Torn Apart Chapter 47

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Torn Apart Chapter 47

Y/n's Pov:

"Dessy!?" I exclaimed. "Y/n!?" She said. "Oh my god it's been 7 months!" I said pulling her in a hug. "It has! How are things since Paris?" She said. "It's been rough," I said. We let go of the hug. "Why is that?" She asked. "Well in Paris I got pregnant and today I found out the baby died," I said. "Oh I'm sorry," she said pulling me in another hug. "It's fine maybe it wasn't meant to be but who knows," I said. She let go and smiled at me. "Y/n! Come back in the water! We are having a splash war again!" Harry yelled. I turned around and yelled, "Alright be there in a sec!" "Who is that?" Dessy said blushing. "Oh that's Harry," I said. She blushed and looked down. "Does Mrs. Dessy have a crush on Mr. Styles?" I teased. "Well I mean he is cute," she laughed. "Come on, let me introduce you to my friends," I said. "Ok," she nodded. We walked down to the water where everyone is at. "You guys! Come meet Dessy," I said. They turned to look at us and came walking out of the water. "Guys this is Dessy," I said smiling. "Dessy meet Eleanor," I said. "Hello," Dessy said holding out her hand. Eleanor rolled her eyes and pulled her in a hug. "Dessy this is Danielle," I said. Danielle pulled Dessy in a hug. "This is Perrie," I said. "Hi," Dessy said. "Demi," I said. "Hi there," Demi smiled. Dessy laughed and said, "Hi." "Zayn," I said. Dessy waved and smiled. "Louis," I said. Dessy said, "Hi." "Liam," I said. She smiled and nodded her head. "Niall," I said. Her and Niall shook hands and exchanged hellos. "And this is Harry," I said smiling. Dessy cheeks turned a light shade of pink and so did Harry's. "Hello love," he said. "Hi," Dessy said shyly. They shook hands. The look in Harry's eyes, I knew he likes her. "How do you guys know each other?" Liam asked. "Well when me and Niall went to Paris and on the last night I met Dessy in the elevator," I said. "Yeah and we talked and everything," Dessy said. "Oh yeah are you visiting London? You live in California right?" I asked her. "Well I just got out of high school and moved to London a couple of months ago," she said. "Awesome," I said. "What's your number?" I asked. "Give me your phone," she said. I grabbed my phone from my bag and handed her it. She typed in her number. She handed it back to me. "You should hang out with us sometime," Niall said. "Yeah why not?" I said. "You seem like a great girl to chill with," Demi said. "Wait a minute," Louis said. We all looked at him. He was crossing his arms. "Just to clear things up. You aren't going to go crazy and threaten us are you? Cause we been down that road and it was not fun," Louis said. Dessy laughed and said, "No don't worry." "Then your in!" Louis exclaimed. Louis pulled her in a hug. "Louis your gonna kill her if you squeeze her to hard," Zayn said. "Oh right," Louis grinned. He let go of her. "Well I have to get going. I'll see you guys around," Dessy smiled while waving. She took off jogging away. Harry was watching her every move. "Looks like someone has a crush on Dessy," I teased. Harry snapped out of his thoughts and looked down at me. "What? I don't know what your talking about," he said blushing. "Harry likes Dessy!" I yelled. "Shh!" He said covering my mouth. I giggled and licked his hand. "Yuck," he said wiping his hand on my arm. I laughed and playfully pushed him back. He laughed and shook his head. "I told myself no more relationships," he admit. "Take things slow with her," I said. "I don't even know her," he said. "Well get to know her then!" I said. He smiled and said, "Your allowing me?" "Why wouldn't I?" I asked confused. "Well you didn't allow me and Brielle before," he said. I sighed and said, "That's because I came back from a vacation and I didn't know you guys were already dating which upset me." He nodded and smiled. "Don't mess this one up," I said punching his shoulder playfully. "Hey! I didn't mess the last one up!" He said putting his hands up in the air. "I know I'm just playing," I laughed, he laughed. "Come on let's go in the water where everyone else is at," I said. We took off running into the water. The water splashing around our feet. I snuck up behind Niall. I jumped up to land on his back but he turned around and caught. "To slow," he smirked. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Stop doing what your doing you two love birds and get over here!" Louis said. I felt my cheeks heat up and I quickly looked down. "We're coming!" Niall said. I looked up at Niall. He was looking at Louis and Louis was looking back. Niall turned his gaze down to me and smiled. He leaned in for a kiss on the lips but we got splashed. We turned our gaze to who splashed us. Zayn and Perrie again... "Not again..." Niall mumbled. "Be right back," he said kissing my cheek. He walked over to the two couples and started splashing them. The three were in a full blown splash fight. I laughed at the sight of them. I heard someone come up next to me. "So you know that Dessy girl?" I asked. "Yeah," Demi said. I turned and looked at her. "Be honest do you like her? Or are you just saying you like her. Be honest with me I wont be mad," I said. She sighed and said, "She seems like a nice girl and all and honestly I think me and her will get along and I like her but I swear if she ends up like Brielle I won't be afraid to kick her ass." I laughed and said, "I know you would." She smiled and laughed. "Do you know where Danielle and Liam are again?" I asked. "I'm not sure after they met Dessy they took off walking again," she said. "He told Harry which Harry told Niall and Niall told me saying he has something planned for Danielle," she said. "Aww he probably is planning a romantic dinner or date," I said. "Liam would totally do that," she said. "Let's go spy on them!" I suggested. "Let's!" She grinned. We quickly got out of the water and changed in our dry clothes. I redid my messy bun and out on my sandals. Niall came up to me. "Where are you two going?" He asked. "To spy on Danielle and Liam," I grinned. "Ok have fun," he laughed. He kissed my lips and went back in the water. "Let's go," I said. We started walking along the shore line. "Where do you think they are at?" Demi asked. "Probably way down there," I said. The sun was now setting. The sky was turning orange and pink and a little bit of yellow. "The sunset is gorgeous," Demi said. "It is," I said. "How have things been?" She asked. "Great besides this morning," I said. "Don't be sad. Turn that frown upside down," she said. I smiled and said, "Your right its in the past and I need to move on. Even though it hurts me. Do you think it hurts Niall?" "I'm sure it hurts Niall but I know he tries his best to not think of it," she said. "Yeah I guess," I said. We saw some candles come in view and someone singing. "Liam and Danielle!" We both whispered. We quickly ran behind a rock and watched them. There was a red blanket and candles around. They were sitting on the blanket. Liam seemed nervous but why? Liam took ahold of the guitar. "Niall taught me how to play a little so I can sing this for you," Liam nervously said. Danielle smiled and blush. He started to play the tune of Last First Kiss.

