Twenty Four

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My whole body flexed as my hips stalled and I emptied into the smaller man beneath me, but my stomach now churned at what my ears heard.

"Jennie!" Jimin screamed out before falling limp under my hold and spewing on his stomach.

His eyes closed and body slightly twitched as he came down whimpering quietly with each muscle jolt.

I lifted my head from his neck and looked straight down at him from above as I pulled out and he winced, "Who the hell is Jennie?"

"Jungkook-" his eyes flung open wide and scared unsure that he said that name out loud.

"Who is she?!" I yelled making him jump and try and escape from under me, but I held him on the bed by his shoulders, "I looked all through your past and found nothing. Nothing about a woman! What the hell is she to you?!"

Tears welled in his eyes and he curled into himself, "Jungkook please stop.."

"Tell me now!" I shook him before he shoved me off of him, slid up from the bed, and attempting to dress himself on unstable legs.

"Jimin if you dare walk outside this room you will regret it!"

"Stop yelling at me! That gets you no where!" He cried stumbling backward into the fireplace stone and sliding to the floor, "It gets you nowhere.." he repeated covering his face.

I stood from my bed putting my boxers back on and walked up to him, "Tell me."


"Jimin. Now."

"You don't deserve to know her!" His wet eyes looked up at me and a ping of guilt hit my chest.

What the hell is this.

He's clearly hiding something but why?

Was it something so scarring that he won't even speak of it?

Jungkook stop giving him empathy you're angry with him..

"You aren't leaving this room until you tell me." I crossed my arms sitting on the couch in front of his place on the floor regaining my composure.

"It wasn't my choice." He mumbled but it was loud and clear for me.

"What wasn't?"

"What happened to her. I tried to stop him."

"Stop who? You're not making sense who the hell is she?" I grew irritated that he wouldn't just tell me already. Grow up.

Yet he stayed quiet.

"Bloody hell! If she was a whore who cares what happened to her."

"She was my fiancé you asshole!" His eyes almost cut through me because of my previous statement and for a moment I was scared he would lunge if he wasn't so weak.

"Fiancé? You never had a-"

"My father killed her is that what you wanted to fucking hear?!" He yelled standing to brace himself against the wall clearly having issues standing and in pain, "She was pregnant and apparently he saw that as a problem before we got married. They're gone!"

"Jimin you don-"

"No you wanted to know so bad so sit there and fucking listen!" His rage filled the room now making the air dark.. suffocatingly thick, "We were together for a year. I had plans. We were going to rule together. She was my everything. He would have been too." I could now see the hurt in his face as he looked to the floor, "He ruined everything. That was my son."

"I'm so-"

"Don't give me that shit." He cut me short again. He seems to like doing that a lot, "Now the only solution for my family's survival is to marry a man which means no heir. What we had was perfect. He took that away from me."

I approached him slow enough not to catch his attention until I was right up against him. My bare chest brushed his and he lifted his head quickly ready to push me away, but something stopped him when he looked me in the eyes, "She was your last." I suddenly understood his guilt sleeping and now marrying me, a man. Instead of her. Since when have I become so easily swayed into sympathy? This isn't how a king should act, "Stay here." I tilted his chin back softly stroking his jaw and his body relaxed for a moment.

"I can't." He looked away from me trying to take a step toward the door.

Now suddenly hesitant I grabbed his waist pulling him into me more.

"It wasn't so much a question than an order. You're staying tonight." My tone fell flat again and less forgiving as I guided him backwards back to the bed, "Don't forget our deal. You do what I say."

In the middle of the night there was a rustling from his side of the bed.

All night he stayed away from me.

Not even the slightest of touch happened since his outbreak.

So the sudden disturbance woke me.

As I turned over on my side I saw him still asleep.

Brows furrowed.

Body tense.

Mumbling something which were barely considered words.

"Le-" he forced a puff of breath, "m-go."

I watched closely as his head thrashed from side to side as if against some sort of hold.

"It's m-faul-"

His half sentences were hard to piece together.

Then as fast as it started it disappeared.

What are you hiding from me Park?

What keeps you up at night?

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