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It was sweltering hot, especially in the large classroom where they were all sitting, crowded together as they did theirwritten papers. They had been given special, new quills for the exams, whichhad been bewitched with an Anti-Cheating spell.They had practical exams as well which Artemis had enjoyed far more than the writing exams. 

Professor Flitwick called them one byone into his class to see if they could make a pineapple tap-dance across adesk and Artemis and her friends had all been able to do it.

"Thank Merlin you helped us with that Artie, or we would have failed," Adira said with a grin and Octavia laughed

"don't be ridiculous, Flitwick clearly has a think for you, Bambi, he would have passed you even if you accidentally turned him into a pineapple," Artemis said with a grin and Adira glared at her while the other girls laughed

"Don't be disgusting Artie" adira mumbled out but then ended up laughing with them all 

Professor McGonagall watched them turn a mouse into a snuffbox —points were given for how pretty the snuffbox was, but taken away if it hadwhiskers and Artemis couldn't help but grin as long whiskers wiggled around from Octavias cup

"shut up" Octavia mutteres, but her box was truly beautiful so they Artemis assured her she would still score exceptionally high

Snape made them all nervous, breathing down their necks whilethey tried to remember how to make a Forgetfulness potion.Artemis did the best that she could, trying to ignore the flashes she continued to get in her mind as she thought about  her nightmare, she didn't want her friends to worry about her.Ophelia had woken up the night after Artemis's nightmare to Artemis climbing into her bed because Artemis couldn'tsleep, Ophelia held her tight while staying awake to make sure that Artemis fell asleep and her nightmares just kept coming every night but she still wouldn't talk about it. 

Their very last exam was History of Magic. One hour of answeringquestions about batty old wizards who'd invented self-stirring cauldrons andthey'd be free, free for a whole wonderful week until their exam results cameout. When the ghost of Professor Binns told them to put down their quills androll up their parchment, Artemis couldn't help cheering with the rest. 

"That was far easier than I thought it would be," said Octavia as theyjoined the crowds flocking out onto the sunny grounds. "I needn't havelearned about the 1637 Werewolf Code of Conduct or the uprising of Elfricthe Eager." Artemis didn't reply, because she knew all about that and if her friends knew how she knew so much about werewolves, it would probably result in causing a big problem.

The four girl all wandered down to the lake and floppedunder a tree, all of them talking about how they were glad that the exams for that year were finally over. Artemis looked out and saw the familiar pair of red heads and brown hair. The Weasley twins and Lee Jordan were tickling the tentacles ofa giant squid, which was basking in the warm shallows and Artemis grinned softly as she watched them laugh and muck around, she was glad that the twins had stopped questioning her but she wasn't happy about how whenever they looked at her, their eyes were full of sympathaty. 

"No more studying," Octavia sighed happily, stretching out on the grass and throwing her head into Artemis's lap

"i know right, if i have to open another book this year, I'm done" Adira adds and then also lays her head down in Artemis's lap

"Arlighty then, i didn't know that I was now your personal pillow" Artemis says with a grin and then Ophelia suddenly grins and pushes Artemis's chest down so she was laying and then she rests her head on her stomach

"why of course you are" Ophelia says with a grin and Artemis sighs with a smile, the sun felt warm on her skin and she finally felt calm and she wasn't thinking about her stupid nightmares.

"Hey, you got room for one more, Fun size?" The girls open there eyes and see Fred who was looking down at Artemis, her friends snickerd at the nickname he had called her but she had a scowl on her face as she glared up at him

"sorry carrot, but no, there is not room for one more" Artemis says and gives him a fake pout "maybe next time though... but probably not" The girls laugh and its Freds turn to pout

"don't be a meanie" He says and sticks his bottom lip out then he lays down and throws his head on her chest, she lets out a large oof and the girls all laugh and sit up "oh look at that, seems like there was enough room after all" Artemis stands up and his head falls to the ground and he lets out a soft whine and sits up, rubbing his head in his hand "what did you do that for?"

"what did i do what for?" Artemis asks with a grin and her friends all begin to walk off back up towards the castle "hey where are you three going?"

"For a walk, so you guys can have some alone time! see you later Artie" Octavia calls and sends her a wink which makes Artemis's eyebrows furrow in confusion

"sorry my friends are wierdos" Artemis says with a laugh and the two sit next to each other and stare out at the lake and they sit in silence, which had quickly become awkward "so..."

"are you excited to go back home for the holidays?" Fred asks her and she grins widely, causing a warm feeling to swirl in Freds chest

"Yeah its going to be great, I'm really excited to see Remus" Artemis said with a grin and Fred smiled at her

"so is Remus your god parent?" Fred asks her and watched her reaction get slightly sad

"no" she mutters out softly "my god parents were actually James and Lily Potter" she says and Freds eyes widen in shock

"Potter? wait so Harry is your god brother?" Fred asks in shock and she nods her head

"yeah but he doesn't know that, I'm not allowed to say anything o him about it, hell I'm not supposed to say it to anyone, if someone found out i told you then i would be expelled" she says with a small grin and his eyes widend as he looked at her

"w-well then why would you tell me?" He asks in confusion and she places her head on his shoulder softly and looks out at the water

"because i trust you free" she says and Fred grins goofily at the feeling he got as she said it

"Could you tell me about your nigh--" fred started but was cut off by Harry, Ron and Hermione running towards them and calling out Artemis's name 

"Artemis, Artemis" they all called, scaring Fred and Artemis slightly and they turn to look at them, Fred had a glare on his face while Artemis was just confused

"we need to talk to you" Hermione says to her quickly

"yeah well we were kind of talking at the moment" Fred said back to her, he was about to ask her about her nightmares, he wanted to help her in any way that he could but of course, his brother and his friends had to interrupt them

"about what?" Artemis asks in confusion

"about the you know what hidden in the you know what" Harry says and Artemis's eyes widen as she realises what they were talking about

"oh okay" she says and then stands up and turns to Fred "sorry fred, duty calls, thanks for the chat ill see you soon" she calls and doesn't wait for a reply and walks off with her friends leaving Fred their

Fred watched her leave and a sigh escaped his lips "this close" he muttered and then made his way back over to lee and George

Artemis Black - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now