Twenty Five

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I don't think he's ever going to learn.

It's been a week.

Seven whole days and I've had to yell at him at least once a day for getting out of line sometimes more than that.

Not listening to the things I want.

Disappearing into the castle somewhere for hours at a time.

What is he thinking.

He agreed to this deal for his family but isn't behaving accordingly!

So here we are now.

King Min of Qual is arriving shortly and wants to speak with me on that previous engagement.

Jimin is nowhere to be found.

I've sent the guards for him and it's been over an hour.

They came back saying he isn't here but he couldn't have gone far.

I walked down the hall prepared to do this meeting alone until Jimin was pushed around the opposite corner by his collar and thrown to the ground in front of me knees hitting the floor with a hard smack, "What's this?" I held the bridge of my nose not wanting to deal with him right now.

I've almost hit my limit with him.

"Tell your guards to keep their nasty hands off of me I can walk on my own!" He huffed at them standing from the ground.

"Where was he?" I asked them ignoring is presence entirely.

"I'm standing right here." He snarled looking up at me.

"In the yard by the walls I'm sure trying to escape." He told me bowing his head.

"I highly doubt that." I rolled my eyes turning to Jimin who held shining rocks in his hand, "You're seriously a child."

"Nayeon collects them and since you rudely exiled them I was planning on getting them taken to her by someone." Reminding me of my ill doings.

"Whatever. We don't have time for this. Go clean yourself up and meet me in the ballroom for this fucking meeting."

"What meeting?"

"Go!" I yelled shoving the doors open and requesting the food and drinks be made immediately.

This is too important to fuck up.

Jimin made his way inside the ballroom approaching the small table with four chairs.

Two on opposing sides and he chose the one farthest from the door.

"Do not say anything to him so help me God." I said more to the spirits than to him directly.

He seems to never listen anyways.

Just as he sat down our guest was announced at the door and they opened it to reveal a rather rough edged looking king.

Just as he sat down our guest was announced at the door and they opened it to reveal a rather rough edged looking king

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