Thirty Five

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"Are you sure you need these things? I can get what you need new instead of coming back here." I sighed riding my horse next to his on the path back to Daejeon.

He only nodded that he needed his things no matter what argument ensued he wasn't going to stay there or leave them behind.

The ride was short listening to his humming to pass the time.

He's far too innocent to become king.

This world will break him.

As the guards of the Jeon family opened the gates and we rode in there wasn't many people waiting.

Not nearly as many guards present as usual.

"Where is everyone?" Jimin questioned looking just as puzzled as me.

"Not sure but definitely is odd." I replied unmounting from my horse and helping him off of his. "What is it you need again?"

"Just the chest in my room. It's full of family things that I can not leave behind. I hope you understand." His eyes flickered guilt making me come here and I just smiled.

"Whatever you need. After you." I motioned to the door and he quickly walked in.

As he turned to go down the hall he was stopped by an older man.

Jungkook's brother Jin.

"Hey! Where've you been?!" He laughed hugging him before making eye contact with me and his smile fell "if you need help blink twice and I'll get you away from him." He whispered to Jimin who laughed pushing him off.

"I'm fine Seokjin. We're just handling... business between our own countries." He smiled nervously at me hoping it was bought.

"You know the animals my kingdom is in need of." I fed into his lie knowing he was scared.

"Yeah. Right." Seokjin seemed to buy it enough to back off "It's a shame Jungkook just left with our men."

"W-wait where is he going?" Jimin stuttered.

"To go find your family of course. Apparently he took Taehyung's men with him as well."

Jimin turned to me flustered with worry.

What now?

"Anyways I have a sparing session to run to see you around maybe." Jin walked off quickly clearly late to his session leaving us in the empty hall.

"H-he's in over his head." He stuttered again now hands shaking.

"Jimin why're you shaking?" I question taking a step forward but he took one back.

"He'll get himself killed!"

"He knows the risk going with the men." I assured that he is safe enough with his army.

"N-no you don't understand! My father will kill him. All of them." His eyes turned glassy as he stared at me stuck in place. "I have to stay." He finally spoke again.

"What're you on about?" I was caught off guard by his sudden remorse to stay.

"To make sure he gets back. Alive." He now looked at his hands.

"Do you really care about him so much?"

He looked up at me now.

"Just because he left with his men you have to stay here? So because I didn't leave with mine on the same dangerous hunt I'm suddenly not a priority?"

"You don't understand the possibility that he might-"

"Die? I do. Just as I know my men are on the same death ridden raid." I calmed my anger with a deep breath knowing it isn't his fault he feels the need to stay. Stockholm syndrome doesn't take long to set in.

"I can't go back to Qual.."


"Please I can't lea-" he started but I rushed to him pushing his back against the wall and kissing him roughly.

His hands flew to grab my riding coat for support as his knees threatened to buckle.

I kept this up until he was whimpering for more of me when I pulled away.

"Promise me this." I said as he caught his breath looking me in my eyes now clearly "If my men find your family before his come back to me. Don't stay with him. He's not good for you. Can't give you the things I can. Actually he won't even if he could. Am I understood?"

He didn't speak just staring in surprise so I cupped his cheek gently rubbing my thumb across his damp lips, "Jimin?"

"Y-yes." His head shook slightly as if brining himself back. "I'll promise." A gulp was harshly pushed down as if he were lying.

"I trust you. I have to leave now but if his family treats you with any less respect than I would you ride back to Qual immediately."


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