Flying Class

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Artemis grinned widely when the broom jumped into her hand at once, she looked around and grinned at Harry as the same thing had happened for him, this wasn't her first time riding a brown but she had always just picked the broom up and rode it, she never said 'up' to get the broom into her grip, only a few other people got their broom to listen. Ophelia Mikaelson's had simply rolled over on the ground, she had growled at it and her friends struggled as they tried not to laugh at the angry expression on her face, "stupid thing, its probably because its so old, it looks older than dumbledore"

Artemis snickered at her friend and then turned to Adira who looked like she was ready to cry out of frustration, her broom hadn't moved at all and she had read all about it the night before. Octavia looked ready to pounce on her broom and strangle it as if it were her aunt who had been talking shit all night about the most random things. Finally, people just began to start picking the brrom up, beginning to feel done with it already.

Madam Hooch then showed them how to mount their brooms without sliding off the end, and walked up and down the rows correcting their grips. Artemis, her friends, and Harry and Ron were all delighted when she told Malfoy he'd been doing it wrong for years, the look on the boys face made the girls all laugh together, sending the boy a grin which made him scowl even more.

"I swear, ive never met someone more annoying and disrespectful as that boy right there" Artemis said as they looked at Malfoy

"I know, you should have heard him in the common room last night, he was down there for about two hours, non stop telling everyone how he was going to be the best flyer out here today" Octavia says and rolls her eyes with a grin

"then someone told him that their pet cat could fly better than him, I swear his face turned more red than Weasleys hair, then of course you know what he said after that..." Ophelia said with a grin

"my father will hear about this" they all say in unison and winked over at Malfoy who had opened his mouth to say something to them but was cut off by Madam Hooch giving the next instruction

"Now, when I blow my whistle, you kick off from the ground, hard," said Madam Hooch. "Keep your brooms steady, rise a few feet, and then come straight back down by leaning forward slightly. On my whistle — three — two —"

But Neville, nervous and jumpy and frightened of being left on the ground, pushed off hard before the whistle had touched Madam Hooch's lips. "Come back, boy!" she shouted, but Neville was rising straight up like a cork shot out of a bottle — twelve feet — twenty feet. Artemis saw his scared white face look down at the ground falling away, saw him gasp, slip sideways off the broom and she quickly went to kick off the ground to go and help him but... WHAM — a thud and a nasty crack and Neville lay facedown on the grass in a heap.

His broomstick was still rising higher and higher, and started to drift lazily toward the forbidden forest and out of sight. Madam Hooch was bending over Neville, her face as white as his. "Broken wrist," Artemis heard her mutter. "Come on, boy — it's all right, up you get." She turned to the rest of the class. "None of you is to move while I take this boy to the hospital wing! You leave those brooms where they are or you'll be out of Hogwarts before you can say 'Quidditch.' Come on, dear." Neville, his face tear-streaked, clutching his wrist, hobbled off with Madam Hooch, who had her arm around him

"oh that poor boy" Adira says as they watched them walk away

"I know, hes always getting into accidents, hes really sweet, he just has a lot of bad luck" artemis says softly

"look at Malfoy and his goons" Ophelia spits and they turn too look at the trio and they were laughing like a bunch of idiots

"Did you see his face, the great lump?" The other Slytherins joined in except for Ophelia and Octavia.

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