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"What can I get you?" The young looking kid asked from behind the counter smile as bright as the sun itself on such a gloomy day as today.

"Just two loafs of bread is all." I smiled handing over the money and placing the bread into my bag with the other things I got from his neighboring sellers.

"You're new in town, Jimin right?" He leaned a hip against the counter tilting his head, "You almost seem to civilized to be in this part of Wonju."

My breath caught in my throat hearing my name come out of this strangers mouth.

This is my first time running across this specific man at this stand.

The older gentleman, maybe his father or something never bat an eye to me being new in town.

Who is he?

"I-" had nothing to say.

My heart rate picked up as I looked around me, but no one else seemed phased.

"You have a brother right? Namjoon is it? Never seen him out. Is he sick? I could get you some-"

"Who the hell are you." I grit under my breath taking a cautious step back and I saw a dim in his eyes as if he knew I'd do this.

"Hey buddy look there's nothing to be so-" the stranger took three strides my way and I booked it into the woods.

For a second I think he was trying to chase me.

Talk to me.

But I quickly lost him thankfully before making it back to the house.

I waited a moment outside to be sure he hadn't followed me, but for some reason I had this itch that he had.

Walking into the safe house I could see Namjoon looking rather angry with Nayeon before I heard her utter, "Nothing." while Namjoon's jaw was set in place.

Oh she's done something alright.

Despite mom telling us to leave it alone that still could have ended in the boy getting beat or me being killed.

I don't agree with continuing to talk to him.

We don't know his connections.

He could secretly be someone trying to watch us and her ignorant mind would never see it.

She just sees entertainment in the boy which is no reason to lead him on.

We had our dinner and all retired into our rooms for the night.

I'm rather tired after being so worked up in the market.

It really took no time at all to fall asleep, but I was jolted awake with the same reoccurring nightmare I've always had.

Being held down and watching Namjoon, Nayeon, and my own mother be tortured because of my actions.

How do I know it was my doing that got them there?

I get told every time I'm in that same hellhole by the person I hate the most.

My father.

"You should have thought twice about ever doing what you've done!" Is all that gets repeated into my ears.

Over and over.

Most times I can shake it off, but after this afternoons scare.

It seems impossible.

I decided to go sit in the den to clear my mind.

Grab a glass of warm tea and gaze out the window for a while.

Everything is so peaceful in this secluded wood.

Then my eye's caught something I always wish to never see.

A flame in the distance from a torch someone is holding.

No one knows where this is because there's no path leading to it.

I purposely ran off the way we normally come to detour anyone from thinking there's anything more than trees!

"Namjoon!" I yelled hearing him almost trip over the carpet into the den with urgency.

"What is it?" He stood only a foot behind me searching my face for any sign of answer.

"Someone's out there."

"That's impossible there's no path!" He attempted to calculate the possibility that a hunter could have stumbled upon this house, but there's no one here who hunts.

This is a farming village.

They live off the land, not the animals.

That's why we picked here.

No one should be anywhere near these woods...

"Get mom and Yeon out of here now!"

»»————-  ————-««


Happy 4th of July everyone

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