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"Jungkook you've got to make a decision and fast." My father hounded from his throne. His hand intertwined with my mother's as I pinched the bridge of my nose standing in front of them.

"How could you expect me to be so rash with something so serious?" I yelled catching the attention of King Kim who was leaning against the tapestry wall. "This man wants me to give him an entire private army in exchange for such little assurance of an alliance down the line. How many other times have they fucked us over in these type of situations?"

"Language son." My mother scolded softly from her seat staying out of the argument between my father and I completely.

"Jeon you should really calm down. You can't think clear when you're angry." Taehyung spoke as he walked towards my position in the room, "They've only made one mistake towards Daejeon in the past. The punishment they received that day was more than enough to never do it again." His hand tilted my chin upward softly attempting to calm my anger and smooth me over, but I slapped it away before grabbing the collar of his ruffled shirt.

"You may be a king in your country, but you get no say in what I choose to do with my future kingdom." I grit through my teeth releasing him and facing back to my father who had released my mothers hand.

I heard Tae chuckle a bit to himself which only boiled my blood more. "I'm refusing their proposal." The king's brows raised, "Not until they give us more in return for our valued men." I huffed watching my father grow more impatient at my thick skull.


"No. It's final." I cut his rebuttal off before he could have the slightest chance of convincing me otherwise.

"Jungkook this is going to put the alliance in such a terrible position by not helping them at all!" Taehyung spoke again making me grit my teeth with annoyance.

"You need to learn your place in this palace Kim. You're here because of me. You need to keep those thoughts to yourself as we aren't even wed." I turned on my heels to come eye to eye with the flames he barred deep inside. "If you have a problem with how I choose to handle my country's politics then you can take the first carriage back to Daegan when the sun breaks the horizon. Otherwise.." I grabbed his jaw roughly holding his gaze despite our audience, "Keep. Your mouth. Shut."

"You're dismissed. Think more on the subject Jungkook. I will tell the king of Qual that you're requesting more time before further action. Do not make me disappointed in your decision. Act as a future king should." He signaled the messenger to run off with the news before looking to my mother exhausted from the argument which had lasted hours by this point.

"I'd never dream of it your grace." I growled before bowing my head and trampling the corridor back to my quarters.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung called from behind me. I was swung around by my waist and slammed into him once we entered my private hall.


"You know speaking to me in such a way in front of people lights that flame you so much despise."

"Then you shouldn't act out of line as you always seem to do which causes me anger."

"I enjoy your anger Jeon." He smirked running a finger down my neck admiring it silently, "You try to out do me. You become so alpha."

"I'm glad you understand your place as the cowering dog in this relationship who listens to my every command in the face of others." I narrowed my eyes pulling away and walking into my bedroom "Now leave me."

Taehyung was only a step behind despite wanting him to disappear. "That's the problem here." Taehyung laughed darkly, "You're never on top." He threw me into the lush comforter ripping the buttons on my shirt. "So who's truly the cowering dog hm?"

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Oo spicy ;)

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