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"Namjoon where is he?" Nayeon questioned waving a hand in front of my face as I attempted to enjoy a book, "It's been hours!"

"Calm down Na." Our mother smiled resting her hand on our baby sisters shoulder, "He likes to take his time. He's okay."

"How can you know for sure?" The pain and anxiety in her voice was so evident.

"We don't." I closed my book and placed it back on the shelf, "Jimin always does everything in his power to be careful when he's out for supplies. Have a little more faith in our brother."

"Why do you never go into town?"

Gosh this girl with the questions, "Because my duty is to stay behind and make sure nothing happens to you and mom. It has always been this way. Since when are you so curious?" She frowned slightly slumping into the closest chair dramatically.

"I never get to go outside."

"It's unsafe right now." Our mother pointed out petting Nayeon's head before going to watch the window for Jimin's return as she often did.

"Unsafe from what?! That's such a load of-"

"Facts. It's a load of facts Yeon." I spoke flat and stern towards her like most times, because I'm the closest thing she has to a father figure ever since what happened. "You need to be more understanding that until Jimin is able to convince the king and queen of Daejeon we are stuck here."

"Why can't we just go to their castle and tell them?! I want to meet my-" she stopped as if she had already said too much.

"Meet your what?" I raised a brow crossing my arms.

"Nothing." She looked away from me.

She only does this when she knows she's in trouble.

Always has.

"Nayeon what did you do?!" Jimin said from the door covered in sweat like he just ran for his life clutching the small bag of food he bought.

Our mother quickly came to check if he was okay and lock the door behind him as he often forgot to do.

"I've just been writing with someone.." She mumbled like it was nothing serious.

"Writing with who?!" I yelled anger now seeping through me, "Nayeon you could be compromising our entire safe house because of this! Who is he?!"

"None of your business!" She spoke with such attitude I aught to slap some since into her if she wasn't my sister.

"Tell him." Our mom casually said from the kitchen unloading the bag of bread, beans, and rice.

"Jung Hoseok. He's just a mere merchants kid no harm can come from his line.." she frowned lowering in the chair more than before.

"Do you know what could happen if anyone knew where we are Yeon?" Jimin panicked looking out the window for any signs of a straggler, "Some man knew who I was out there! We are in a whole new village! No one should know who we are! I panicked and figured he was one of fathers men hunting us, but apparently it's just your little peasant boy."

"Stop sending messages to him from now on. It's too risky. If that lands in the wrong hands we are for a lack of better words.. Royally screwed."

"I have no other source of entertainment" she whined more.

Gosh she can be so hard to deal with sometimes.

"I've tried to get you to help me with the garden, but you want nothing to do with it." Mom laughed walking back in with a mug of water for Jimin, "As long as you don't tell him anything about where we are or who you're related to I see no problem with the letters. I'm sure he's just an innocent boy." She ruffled my hair.

"See!" Our sister perked up instantly at the declaration.

"No!" Both Jimin and I protested in unison.

"Until something odd comes out of it do not pester your sister over such petty form of entertainment."

You've got to be kidding me...

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