Devils Snare

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The trio filled Artemis in on what they had found out about the stone and Voldemort and they were sitting in the Gryffindor common room setting up their plan, they were going to stop Snape from helping Voldemort, they had too. The Gryffindors were all used to seeing the first year Hufflepuff in their common room by now and it was basically considered normal, especially with all the times the twins had brought her in there to talk about pranks and stuff

They all sat nervously apart in the common room.Nobody bothered them; Hermione and Artemis were skimming through all their notes, hoping to come across one ofthe enchantments they were about to try to break. Harry and Ron didn't talkmuch. Both of them were thinking about what they were about to do.Slowly, the room emptied as people drifted off to bed."Better get the Cloak," Ron muttered, as Lee Jordan finally left after saying good night to the Hufflepuff girl, stretchingand yawning. Harry ran upstairs to their dark dormitory and a few moments later, he ran back down to the common room. 

"We'd better put the Cloak on here, and make sure it covers all four of us— if Filch spots one of our feet wandering along on its own —" Harry started but was cut off by Artemis chuckling

"imagine just seeing a par of feet walking along, that's bloody brilliant" Artemis said and laughed and the other three laughed softly but it was cut short by the sound of someone talking to them from behind them 

"What are you doing?" said a voice from the corner of the room. Nevilleappeared from behind an armchair, clutching Trevor the toad, who looked asthough he'd been making another bid for freedom. 

"Nothing, Neville, nothing," said Harry, hurriedly putting the Cloak behindhis back.Neville stared at their guilty faces. 

"You're going out again," he said and looked at Artemis with sad eyes "Artemis, i thought you would have known better than that, especially with what happened the other night in the forest" Artemis looked down, she didn't know why she felt guilty but the look that Neville was giving her made her feel bad

"No, no, no," said Hermione. "No, we're not. Why don't you go to bed,Neville?"Harry looked at the grandfather clock by the door. They couldn't afford towaste any more time, Snape might even now be playing Fluffy to sleep. 

"You can't go out," said Neville, "you'll be caught again. Gryffindor willbe in even more trouble, and Artemis you've already had the most detentions this year out of everyone, you could end up getting suspended or even expelled." 

"You don't understand," said Harry, "this is important."But Neville was clearly steeling himself to do something desperate. 

"I won't let you do it," he said, hurrying to stand in front of the portraithole. "I'll — I'll fight you!"

"Neville," Ron exploded, "get away from that hole and don't be an idiot—" Artemis glared over at Ron

"Don't you call me an idiot!" said Neville. "I don't think you should bebreaking any more rules! And you were the one who told me to stand up topeople!" 

"Yes, but not to us," said Ron in exasperation. "Neville, you don't knowwhat you're doing."He took a step forward and Neville dropped Trevor the toad, who leapt outof sight. 

"Go on then, try and hit me!" said Neville, raising his fists and Artemis felt bad for the boy but was proud that he was finally sticking up for himself. "I'm ready!" 

Harry turned to Hermione and Artemis."Do something," he said desperately. Artemis shook her head to say no so Hermione stepped forward. 

"Neville," she said, "I'm really, really sorry about this."She raised her wand."Petrificus Totalus!" she cried, pointing it at Neville.Neville's arms snapped to his sides. His legs sprang together. His wholebody rigid, he swayed where he stood and then fell flat on his face, stiff as aboard.Hermione ran to turn him over. Neville's jaws were jammed together so hecouldn't speak. Only his eyes were moving, looking at them in horror. Artemis goes to the couch and grabs a pillow and a blanket and then rushes over to Neville and tucks the pillow under his head and throws the blanket over him and gives him a soft smile as she says, "sorry about this Neville, don't worry, you'll be alright soon"

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