Torn Apart Chapter 7

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Torn Apart Chapter 7

Y/n's Pov:  

 I saw Niall stand up and walked out the food court. He was very pissed off, I can tell. His hands were clenching and his face was bright red. I was in shocked and confusion. So was Demi's and Perrie's reaction. I saw the guys, except Harry, stand up and run after him. I knew Harry wanted to go after him but the boys told him to stay. Eleanor and Danielle ran back over to us with a worried look. They both looked at Harry and all he did was shrug. "Harry can we talk to you for a moment?" Danielle said. He nodded and stood up. Eleanor gave me a one moment sign and I nodded. I saw them talking and Harry was a bit shy. "Hey y/n do you know what's going on?" Perrie said. "No I don't, either does Demi. We are confused as you are," I said. She nodded and continued eating. i laughed at her while she ate and so did she. I saw Eleanor come back over to us. "Perrie can we talk to you now?" she said. "Did I do something wrong?" Perrie said a little worried. "No! you didn't we just need to tell you something," Eleanor replied. "Well can we come?" Demi said. Eleanor's face turned into an apologetic look. "No im sorry," she said. Demi nodded and understood. She took Perrie and walked away back to Danielle and Harry. I gave Harry a confused look and he shrugged and smiled.

Harry's Pov:  

 I saw y/n give me a confused look but all I could do was give her a shrug and a smile. Eleanor and Perrie came back over. Perrie was standing there like she wanted an answer. Danielle nudged me and waited for me to explain this whole confusion. I sighed and spoke, "Alright, Perrie promise you wont say anything to y/n and Demi?" "No promises," was all she said. "Perrie you have to promise. Y/n and Demi can't find out what's going on. We don't know what's going to happen if they do," Danielle said. She was being serious and you can tell. We were silent for a minute or so. "Fine I promise," Perrie said. "Thank you," I said. "Now tell me why Niall stormed out of here like a maniac!" She said. I told her the whole story from the beginning. After I told her she nodded and was silent. She looked at the two other girls and sighed. Me, Danielle, and Eleanor were a little worried. "I won't tell them what happen. They probably won't know how to react when they find out what you and Niall did," she said looking straight at all of us. "But if they find out, I'm not getting blamed for not telling them. I don't even want to be in this mess. Non of us should only you and Niall maybe even Demi and y/n. So if they find out don't drag me into it but I will help by not telling them or having them find out," Perrie said. "Thank you so much for not telling them," I said and gave her a huge hug. "Your welcome." I smiled at her and said, "But there is a good chane you might get pulled into this mess." I heard Eleanor and Danielle laugh behind me. I turned to them and they were nodding and laughing. "I probably will get pulled into it but I kind of already am," she said laughing also. "We better get back over to y/n and Demi," Danielle said. We nodded and walked back over. "So y/n how is it going?" I asked while sitting down. She looked at me and smiled, I smiled back at her. "It's going really good actually," she said. I grinned at her and put my arm around her shoulders. I saw Danielle and Eleanor looking at us and they had a huge grin on her face. I shook my head and pulled out my phone and went on it. "Hey y/n are you still hungry?" Danielle said. "Umm no not really," She replied. "Then why don't you and Harry go walk around for a little bit!" Eleanor squealed. I shot my head up and looked at them. They were giggling and winking at me. Before me and y/n could say anything, Eleanor and Danielle were pushing us out of our seats. "Umm alright," y/n said. We started walking away from them. I turned around and saw the four girls smiling and waving at me. I flipped them off and smiled. We were silent for a little bit while walking around. "So um Harry. Uh hi," y/n said. I laughed and said, "Hi." She giggled and took my hand. I started blushing like crazy and I think she had noticed. "So Hazz were you talking about me on that interview?" "Uh yeah I was. I'm sorry If I humiliated you I didnt mean to i was just try-" I was cut off with her kissing my cheek. I looked down and smiled at her. "I wasn't humiliated I actually liked that you did that," she said blushing. We stopped walking and we were staring at each other. "Wow you really have gorgeous eyes y/n," I said. She looked down and smiled. "Thank you," she said. I kissed her cheek and looked at her eyes again. "Uh y/n I was wondering if you um you know want to go on a date tomorrow night?"

