Hufflepuff VS Gryffindor

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Adira, Lindsey, Lily, Octavia and Ophelia all quickly gave Artemis a hug and then pushed her inside the tent, this was it, the first quidditch game Artemis Black would be playing at Hogwarts. Artemis was nervous and she tried to calm herself down. Artemis hardly heard a word of Moore's pep talk as she pulled on her Quidditch robes and picked up her Nimbus Two Thousand.

"Its alright Artie, you're going to do fine" JJ says to her but she could tell that he was also nervous, she pulled him in for a quick hug, and as her arms wrapped around his neck he swore that he wanted nothing but for time to freeze, she really did give the best hugs and she was already calming him down for the match

"You've got this Artemis, you may be the youngest on the team, but you were put on the team for a reason, and the fact that you are only a first year only proves that you are going to do great" Said Sarah Delman, one of the Hufflepuff chasers

Artie nodded her head in thanks and she was slowly beginning to calm down. Justin Moore suddenly grabbed the girl softly by the arm and pulled her aside, away from the others.

"Don't want to pressure you, Black, but Hufflepuff hasn't won the cup in years, and I know we aren't the best team but I just want you to try your best okay, and I know that you have a lot of friends on the Gryffindor team but I need you to forget that for the game okay, you are a fantastic beater and I want you to go out there and show them everything that you have got" Justin said to her and gave her a pleading look that was topped off with a small smile, she could tell he was worried

"I'll do my best Justin, I promise" Artemis said and nodded her head, putting her game face on

"The whole school's out there!" said Beau Ward, another chaser peering out of the door. "Even — blimey — Dumbledore's come to watch!"

Artemis's heart did a somersault. "Dumbledore?" she said, dashing to the door to make sure. Beau was right. There was no mistaking that silver beard. Artemis looked at all of the crowd, she had never played in front of so many people before, but with dumbledore there, she didn't need to worry so much about Snape being harsh on Gryffindor. There was simply no way that Snape would dare to try anything if Dumbledore was watching.

"Alright, here we go" Justin called and they all got into line and began to make their way out onto the pitch, the sun shone brightly into Artemis eyes and she gripped her broom tightly feeling all the nervousness from before come rushing back, she felt like she was going to be sick.

She didn't even listen to the speech that Madam Hooch was giving, she couldn't, she felt nauseous and everything began to spin, she was cut out of her daze when the whistle went off and she quickly took off into the air. She had to snap out of it, and what better way to do that then hit the bludger that came soaring towards her head. She wacked the bludger over towards the Gryffindor chaser with the ball, Katie Bell, the bludger smashed into the back of her broom and her broom quickly spun around in circles and she dropped the quaffle and it landed right into Sarah's hands and she flew down towards the Gryffindor posts and Artemis flew after her to make sure that she didn't get hit.

George Weasley sent the bludger flying towards Sarah but Artemis quickly sped up on her nimbus 2000 and wacked the bludger right back at him, sending him a wink as she did so and he laughed and then hit the bludger right towards snape. Sarah threw the ball as hard as she could and got it past Oliver Wood right into one of the hoops.

Snape had just awarded Hufflepuff a penalty because George Weasley had hit a Bludger at him and Kirra Hood, a Hufflepuff chaser took the penalty and got it in, Hufflepuff was winning 40-20 and the game continued on and Artemis quickly got into the game, hiting bludger and protecting her team mates.

Snape awarded Hufflepuff another penalty for no reason at all and Artemis sent her friends an apologetic look and then purposely sent the bludger at Snape, however snape didn't retaliate.

Harry had suddenly gone into a spectacular dive, which drew gasps and cheers from the crowd, Artemis stopped and watched her god brother proudly, she knew he was going to get the snitch. The scores were Hufflepuff 100-60 but once harry caught the snitch, Gryffindor would surely win.

Harry streaked toward the ground like a bullet, speeding straight at Snape. Up in the air, Snape turned on his broomstick just in time to see something scarlet shoot past him, missing him by inches — the next second, Harry had pulled out of the dive, his arm raised in triumph, the Snitch clasped in his hand.

"Yeah Harry!!!" Artemis called out and flew right down to get to him

The stands erupted; Harry jumped off his broom, a foot from the ground and Artemis jumped down next to him and threw her arms around him happily.

"You did it Harry, that was bloody brilliant" Artemis cheered and ignored the glares she was getting from her own house. Harry was thankful for the girl and wrapped his arms around her waist tightly, that was what he loved abut her, even though he had just beat her team, she was telling him how proud she was

"Thanks Artie, you were brilliant too, and it was great when you sent that bludger right at snapes head" Harry said with a laugh. He couldn't believe it. He'd done it — the game was over; and Gryffindor had won.

As Gryffindors came spilling onto the field Artemis and Harry pulled away from the hug, they saw Snape land nearby, whitefaced and tight-lipped, Artemis watched Dumbledore whisper something into his ear and Harry grinned.

Fred and George came up behind her "well, if I didn't know any better, I would think that you had a personal vendetta against us" George said to her with a grin

"oh yeah and why is that Georgie?" She asked with a grin

"well the 17 bludgers that you sent flying at my head kinda suggested it" George said and laughed at the sheepish smile playing on her lips

"the two of you did bloody brilliant, its damn good that Harry caught that snitch otherwise Snape would have just kept being a biased little bitch and giving penalties" Artemis said with a scowl and the twins were shocked and yet again amazed by the girls kindness and fairness "not surprising though, Harrys a damn good seeker, best I've ever seen, though of course I haven't seen very many" she said the last part softly

"you did bloody brilliant too" Fred said and rubbed her head

"alright, see you boys later, the Hufflepuffs all look ready to kill me and I want to go get changed out of these sweaty clothes" she said and waved to her boys and then went back to the Hufflepuff locker room, got changed, listened to a speech about how Justin was proud of all of the team but disappointed that they lost.

Artemis left the locker room alone some time later, to take her Nimbus Two Thousand back to the her dorm, not being trusting enough to leave it in the broom shed. The evening air smelled so sweet but the cool air was nipping at her skin constantly. She made it to her dorm and placed her broom under her bed and then noticed a note sitting on the end of her bed and she instantly recognised the messy hand writing and rolled her eyes and then picked up the slip and red it

Meet us at the kitchen, there's going to be a party in the Gryffindor common room and we want your help snagging some stuff from the kitchens and we want you at the party. Come ASAP

Fred and George

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