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"You have to do it!" I pleaded to Jungkook almost on my knees in his bedroom as he changed for the court meeting tonight, "What will come of me?! Of my kingdom if they know what I've done?! Jungkook please! Daegan is at stake!"

He grabbed my shoulders shaking me furiously, "It's impossible! I tried! They won't stand for it! There's nothing I can do!" His pain was clouded by his rage for this younger prince.

This is the first time he has truly felt defeated.

That there's no way out.

The bells rang at 5 o'clock sharp for the court meeting to begin.

The king and queen took their seats on the throne.

Jin, Jungkook, Namjoon, Jimin, and I all stood in front with the large court kneeling behind us.

Nayeon and Queen Park were seated against the wall to only listen in just as Queen Jeon will do.

The nerves radiated off the two of us.

The deal has been broken.

"I have called this meeting tonight to speak on the declaration made by King Min of Qual." The king began as a man brought him a scroll of paper, "He has agreed to find men elsewhere and hopes that in other situations of need his family's past betrayal will be let go. He wants to have a meeting within the year with myself or prince Jungkook." He closed the scroll before looking at Jungkook directly, "Do you agree to meet with him?"

"We will meet him when the time is right." Jungkook agreed as his father sighed shooing his messenger to deliver the news.

"As that is taken care of, is there any other things that need to be brought to my attention?"

I felt my heart rate pick up and Jungkook's toe began to tap against the floor.

"Your highness?" The bitch of a prince spoke and everyone's eyes turned, "I have something I think you'd like to know."

My ears were ringing and I felt dizzy.

Could he really do this?

Would he really ruin everything I've done to get this far?

I'm finally whole.

Successful in my efforts.

"Prince Jimin what do you have to say?" The king asked straightening in his seat.

"Excuse my outburst, but it is something about your long term guest from Daegan."

He's going to.

He'll tell.

"Go on." The king crossed his legs and leaned on his knee, "What is it?"

"The death of King Kim Dongwan of Daegan was not a hunting accident." He spoke before stepping out of line and facing me, "The current King Kim Taehyung killed his father as an effort to take the crown."

The entire room gasped and took a step away from me.

Everyone except Jungkook.

"That's quite the accusation Park." The king said tilting his head.

"I've got the evidence. Why would the queen flee her own castle if her husband had in fact only died of a hunting accident."

Damnit he knows for sure.

"For her to flee her castle and her only son's side would take something far more drastic."

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