Torn Apart Chapter 10

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Torn Apart Chapter 10

Y/n Pov:

 I was wearing a light blue strapless sundress with some white toms and black glasses and some earings my mom had bought me. My hair was in a waterfall braid with curls. I had a natural make up look on. I checked my phone and I had one new message.


Hey babe I'm leaving right now so be ready(: see you soon!

 I giggled and texted back. The other girls were already in the kitchen eating. "Hey," I said. They looked at me and giggled. "What?" I said. "Nothing just your going on a date!!" Danielle said. I laughed and went to grab an orange. "Do you think Harry likes me?" I asked. "Are you kidding! We think Harry is in love with you!" Eleanor said. "You think so?" "Oh we know so girl!" Perrie said. I giggle and said,"Are you guys going to do anything today?" "No maybe just hang out with zayn Liam and Louis," Eleanor spoke. "Sounds fun," I said. They nodded back to me. We talked for a couple more minutes till we heard a honk outside. "Oo lala looks like someone is here," Perrie said. "Yep well see you later!" I said grabbing my things. I walked out the door and saw Harry on his phone in the car. I walked to the door and it was locked. I giggled and he looked up and unlocked it. "I'm so sorry I thought it was unlock," he said laughing. I slid in the car and said, "It's no biggie." On the way to his favorite ice cream shop we talked about each other for a little bit. We also talked about his up coming tour. We arrived at his favorite ice cream place. "Your favorite icecream shop is SCOOP!" I said excited. "Uh yeah.." Harry said worried. "I love this icecream parlor! I always go here when I will visit London when I was a kid!" I said. "Well then that's good!" He laughed. I giggled and grabbed his hand and pulled him Inside. We walked up to the counter and ordered our icecream. "Hi welcome to scoop what may I get you?" The lady said. "Uh hi can I have a two scope honey comb in a cone," Harry said. "And I will like two scoop mint chocolate chip on a cone," I said. "Ok that will be $8.50," the lady said. "Here you go," Harry said handing her the money. "You know you didn't have to pay," I said. "It's no big deal," he said smiling. I smiled back and went to grab some napkins. I turned around an saw Harry standing there waiting for the ice cream. He shook his hair and then put his hands in his pockets. He looked so cute right there. I quietly laughed and walked over to him. He looked down at me and smiled, I smiled back. We were just looking at each other and I started to blush. He leaned down close to my face. "Here is your ice cream," the lady said interrupting. We both looked at her and smiled. Harry grabbed the ice cream and said, "Thank you." She smiled and whispered to me. "You and your boyfriend are so cute! and sorry for interrupting," she whispered. I giggled and said, "Thank you but he isn't my boyfriend." "Oh to bad you guys are super cute," she replied. I smiled and went back to Harry. "What were you guys talking about?" He said. "Oh nothing," I said. He laughed and handed me my ice cream. "Thank you," I said. "Your welcome," he said. We started walking down the sidewalk. I thought I saw some flashes but I thought it was my imagination. On the way down to the big red bus, a couple of girls came up to us. "Sorry but my little sister wanted to ask you something. Tell them sweetie," the older girl said. "Um may you sign my cd?" The little girl said. "Sure kiddo," Harry said to her. He grabbed the marker and signed her cd. I read it and it said, "Hi there! Love Harry styles." I smiled at that. He gave her a hug and took a picture. "Thank you," she said shyly. "Your welcome cutie," he said. "Yeah thank you," the older sister said. They started to walk away but the little girl turned around. "Um I just want to say if you guys are dating you guys are cute," she said looking down and ran back to her sister. I blushed and looked at Harry, he was also blushing and smiling. The red bus came and Harry pulled me up to the top. We sat down and waited for the bus to go. He was looking around and I decided to take his hand. I grabbed his hand and he looked at me. We both smiled at each other. The bus started to go. We were on the bus for about two hours just looking at the different sights. We finally got off by the big Ben tower. "Do you want to walk around for a little bit?" Harry asked. "Sure!" I said. He laugh and took my hand. When we got off I saw another flash but didn't see anyone taking a picture. I ignored it and started running to the front of the tower with Harry. "Wow.. You... Run... Fast..." he said between each breath. I giggled and said," Yep i love running!" He laughed and took deep breaths. We walked to the railing and just stood there looking at the scenery. "Wow this is amazing!" I said. "Very amazing!" he added. "Did I tell you that you just look absolutely gorgeous today," he said