Twenty Nine

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"We are heading back to the safe house in Wonju first to get some of our things."

"As you wish." The prince said releasing my brother and leaving him to stumble forward and finally open his eyes to us, "Be safe."

"We love you Jimin." Nayeon cried next to me.

"I know." He mouthed back with no voice to avoid a conflict with the man behind him.

As the horse carried us away Jimin's figure slowly disappeared.

As did the castle.

Nayeon was a steady stream of silent tears at this point as my mother just held her singing softly.

Upon making it back to Wonju in the house we left so quickly it was rummaged through.

Almost nothing was left but a few bits of clothes and pottery.

We decided to forget bringing any of the things we once used and focused on starting over.

Even if that meant without a piece of us.

As we all got back into the carriage and rode halfway back to Daejeon on a different path to see this new safe house Jungkook had suddenly found our horse stopped.

I called out wondering if there was a possible tree down in our path.

But there was no response.

I knew this was dangerous but what could possibly be stopping us from moving.

As I stepped out of the cart there was no horseman.

Just the horse standing in place looking back at me equally as confused.

"Namjoon what's happening?" Nayeon asked as our mother was now asleep next to her.

"Nothing. I'm sure he must've went to the restroom somewhere or something." I scratched my head making one full circle around the carriage before realizing he was nowhere around.

"What the hell is this?" I asked myself as I walked back to the window where Nayeon was peeking out, "I'm just going to guide the horse myself okay just stay here."

"Okay. Be careful."

The sun was slowly setting upon the horizon and it was still a good few hours before we would make it back into Daejeon but this was our only option.

I walked up to the horse who huffed and stomped it's hoof into the ground.

"I know I'm just as confused as you." I laughed grabbing his reigns and walking in front of it to make our way down the path again.

Every few minutes I saw Nayeon's head poke out to check on me and I just laughed telling her to take a nap like mother to get her rest.

She eventually listened as I walked on kicking rocks to pass the time.

Eventually I had to light the hanging lantern to see because daylight was completely gone now.

However all the owls hooing had stopped and there was no longer rustling of small animals in the trees.

It was dead silent.


Then a large twig snapped in the path ahead of us and I stopped.

I knew better than to call out for anyone to see what's there.

That gives you away.

Then there was another to my left.

I unsheathed my sword walking to the carriage door and knocking quietly.

They were both silently sleeping.

While facing the side of the last branch one broke behind me on the south side of the carriage.

"Shit." I thought to myself.

One against three?

Then a last one broke on the last side of me.


But who?

"We're just travelers heading home we mean no harm!" I decided to call out unlatching the horse and blowing out the lantern.

There was no response.

"We'll be on our way then!" I yelled again spanking the horses thigh and causing it to rear up and run ahead into the woods.

Hoping it made the intruders run to follow thinking the carriage was still attached I woke Nayeon and mother telling them to prepare to walk on foot that something was wrong.

As they exited the doorway an arrow flew into the wood with a loud smack.

They both ducked screaming as I looked in the direction it came.

"Long time no see aye Parks?!"

Fathers men...

"Namjoon!" Nayeon cried out as I turned seeing her being grabbed and dragged into the woods.

"Nayeon!" I yelled running after her before an arrow grazed my arm and my mothers yells were heard in the opposite direction.

However she wasn't yelling for help.

She was yelling for me to save my sister rather than her.

I ran faster on foot towards the sound of Nayeon's screams making it to where the man held her with a knife to her throat.

The same man who held the bat to my stomach those years ago.

"Let her go." I growled holding my bleeding arm.

"Or what tough guy?" He laughed in my face spitting to the ground.

"Or you'll die yourself."

"By your hands? I'd like to see you try."

As I lunged for my sister two pairs of hands grabbed onto me pushing me to the forest floor and boots held my shoulders and hips in place.

"You aren't going to get away this time Namjoon. We've learned way too much about you over these years."

"Let her go! Take me! Kill me!"

"Why yell so much Jesus. We aren't killing you... yet."

I huffed still able to hear my mothers yells knowing she's still alive as well.

Until that too fell silent to the forest.

"Mother?!" Yeon screamed noticing that she was no longer being heard as well, "Mom!!"

"Shhh." The guy holding her cooed, "She won't have to deal with you three anymore."

"You bastard!" I yelled before getting kicked in my side and I groaned in pain.

"Namjoon!" Yeon struggled trying to get free to help me and I look up to her with wide eyes as if to tell her to stop and she trembled in place as tears fell from her eyes.

»»————-  ————-««
I'm so sorry to do this to y'all

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