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"Just a second longer." I whispered to myself squinting into the night clutching the sword by my side, "come on, a little closer."

Then I saw him.

The same face I remember from all those years ago.

The same hands which held me down to the brink of drowning over and over again.

My fathers abusing man.

The one who does the dirty work for him so he can sleep at night with no blood on his own hands.

I clutched the pommel in my palm taking cautious, quiet steps back towards the rear door.

Forgetting I left the clay mug my mother had brought me of water on the side table my boot clumsily knocked into its leg.

Sending the mug to the wood floor with a loud crash.

I froze.

Making eye contact with the man beyond the house time seemed to speed up.

My heart rate quickened as he stabbed his torch into the ground, and reached into his pocket for a dagger.

But I still have yet to move.


Stupid feet!


He lunged for the door which was locked so I had a split second to dart for the rear as he kicked open the front.

Heavy boots clanked the floor as he sprinted after me.

His arms spanned what seemed for miles as it caught the collar of my shirt yanking harshly and breaking the buttons.

I fell to the ground unsheathing my sword and aiming up at him from the dirt.

"Ahh look how much little prince Jimin has grown. It's been a while buddy!" He joked staring at me through those dead eyes he has. "You were barely an adult last I saw you."

"How did you find us."

"Oh you think you're so smart to hide in the woods instead of in plain sight? Lucky of the draw I guess."

We've been on the run from these men for almost three years.

When will they ever cease the searching and let us go.

"Well too bad all you've got is me. Namjoon probably has Yeon and the queen on Daejeon's door step as we speak." I scrambled to my feet when he took a step closer. Sword firmly in two hands still pointed at him while backing away for every step he took forward.

"Do you really think I'm here alone?" He laughed as a hand fisted in my hair from behind and knocked the weapon from my hands. "That would just be foolish of me Park."

"You'll all pay for this once I'm king." I threatened thinking of a way out of this.

Yelling gets you nowhere.

Two against one.

It seems impossible.

"If you become king." The new man mocked in my ear. "That is if we don't just kill you here and now."

"Go ahead then! Why drag it on?! You've waited three whole years for this moment!" I laughed finally realizing my way out. "Do. It."

"Mm." The familiar monster groaned with pleasure, "I thought you'd never say it."

As his fist reared back dagger in hand to come down into my chest I quickly kicked my restrainer square between his legs which impaired him enough to pivot just in time for the dagger to imbed in his lung.

His hands released me and I swiftly slid for my sword slicing the drowner in the cheek and kicking his chest as he stumbled to his knees in pain.

I won't kill him.

Someone has to be left alive to warn my father to finally give up on his attempts of killing us.

"You bastard child!" The man screamed as I took off for the river.

It's our only hope.

»»————-  ————-««

His Last HopeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora