecting it and everything! Harry and y/n had a cute little friendship moment in here! I liked writing that part haha What do you think is going to happen next chapter? What do you think the lads and the girls are going to say? Vote? Comment? Outfit for going to the doctors is in external link and the pajamas are also on my polyvore!

Torn Apart (Y/n) | Niall Horan and Harry Styles **Not Well WrittenWhere stories live. Discover now