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"Jungkook." My mother called from the other side of my door, "We have unexpected guests. Please get dressed quickly and nicely to meet us in the ballroom as soon as you can." I sighed but a smiled came to surface at how sweet my mother was compared to my father.

Her soft tone.

Always so caring and comforting.

As I walked quickly to the ballroom my brother came from his door and matched my stride, "Jungkook there's something you should know about these guests." He tried to stop me but I shrugged his hand away, "Hey! Listen to me!" He stopped and yelled from behind, but I still was yet to stop. "Kook it's about the Park fami-" his words dulled in my ears as the guards pulled back the ballroom doors and there he stood.

Park fucking Jimin.

The man everyone seems to pity so much.

The one they all want me to save like a lost baby duckling.

The one sitting on my ballroom floor shaking, panting, wrapped in a towel with a broken shirt and dirty boots.

All while his family stands conversing with mine probably planning my entire future without thinking to consult me on the matter.

"Ahem." I cleared my throat crossing my arms, "What's going on here?"

"Jungkook! My father smiled, "Just in time."

"We were just explaining to the Park's they could stay here after everything we have heard about their misfortune." Mother smiled walking to me before whispering to only myself, "That boy is to be your husband, they need this deal and we will gain so much from it. It's not up for discussion." Her thumb caressed my cheek as she told the servants to get them all a change of clothing for dinner.

I scanned the room ultimately landing on the weak child there on the floor who stood when our eyes locked.

Mine with anger.

His with curiosity.

He's been pushing for some sort of deal with his bloodline for a while.

I don't like it.

I don't like him.

"Jeon Jungkook, it's nice to finally meet y-"

"Sure. How long will you be staying?" I cut him off not in the mood for any form of small talk.

"Oh.." he paused not expecting the harsh tone, "Well according to your parents they'd like to make a deal."

"Did they ask me?" I raised a brow taking a step forward face to face with the younger as his family was escorted to their rooms, "Because the last time I checked, I'm the future king of Daejeon and get to choose who is by my side. A small duck like you is not in line for the choosing. Too much danger follows your bloodline. It always has. The Park name has been passed around and thrown in the dirt throughout this kingdom for years."

The boys eyes flared red at my rejection and insulting remarks.

"Do you have any idea how much my family has gone through to get here?!" He raised his voice at me before throwing the towel to the ground, "You wouldn't have even lasted an hour in our shoes, so get off your god damn high horse and respect people who are the same as you. I'm a prince just as you! The future king of Wonju! Don't you ever disrespect my title or bloodline like that again or so help me god."

Feisty little one aren't we?

"You better listen, and listen closely because I won't be saying this again." I smirked closing more space between the two of us causing him to deflate entirely, "The only person higher than me is God, and I'm damn near close. If you think you can come into my palace and run your way into a marriage over some pish posh family bullshit you should deal with alone, you're wrong."

It almost seemed as if he shrank at these words what a little duck he is, "I don't care about your problems. I care what's right for my kingdom. Stay as long as you feel fits, but I refuse to even stop foot in front of a priest to marry you. Understand that your presence is not welcome here despite what the king and queen lead you to believe." As I stepped back he finally looked up at me, but I already have something else on my mind.

"Get King Kim on the first horse back to Daejeon. I've got something to handle with him and this whole family."

»»————-  ————-««
That didn't go as planned

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