Twenty Two

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It's been sort of interesting to watch the gears turn in his head at the now almost empty dinner table.

Every move he made and word he spoke was so thought out it was almost painful.

But he's listening.

He's staying in line.


Dinner was now done and my brother came behind my chair asking to speak with me alone so I told him to wait.

I went to Jimin first who stood from his chair and wiped his mouth with the napkin chewing his last bite. I bent down slightly to match his height and whisper into his ear, "I want you in my chamber with nothing but your button down open and boxers on. You wait there on the bed until I get back and we are going to have a little fun hmm? Do not challenge me on this." I bit his lobe making the younger choked before catching his breath and walking out of the dinning hall.

"Now what's such an issue brother." I laughed strolling up to him lazily.

"Don't hurt him."

"I'm quite offended you think I would do such a thing!" I pretended to be hurt by his words touching my chest, but couldn't help laugh.

"I'm serious. I promised his-"

"Promises promises. You and those god damn promises Seokjin. Ever since we were kids." I sighed rolling my eyes coming face to face with my older brother, "I'm going to do as I please with my new fiancé which is none of your interest. If you continue to pester me on my actions I'll have to send you away too." I flicked his temple laughing again as his anger rolled inside of his veins.

That laughter quickly faded as he swiftly grabbed my arms, hooking them behind my back, and kicked my legs out from under me, my arms being the only thing stopping my head from hitting the floor, "You may think you're a lion little brother, but if you dare to cross me I'll show you who has the bigger teeth." His hands then released my arms making my upper body slam into the tile floor.

"You bitch." I growled brushing off my clothes, "Don't forget who's in line for the throne." I threatened but he just laughed back at me.

"And guess who willingly denied the spot and gave it to you tough guy. I can just as easily take it back. Act right."

He would never.

I scowled shoving his shoulders back as I walked out of the hall and down to my chambers.

I could feel my skin burning with anger.

How dare he.

He thinks he's so much higher than me just because he was born first.

He's only a bastard son now.

No mother.

He so desperately tries to seek approval from mine but it doesn't work.

"Oh no pity poor Jin." I mumbled sarcastically

He wishes I'd pity him.

He's already fathers favorite what does he want with my mother?

He should be knocked down a peg.

Maybe that will make him act like less of a saint.

As I dismissed the guards from my quarters and opened my door the pipsqueak of a prince stood in the center of my room arms crossed and fully clothed.

Is he joking?

"You must not have heard me clear enough before you left. I specifically remember telling you to-"

"I heard you loud and clear. Doesn't mean I have to listen." He was giving me attitude just as the day I first met him.

"Feisty are we?"

"You wish this was feist." He scoffed strolling to the window next to my bed and looking out as if searching for his family's new house, "You should know I don't do the whole cower in fear thing."

"That sounds like something that will need to be changed and-"

"But it won't." He cut me short again turning back with a straight face and walking my way, "I know you don't like me Jungkook. You could even hate me for all I care." He stepped right in front of me staring into my eyes, "You can hate me all you want, but you will respect me as your equal. I am not your little bitch."

Out of instinct I gripped the back of his neck pulling him into me more making his hands fly to my chest in defense.

There was a slight growing bulge I could feel against my thigh.

All this waiting must have let his imagination run wild hm?

"Someone can't contain himself?" I laughing pitifully before grabbing a hold of him outside his pants making a groan escape his lips, "I do hate you. So change that." I shoved him onto his knees in front of me.

Where he should be.

He should stay.

His eyes glazed over and body seemed to change from tough to innocent.

How cute.

»»————-  ————-««
From now on any smut chapters will have a * at the end of the number heading because they will be more detailed than previous ones

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