Hogwarts Letter

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It was a normal Monday morning so far, for Artemis Black and Remus Lupin were sitting on the torn couch watching a muggle TV show on the small box in front of them, Remus had a newspaper in her hand while Artemis was patting the Niffler that was sitting in her hands, playing with the gold ring that she had given to it, the ring was her fathers and it was the only thing that she had left of him. She trusted her Niffler and he had always given it back, he was one of her best friends, her uncle had given him to her for her 9th birthday which was almost 2 years ago, with her birthday being in 3 days. 

She never got much for her birthday but she never complained and she was more than grateful for everything her uncle had gotten her, and her favourite gift by far was the small living creature that was currently sitting on her lap.

Suddenly a large bang came from the window, making the pair jump in surprise "what the hell was that?" Artemis asks and places rubble, which is what she had called her niffler, down on the couch beside her and then quickly stood up and made her way over to the

"Language Artie" Lupin scolds and then he also stands up and quickly makes his way over to the window which looked exceptionally clean as Artemis cleaned the house a lot due to her not having much to do around the house

They opened the window and an owl flew in, landing on the kitchen bench, Artemis ran over to it happily and began to pat the bird and take the white envelope out of its mouth "you're a pretty owl arent you" she says with a soft smile and the owl moves closer to her and rubs its head on the girls arm affectionately 

Artemis then looked down at her letter and she felt the world around her stop as excitement bubbled in the bottom of her chest and then burned through her veins "Remus, Remus look" she says and quickly hands the letter to Remus who already had a giant, proud smile on his tired face, he already knew what the letter was going to be

"Open it, come on now, no need to keep us waiting," Remus says with a grin and wraps his arm around the small girl's shoulder comfortingly. The envelope was addressed to her and when she flipped it around, the Hogwarts School Emblem was used to hold the envelope closed, she had been waiting for this very letter almost all of her life, she had wanted it for as long as she could remember.

Her shaking hands carefully ripped open the envelope as if, if she were to harsh with it, it would disappear and she would be forced to watch her dreams run away from her, escape from her clutches.

She pulled out the perfect parchment, it felt soft against her fingertips, she opened the letter and began to read it out loud so that Remus could hear it too.

Dear Ms Black,

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely, 

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress 

Artemis threw her arms around her uncle happily, paying for the books was no concern because once she turned 11, she was allowed full access to the money that her father had left for her in the bank in diagon alley.

"we will go into diagon alley in three days, it will be your birthday so you will have full access to you vault, you will need to get a wand, a cauldron, your books and we will need to get your robes, the first year is always quite expensive but it does tone down slightly after that, oh and of course you will be allowed to bring an owl, cat or a toad" Remus says with a grin on his young, yet tired face

"I've got rubble Remus, i should be fine" Artemis tells him and rubble runs up to her and crawls up her and then sits on her shoulder

"arttie you know that you arent supposed to bring him to school" Remus says and rubs his hand over his face, he knew how much the niffler meant to him and he knew tat there was no way he was going to be able to convince her to leave him at home for her school year

Artemis holds the letter up and pretends to read it again "there isn't anything about not bringing a niffler on the letter, maybe they missed it?" she says with a grin "come on moony, whos gonna help me steal food from the kitchens?"

The next three days went really slow and Remus was getting more and more tired, all Artemis seemed to talk about was Hogwarts, but Remus couldn't help but think about how lonely he would be after she had left, he would have the house to himself for almost a year, and she would be doing that for 7 years, though she would be coming home for the holidays, which he was extremely happy about 

"I'll go first, remember to speak clearly dear," remus says as he steps into their fireplace, they were going to use the floo network to get to diagon alley 

"yes Moony, i remember, i have done this many times before" Artemis says with a grin on her face and her uncle nodded his head

"yes, i know but things can go very wrong if you mess it up... very well, we best be on our way, we don't want to run behind schedule, we have got a very busy day ahead of us and i don't want to keep you waiting" Remus says to Artemis as he sends her a quick grin and then raises his hand that held the powder in to the air and then threw it down while saying "diagon ally" green flames swallowed his body and a few seconds later they disappear, leaving an empty fireplace behind

Artemis stood into the fireplace, gripping the powder tightly in her hand, then she copied her uncles actions, throwing the powder down and stating the place that she wanted to go, the flames swallowed her body and she shut her eyes to blink and then when she opened them she was in a small shop, her uncle stood in front of her with a grin on his face and he stuck his arm out for her to take, which she gladly accepted to 

Artemis was wearing a large oversized jumper and a pair of jeans, she opened the large pocket of her jumper and looked down into it, staring at her niffler "come on rubble, you can come out now, but no stealing, we've got a busy day and i don't have time to get into any fights" The niffler crawled out of her pocket and crawled up to sit on her shoulder, she received a few looks from others around the shop, they had spotted the niffler and decided to back off. 

The girl also resembled her father a lot, she had the infamous long, black curly hair and dark brown eyes, matched with pale skin, just like a lot of Blacks before her.

"alright we will go to the bank first, get some money to pay for all of the things you will need this year" Remus says and Artemis nods her head and decides to put rubble back into her pocket, she wasn't sure that the bank was the best place to have a niffler. They made their way out of the shop and headed down towards the bank, it was a large building and stood out amongst all of the other buildings in the area

Artemis Black - Fred WeasleyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant