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"Just because I allow you to be the man in this bed does not mean you're any less of my bitch in the face of this family and entire kingdom!" I yelled at him slapping his hands before he could unbutton my trousers.

My hand gripped his throat above me making a small gasp escape his lips, "I allow you to pleasure me. Do not ever get this twisted! I can just as easily fuck you into oblivion."

"You always seem to have so much to say when things aren't in your control." Taehyung grabbed both my wrists pinning them above my head with one hand, "Don't you ever forget who is king and who isn't. I may not be in my own home, but I still have more power over you." His lips pressed to my chest leading a trail to my ear and a wake of goosebumps behind, "More power than you physically, mentally, and sexually."

"Being king has nothing to do with how much of a man you are." I thrashed against his large hand which held me firm. "Your abusive tongue will never be tolerated by anyone else." I turned my cheek away from him too angry to let him have his fun, but almost instantly relaxed feeling his palm against my growing bulge. "This is the only thing you're good at. Being a slut for anyone who will let you fuck them. You need me in order to be seen as a legit ruler after what you've done." I turned back to see his jaw set and single brow arched, "You think you would treat the only person who was willing to take you in with more respect. You're just a monster. A monster who needs a hiding place after what he's done."

"Do you think you're any better?" He questioned undressing my lower half with only one hand. I resisted squirming under his stare as the free hand ran up my inner leg pausing right before where I desired his touch, "Jungkook, being the son on line to the throne doesn't make you Godly. If anything it does the opposite. So why don't you shut your fucking mouth before I give you something to gag on."

"Shit!" I whispered to myself as my hips bucked into his hand that finally wrapped around my length. "Shut your mouth and fuck me already. Be the slut you've always been because you know nothing else." I groaned as his grip tightened and smile grew across his lips.

"Look at you trying to put me down like you have any power." Taehyung wasted no time parting my legs and shoving right in.

My parents say they support this, but their blessing would die if they knew the truth about him.

How he treats me.

Daegan doesn't need anything from us and us from them. The alliance would be pointless and a waste of my marriage.

Perhaps that is where our hatred for each other comes from.

We know it won't last.

We know it isn't real.

We know we will never be married.

So what's the point in loving each other? We just hurt each other time after time.

I've learned to put my guards up from everyone because being venerable means being weak.

Something I've learned from King Kim Taehyung's past is, "A weak king is no king at all."

Something about Taehyung though manages to hurt me despite the distance I've put to my emotions.

I finally let go of every noise I hadn't noticed I was holding. The flood of moans escaped me as his speed picked up hitting my prostate head on. His hands gripped my hips as he slammed in rhythm. "See this Jeon? I own you. In this moment. Now. Forever. You're the slut, not me."

"Fuck you! I hate you! You listen to me!" I groaned gripping his forearms feeling my climax building.

"I listen to you? Really?" he laughed in my face before pulling out, "I'll give you a reason to hate me if you want to continue to talk as you do."

"Finish what you've started now!" I screamed at him my fully hard dick throbbing at the denial.

"Maybe you should learn I do what I want not what you say. Yelling gets you nowhere little one. Threats. That's how you get things done in life. Like you said before. We aren't wed, and maybe never will be! You don't deserve your release. However, for the sake of my own pain I'll give it to you, but on my time. Not yours." He stuck his arm beneath me, swiftly flipping me on my stomach.

I was angry.


He's doing it again.

How dare he treat me as less than. This is my family, my palace, and my kingdom.

No matter who you are.

You will never come between me and my personal power.

"I don't love you if that's what you've been thinking all these years." Taehyung chuckled propping my knees on the bed and forcing an arch in my back, "This hole of yours though. That's pretty nice." A hard slap landed on my outer thigh making me gasp, "Your attitude and ego get in the way of ever being loved by someone and you know it!" Each word tore into my soul as they always have. He roughly rammed back in, "Your own family hates you. You're not capable of being king. I'm king. You're just the little pon in the corner as a last resort because brother Jinnie didn't think it was right to take his place as king. Fucking idiot."

I had no words.

My throat went dry as tears formed in my eyes.

They often did when he spoke to me.

No one else has yet to break me down in such a way as he does.

Rather than moan I was sobbing.

He laughed at my pain continuing his poisonous words.

The pleasure I once felt turned cold.

The only thing driving me to climax was the silk comforter running along the head of my shaft below.

"You can cum when you want I'll give you the freedom of that, because I know you're too weak to hold it." His hand reached into my hair pulling me into his chest. "You're nothing without me you understand that?" He growled through his teeth into my ear as I came untouched.

There was no care for him after that moment.

He cleaned himself up leaving me a mess on my own bed. Told me to "Keep my mouth shut." about how he treats me away from witnesses. That it was his "right as king" to treat me in such bad ways.

He dare say I'm anything like him.

He's a monster.

Not me.

How did I ever let this last so long?

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