Baby I, I wanna know what you think when your alone
Is it me yeah? Are you thinking of me yeah? Oh
We've been friends now for a while
Wanna know that when you smile
Is it me yeah? Are you thinking of me yeah? Oh oh

Girl what would you do?
Would you wanna stay if I were to say?

I wanna be last yeah
Baby let me be your, let me be your last first kiss
I wanna be first yeah
Wanna be the first to take it all the way like this
And if you only knew I wanna be last yeah
Baby let me be your last, your last first kiss

Baby tell me what
I'm afraid you'll run away if I tell you
What I wanted to tell you
Maybe I just gotta wait
Maybe this is a mistake
I'm a fool yeah, baby I'm just a fool yeah
Girl what would you do?
Would you wanna stay if I were to say?

Wanna be last yeah
Baby let me be your, let me be your last first kiss
I wanna be first yeah
Wanna be the first to take it all the way like this
And if you only knew I wanna be last yeah
Baby let me be your last, your last first kiss

Your last first kiss (x2)

Girl what would you do?
Would you wanna stay if I were to say?
Your last first kiss
I wanna be last yeah
Baby let me be your, let me be your last first kiss
I wanna be first yeah
Wanna be the first to take it all the way like this

And if you only knew I wanna be last yeah
Baby let me be your last, your last first kiss

I wanna be last yeah baby let me be your last
Your last first kiss

"Awwww," me and Demi quietly said. Liam took ahold of Danielle's hand and stood up. "Danielle Claire Peazer, I love you so much and I will always love you," Liam nervously said. "I don't know what I would do if you weren't in my life," he continued to said. Is he doing what I think he is doing? He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a box. He got down on one knee. He is doing what I think he is doing! Danielle had a few tears coming down. "Danielle Claire Peazer will you do the honors of becoming Mrs.Payne?" Liam asked nervously. Danielle had a lot of tears coming down. They were tears of joy. "Yes Liam James Payne, I will marry you."

A/n: Chapter 48! Liam and Danielle are getting married! Awww! Dont worry the story wont envolve around Liam and Danielle... It's apart of the story and you will see! haha! I figured i officially have 10 more chapters till Torn Apart is over :'( Anyways! I already know what my 3rd story is! HInt! Its a Harry one! After Torn Apart I will be writing two stories! Well Vote! Comment!

Torn Apart (Y/n) | Niall Horan and Harry Styles **Not Well WrittenWhere stories live. Discover now