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"Thank you for your help." I said to a young servant girl who helped me map my way to the dinning hall.

I could now hear the soft music from a band inside and knew I was in the right place.

I saw Namjoon and Nayeon dancing cutely when I came around the bend.

We haven't had the chance to relax at a dinner and enjoy ourselves for a long time. I'm glad they're ravishing themselves in the moment.

Mother was conversing with the Jeon family at the table however it was only the King, Queen, and Prince Seokjin.

Where's Jungkook?" I scanned the large room before seeing what I wish I hadn't.

Jungkook and King Kim Taehyung of Daegan dancing whilst laughing into a conversation quietly to themselves

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Jungkook and King Kim Taehyung of Daegan dancing whilst laughing into a conversation quietly to themselves.

The music stopped and it felt like the whole room was looking at me.

I cleared my throat adjusting my shirt before a server came with meal cart in toe, "Shall we eat?"

As we ate our dinner it was quite overwhelming. The families were making conversations about politics and how they like to do things all while I couldn't take my eyes off of the two young men across from me.

They seemed so close.

So intertwined.

I just want to get out of here as quickly as I can.

"Hey Jimin." Jungkook smiled reaching across to grab my hand. His touch almost felt as cold as ice, "I've had some time to think and maybe I was a little harsh before. Would you meet me in my quarters later tonight?"

I was stunned, but no one seemed to be listening which was odd. They were all still in their own indulging conversations, "Sure. What's with the sudden mood change on the subject?" His smile curved into a weird expression as Taehyung excused himself from the table respectfully and walked away with no glance back.

"Like I said before," he leaned back in his chair wiping his mouth with a napkin before reaching for his glass of wine, "I've hide time to think on it. Is there a problem?" His brow raised as his lips met the glass eyes still glued to me.

"No." I smiled half heartedly feeling skeptical about his genuine thought on the deal, "Not at all."

Dinner ended rather quickly after that and everyone dispersed.

I decided not to head right for Jungkook and seem desperate on the subject of my family's need for help.

I opted to take my own tour around the castle finding a balcony looking down on the kingdom of Daejeon.

It's prettier than I've heard.

The buildings washed clean.

No one in the streets at this hour.

Everyone inside enjoying dinner with their family.

Such a beautiful sight.

As the view became dull with the sun setting and moon rising I decided to head to Jungkook's quarters as he requested.

My stomach almost felt as if it was going to get rid of the amazing food it just took in.

My family is on the line.

If he still feels as though he doesn't want to peruse this what will we do?

My hand now rested on his door. Is this the right thing to do? Am I going about things the wrong way? My breathing picked up at all the things rushing to my head like water running from a faucet.

I pushed everything down thoughts and dinner combined before opening his door which was invitingly unlocked.

Only to be met with something which surely would make me lose my dinner as my stomach hit the floor.

Only to be met with something which surely would make me lose my dinner as my stomach hit the floor

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"Jungkook.." was the only word which left my mouth before the entire room felt like it spun around me.

It was so hard to breathe as they both turned to look at me frozen in the doorway.

Was this his way of telling me no?

»»————-  ————-««
Is it?

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