Thirty Two

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"Where the fuck is he?!" I yelled through the halls unable to find Jimin after he stormed out last night locking himself in his bedroom.

"I don't know sir.." one guard said.

"What the hell are you good for then?! He's under your constant watch how could you lose him?!" I screamed turning to another who shook in his boots.

"Last I saw he was by the water." That guard said pointing in the general direction.

"Of course he is." I rolled my eyes stomping out the gates and to the waterside.

However I stopped seeing him there with someone else.

With Yoongi.

He was hovering over him talking before they kissed and Jimin whined at his soft touches.

What the hell does he think he's doing with my pet?

Yoongi locked eyes with me and smiled into their kiss before I walked back inside.

"Get Wonwoo here now for a sparing session." I ordered the servant.

"B-but it's his day off.." she said quietly.

"Get him now!" I screamed going to the weapons room making her jump and bow respectfully.

"That dumb ass thinks he can win him over so easily?" I spoke to myself throwing my weapon of choice in the air to catch it and swing, "He doesn't belong
to him."

After my long session with Wonwoo it was already well past dinner time.

I've avoided Jimin on purpose to not lose my temper with him.

Overall it isn't him I have the problem with.

I've been trying my best to do better for him but this snapped my last string.

He doesn't have a deal with Yoongi so what is he doing allowing him to touch him in such a way.

He's lucky I don't bend him over my knee and make him scream for me to stop.

"Jungkook honey you missed dinner." My mother called from the other side of my door pulling me from my thoughts.

"I'm not hungry." I groaned raking my hair for any idea of what to do to release this anger.

"Surely you are you missed lunch as well please take your food." She set it down on the ground before walking away.

I went to bed alone.

My rage being the only thing keeping me company.

I hate the Min family with all my being for past reasons but now he's giving me present ones.

As the sun broke the horizon I had my mind set on speaking to Jimin about this.

As I came to his bedroom the door was unlocked so I let myself in.

He wasn't in the bed which was still made clean.

I check the bathroom but there was no sign of use there either.

My mind puzzled over checking the time and seeing its breakfast.

I laughed it off knowing how much Jimin loves to eat I'm sure he took off early for that table this morning in an attempt to avoid me.

But I was met with an empty chair when I came in the room.

"Where's Jimin?" Seokjin asked me drinking his orange juice just as lost as I am.

"I'm not too sure. Where's Yoongi?" I asked my father who rolled his eyes.

"He left last night after dinner which you missed. Were you too busy with Jimin to come along?" He laughed winking but my blood ran cold.

"Jimin didn't come to dinner either?" They all shook their heads in unison, "He wasn't with me." I said looking around the room silent.

"You don't think he would-" Seokjin stared eyes wide with worry as he set his fork down.

"Go with Yoongi? After what I saw yesterday I wouldn't put it past the little bitch."

"What did you see?" My mother asked caught off guard by my language.

"Nothing." I shook my head yanking my chair out harshly to take a seat, "I'll be paying King Min a visit alone later tonight though. Get me a horse ready." I ordered the guard and began my meal, "He's over stepped a line into my territory where he doesn't belong."

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