studying me. I looked at him and blushed. "I do?" was all I said. He nodded and smiled. "Thank you," I said. "You welcome," he said. He came up and hugged me from behind me. We stood there for about 20 minutes just looking and talking. Harry took some pictures of me in front of the tower and I took pictures of him in front of the tower. The red bus came back and we got on it again. I snuggled into his chest and he put his arm around my waist. We talked again for the two hours back. "So where do you want to go now?" He said. "Anywhere," I said. I laughed at him while he stood there thinking. "Oh! I know where to go!" He said. "Come with me," he said grabbing my hand. I followed him and we ended up at the mall. "What are we doing here?" I asked. "You will see," he said smiling at me mischievous. He ran inside and started yelling and screaming. I laughed and went to join him. We ran through each store just yelling and screaming. We will stand on the table and counters in the food court. We will run up and down the escalators and we will knock everything down. Two tall security guards came up to us and said, "You guys are being a disruption if you don't stop you will be kicked out of the London mall got it?" Me and Harry looked at each other and laughed. He took my hand and yelled, "YOLO!!" We took off running and the guards were running after us. I saw some people video recording and taking pictures of us. I couldn't stop laughing and so was Harry. "Faster! Run faster!" he yelled to me. I giggled and ran faster. I turned around and saw 2 more security guards running after us. "Oh shit!" I yelled. He turned around and yelled, "RUN FASTER!" We were ahead about 15 feet away till we ran into 3 security guards ahead. "Oh no you don't!" they said. They walked us to the front and pushed us out. When the doors closed we started cracking up. "That was some funny shit back there," Harry said cracking up. "Yes! We should do that again!" I said back to him. We walked back to his car by the Ice cream shop. When we got to his car it started drizzling. We quickly got back in and started to drive back to Eleanor's place. On the way there we talked about the mall. When we pulled out in front of Eleanor's drive way, he got out of the car even though it was raining. "Thank you for today Harry! I had a blast!" I said. "Your welcome! We should hang out again!" he said. I giggled and nodded. "Well bye! Good night!" I said. "Night!" he said back. I turned around but he grabbed my wrist. I looked at him and he smiled. He pulled me close and put a strand of hair behind my ear. He put his hand on my cheek and we both leaned in. Our lips touch and we moving in a nice way. He smiled between the kiss and so did I. The water drops we dropping on us and I saw the flashing lights again but I ignored them this time. We stopped kissing and I started blushing. I kissed his cheek and ran inside. I watched him drive away. "Oo lala what was that all about?!" I was startled with eleanor speaking. "Oh my god! You scared me!" I said. "Sorry," she said. The other girls were winking at me and smiling. "Did you guys see the kiss?" I asked. "Yes!" Perrie said. "Oh no now I won't hear the end of it," I said smiling. "Nope you won't!" Danielle said. I smiled and set my phone down on the counter. "We saw videos of you and Harry today at the mall and walking around town!" Perrie said. "Oh you did huh?" I said. "Yes! You guys are so freakin cute!" Eleanor said. "Now tell us everything!" Danielle said. I giggled and said," ok but let me change real quick. They nodded and went to sit on the couch. I went to go change in some sweats and a tank top after I took a shower. I walked out and sat down with them. Perrie turned off the tv and they all turned to me. "Begin!" Danielle squealed. I told them everything from the ice cream shop, to the big red bus, to what the little girl said, to what the ice cream lady said, to the big Ben tower, to the mall, and especially the kiss in the rain. "AWW!!" They all said. I laughed at them. Danielle's phone started ringing and she picked it up. "Hey Louis!" she said. "Uh huh... Oh no... Those stupid boys always fighting... Why this morning!.... Wait they aren't?.... Those idiots.... Ok we will be over tomorrow morning.. Alright bye," she said. "What's wrong?" I said. "Oh just boy problems with their friendship," she said. She looked at Eleanor and Perrie and nodded. They had this worried look. "Who aren't friends anymore?" I asked. They all looked at me and slightly smiled. "Harry and Niall."

A/n: Sorry i tried uploading a picture of the outfit but i couldnt it wont allow me... ill try uploading it on the next chapter :/ Anyways Here is the chapter with the date in it about Harry and y/n! And tomorrow i go back to school since thanksgiving break! ugh but i dont get home work so ill be able to update tomorrow after school(:

Torn Apart (Y/n) | Niall Horan and Harry Styles **Not Well WrittenWhere stories live. Discover now