Niall's Pov:

 I stood up and walked out of the food court. I heard people calling my name but I ignored it. "Fuckin asshole," I mumbled under my breath. I sat down on the curb next to the jack wills store and curled up in a ball. "NIALL!" I heard the guys calling after me. I looked up at them and looked back down. I didn't feel like talking to anyone right now. "Niall why the hell did you do that for!?" Louis yelled. I ignored them and continued to swear under my breath. "Niall answer us! Why did you run away like that!" Zayn yelled. I looked up at them and stood up. "Why do you guys care if I ran out like that!" I yelled. I saw some people stare at us but I brushed it off. "We care because we don't want y/n and Demi finding out about all this crap that's going on between you and Harry!" Liam yelled also. "Yeah Niall we can't have them find out. It can ruin your relationship with Demi and it can ruin Demi and y/n's friendship," Louis spoke. I was silent and so were they. "I know... I can't ruin their relationship or mine and Demi's... I'm sorry," I said. I looked down at the ground and started to shuffle my feet around. "Do you still have feelings for Demi?" Zayn asked me. I looked up and they all were staring straight in my eyes. "I don't know how I feel about her anymore.... I mean she is my celebrity crush and I never really knew I will end up being with her," I said shyly. "Niall do you have more feelings towards y/n then Demi? You can tell us the truth. We won't say anything to anyone," Louis spoke up. I looked at them and I can tell they wanted to know, I knew they weren't lying. I sighed and said, "Yeah I do." The guys were looking at me and I was looking back. "So Niall you don't have any feelings for Demi anymore?" Zayn asked. "I do but I like y/n a lot more and its not like i dont like Demi anymore its just that i been in love with y/n since we were 14 and i tried moving on over her but it didnt work and now im scared she might end up with Harry," I said. They nodded and whispered something to themselves. I tried to hear but I couldn't. "Listen Niall I think maybe you should stay with Demi right now because you don't just want to break her heart over her best friend and who knows maybe y/n doesn't have the same feelings back," louis said. I nodded and looked away. What if he is right! What if she doesn't have the same feelings for me? What if she only thinks of me as a friend? What if she thinks its weird that I like her and doesn't want to be my friend anymore? "Niall!? Hello!? Earth to Niall!" I heard the guys say. "What? I'm sorry I was thinking about something," I said. "It's fine anyways what we were saying is that all we know is that Demi really likes you and you shouldn't dump her a year later. Your guy's 1 year anniversary is coming up soon," Liam said. "Yeah I know it is but I don't think I can handle Harry and y/n dating. If they even do start dating," I said. "Dont worry they won't date," Zayn said. I smiled at them and nodded. "Want to try and forget everything?" Louis said. "Yeah let's go back inside." We began walking until we saw Harry run out with a grin on his face. I smiled at him and he smiled back. "Hey Louis? Liam? Zayn? Can I tell you something?" Harry said. They looked at me and I nodded. The guys walked a few feet away and I can barely hear their conversation. I only heard some words that they were saying, he.... Kill... and you. I saw Louis, Zayn, and Liam get a worried look on their faces. The only thing I heard was Harry saying something that made me remember everything. That sentence made me get pissed off even more, but I was mostly hurt. The sentence was replaying in my head. "I asked y/n out on a date and she said yes!"

A/n: Sorry guys! I tired uploading last night but my wattpad stopped working i dont know why... Anyways here is chapter 7! Hope you liked it!!

Torn Apart (Y/n) | Niall Horan and Harry Styles **Not Well WrittenWhere stories live. Discover now