The Plan takes place

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Artemis raised her wand toward the lock on madam hoochs door and then whispered the word 'alohamora' and moved her wand in the correct movement and then a small click was heard and the door slowly opened a crack

"what did I tell ya, I knew it would work" Artemis said with a giant grin on her face which octavias replicated but Adira looked like she was about to have a panic attack. Ophelia was currently around the corner out of sight, engaging in a conversation with Madam hooch

Artemis pulled the door open all the way and then her and Ophelia ran in, the room was brilliant and the two girls couldn't help but stare in awe

"Blimey this is like my bedroom at home" Artemis said with a grin as she stood in the middle and looked around the office

"Alright dingus brain, stop staring, lets find that stupid box" Octavia said with a grin and Artemis nodded her head and the two of them looked around the room, looking in draws and shelves but there was no sign of the box "what if it isn't even in here?"

"it'll be in here, just give me a minute to think" the girl muttered out and then her hand went to her chin and she began to concentrate and think about where she would hide something in this room, her eyes trailed along everything and suddenly she noticed that a corner of a floor board was higher than the others by about half a centre meter and a wide grin made its way onto her face "perfect"

"what is it, did you find it?" Octavia says and tried to see whatever Artemis could but, no matter how hard she looked, she couldn't see it. Artemis quickly ran over to the floor board and tried to lift it but her small fingers couldn't get enough grip

"crap" Artemis muttered under her breath and she looked around the room and then noticed the letter opener on the desk "Tavi, pass me that letter opener, quickly" she muttered and the girl nodded her head and ran over to it and then passed it to her and watched as Artemis stuck it into the floor and wiggled it a bit and then forced it onto an angle and the floor board began to pop up and then finally after a few seconds it was up and Artemis could grab it and move the floor board away and there in the hole was a box labelled 'quidditch' and the two girls smirked widely

"bingo" Artemis whispered and then grabbed the box and pulled it out and then put the floor board back but just as it clicked in there was a quick two knock on the door

"shes coming, shes coming!" Adira whisper shouted through the door and the two girls eyes widened and they ran over the door and quickly grabbed the handle but just as they were about to turn it, they heard Madam Hoochs voice from outside

"Ms Argent, what are you doing here?" Hooch asks, her voice was stern

"I uh well err I, I was looking for you" Adira stuttered out

"and why is that?" Hooch asked and the girls knew that they were doomed, there was no way that they were getting out of this

"well I uhh, you see, I wondered if there were any tips that you could give me to help me with broom flying" Adira said

Hooch let out a sigh "of course, though I must tell you, broom flying really isn't for everyone, but we can go in my office and I can try and help you" Hooch said and artemis and octavias eyes widened as the door handle began to twist

"NO! I mean no, its alright, I just remembered that I am meant to be meeting my friends at the great hall but uhh, im feeling quite faint actually" Adira muttered out and Artemis and Octavia began to snicker quietly

"do you need to go to the hosp-" Hooch started but then Ophelias loud voice boomed from outside

"oh professor, you must come quickly, there are two third years duelling each other in the courtyard" Ophelia said, her voice full of fake worry

"dear me" Hooch muttered quickly "ms Mikaelson, you wouldn't mind taking Ms Argent to the hospital wing would you, I need to go and sort these third years out" she said and then walked off, not even waiting for an answer

"alright she is gone" Ophelia says and opens the door and the two girls step out with grins on their faces

"Blimey, thanks Phelia, we would have a week of detention, and I haven't even finished my weeks detention with Snape yet, thank god for the twins or detention would probably be even less fun than History of Magic, I think weve polished more than half of the trophys in the school by now" Artemis grins "alright lets get down to the pitch, the twins are probably wondering where we are by now"

They arrived at the pitch and spotted Fred and George Weasley standing at the entrance with a pile of brooms next to them

"hey boys, sorry we're late, we had a little difficulties finding this" Artemis said and dropped the box down at the twins feet with a grin and they looked at her with a smirk and then turned to look at her friends who were standing a few feet behind her

"didn't know you were bringing the posy" Fred said with a grin

"didn't know it would be a problem" Octavia fired back as she walked forward and picked up one of the brooms and then turned to look at Artemis "we are all here to train, we have to make sure that Artemis makes it onto the Hufflepuff quidditch team"

The twins rose their eyebrows "she doesn't need practise, shes more than good enough to make it onto their team" George says with a grin

"lets just play some quidditch" Artemis stated and grabbed a broom and then went to grab the box but Fred stopped her

"I'll grab it" He said and gave her a soft smile which she returned and he grabbed a broom and the box and began to take the box to the centre of the field and opened it and the others grabbed their brooms and followed, fred looked at all of them "ready?"

"not yet, I gotta help Ophelia with riding the broom, the others have got the hand of it but could you just help them a bit" she muttered and made her way over to Fred and whispered into his ear "help Adira out, she knows what she is supposed to do but shes gotta get over the fear of it, then she should get the hang of It easy peasy" Fred nodded, trying to ignore the feeling in his stomach at how close she was and from the feeling of her warm breath on his neck and ear, she smelt like honey and peppermint, and he loved it.

Artemis then walked away from fred and over too Ophelia who looked embarrassed

"Don't worry Phelie, you'll get the hand of it straight away" Artemis states and then places a broom next to phelia and then grabs her wrist and hovers it over the broom

"think of the broom as a living thing okay, your mind is what controls it, you cant be scared, you have to be confident and know that you are in control but not a possessive control, you are both equal, you want to help each other" Artemis explained "when you say up, imagine the broom flying up into your hand, okay?"

Ophelia nodded her head "UP!" she said but nothing happened, the broom didn't move an inch and Artemis could tell she was feeling the pressure because the others are there "I cant do this"

"yes you can Ophelia, just remember what I said okay, just pretend that the others aren't there, you can do this, you need to be firm when you say it, don't be scared, now... try again" Artemis demands and Ophelia nods her head and takes a deep breath and then tries again

"Up!" she says firmly, not a single quiver in her voice and the broom shot right into her hand

"yes!" Artemis cried out happily and pat her friend on the back enthusiastically "I knew you could do it"

Ophelia wrapped her arms around her friend happily and thanked her

"okay now mount the broom, remember just think what you want it too d-" suddenly she was cut off by a large shout

"look out!" Artemis looked up quickly and the bludger was coming right towards them, her eyes widened and she grabbed her wand quickly and pointed it towards the quidditch box "accio Beaters club" the bat came soaring towards her and she grabbed it just in time to swing and hit the bludger, the bludger went flying, it was a great hit, the bludger went straight through the centre goal hoop and everyone on the field looked at her in amazement, including the two Hufflepuff boys who had just stepped onto the pitch, one of the Boys being Cedric Diggory and the other being Justin Moore, the Hufflepuff Quidditch Captain

Artemis Black - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now