The Marauders Map

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"You will keep looking while I'm away, won't you?" said Hermione though it was more a demand than a question. "And send me an owl if you find anything."

"And you could ask your parents if they know who Flamel is," said Ron. "It'd be safe to ask them."

"Very safe, as they're both dentists," said Hermione.

"though I highly doubt that they would know who he is, I swear I have read his name somewhere and it definitely wasn't from a muggle book" Artemis says with a sigh and then Fred and George come bursting into the halls and make their way over to the four first years

"Hermione, Harry, Ronikins, great to see you but we will just be taking Artemis here and be on our way" George said

"wait I n-" Artemis started but was already too late as she twins had hoisted her up by the arms and then directed her out of the great hall and took her over to the courtyard "seriously guys, I was kind of busy helping the others with something" she says with a sigh but couldn't help but grin at them

"don't worry about that Artie, we have decided to show you something that we found in our first year, we've been meaning to show you for a while now but it slipped our minds," Fred sais and then pulled a large piece of blank parchment out of his robe pocket and her eyes widened in shock and a small gasp escaped from her lips "it is calle-" he started but Artemis cut him off

"the marauders map, but how on earth did you find it?" Artemis asks in confusion and then stuck her hand out for it "could I please hold it" The twins looked completely confused but fred nodded his head and gave it to her

"How on Earth did you know about it, we thought that the two of us were the only ones who knew about it" George said and watched as Artemis pulled out her wand and held it to the parchment

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" She said and then watched the writing come up on the front, her fingers trailed over the name Padfoot and a small smile made its way onto her face. She couldn't believe that the map was still here, and that the twins had it. She imagined her father and his friends making this and running around the halls, stirring trouble

"Hello, Black? How do you know about the map?" George asks again and the twins towered over her and watched her closely as she was clearly thinking about something deep and important

"I know the makers," Artemis says softly with a sigh and the twins look at her in shock and they went to question her but she cut them off "but I cant tell you who they are or what I know about them just yet, maybe in a few years" she says with a sigh and then taps the map again "mischief managed"

"we nicked it from Filch's office in our first year when we had detention, the people who made this are bloody brilliant, we owe them everything, without them we probably would have been expelled by now" Fred said with a grin on his face

"Yeah well two of them are dead and the third one is as good as" Artemis says with a soft sigh but then forces a smile back onto her face "thanks for showing me, it means a lot and now we can get around a lot easier that you have shown me the map. Bye boys, I've got to go and meet Diggory, he's helping me with Qudditch training since Justin is away for the Holidays" she said and waved to them

"Diggory?" Fred let out a scoff and George grinned at him "why would you get him to help you when we can help, we are beaters after all"

"Yeah, but I cant expose too much of my beater skills in front off you, you might use some of them against me in our match" she says with a grin and then turns around to leave them there and go find Cedric who was staying at school because his parents apparently had something come up.

Once the holidays had started, Artemis, Ron and Harry were having too good a time to think much about Flamel, though Artemis did stay up late some nights ready over some of her old books to try and find something. Cedric and another Hufflepuff boy named JJ Maybank (sorry I had too) had become a lot closer to Artemis and her group of friends. JJ was the other Hufflepuff beater and didn't really like going home because he lived with his dad who was a muggle man who wanted nothing to do with the wizarding world and even hated his own son for being a wizard.

Lindsey and Lily had gone home but Artemis, Cedric, Adira and JJ stayed. Artemis and Adira had the dormitory to themselves and the common room was far emptier than usual, so they and the two boys were able to get the good armchairs by the fire. They sat by the hour eating anything they could spear on a toasting fork — bread, English muffins, marshmallows — and all talking about their dreams for the future, and surprising JJ and Artemis had seemed to get closer. Artemis had even sat with Ron and Harry in the great hall, frequently plotting ways of getting Malfoy expelled, which were fun to talk about even if they wouldn't work. Ron also started teaching Harry and Artemis wizard chess which Artemis grew frustrated with easily.

Ron's set was very old and battered. Like everything else he owned, it had once belonged to someone else in his family — in this case, his grandfather. However, old chessmen weren't a drawback at all. Ron knew them so well he never had trouble getting them to do what he wanted. Harry wasn't a very good player either and Ron and Seamus kept shouting different bits of advice at them which was confusing, which was confusing. Even the Artemis's friends were crowded around them at the Gryffindor table watching the game. It was Ron VS Harry and Artemis and the Weasley boy was clearly winning and this was how it went every time they played and then Artemis and her huffle buddies would go to the kitchens and drink and eat all kinds of foods to calm her down and of course, just for the fun of it

"Don't worry A, you'll get the hang of the game eventually, even if it does take ten years" JJ says with a grin and an snicker to which Artemis pouted and wacked the boy over the back of the head

"Shut up and eat your food before I shove it down your throat and watch you choke on it" Artemis scowls and points her spoon towards him threateningly and then the two burst out into laughter

"That's a bit dark for a Hufflepuff don't you think?" JJ says sarcastically and the girl rolls her eyes and the boy grinned at her

"shut up Maybank, the hat probably made a mistake, I'm surprised I'm not a bloody Gryffindor or Slytherin" she mutters out and JJ noticed the solemn expression on her face

"I know that that stinky old hat put you in Hufflepuff for a reason, sure you have all of the traits for the other houses, but you are too brave to be a Gryffindor and too cunning to be a Slytherin and far too intelligent to be a Ravenclaw" JJ said and gave her a grin but she raised her eyebrows in confusion, nothing he was saying was making any sense to her "Artemis Black, you are too pure for those houses, you are too pure for this whole bloody world, but the hat choose to put you in Hufflepuff because you are the most loyal person in this damn school and will stand by your friends no matter what, you're sarcastic but empathetic and mischievous yet kind, you give the best bloody hugs and are the best at cheering people up. You worry your friends but you don't mean too, but we do worry, because you are way too self sacrificing and you're a cinnamin roll until you get angry and someone upsets someone you care about, then you turn into a full on protective mode badger, you own way too many animals"

"I do no-"

"yes you do, all of us have seen the animals that follow you back into your dorm willingly, you cant help it, even all the animals love you" JJ says with a grin and a chuckle "and you always see the good in people, no matter how hard they try to prove that there is no good inside them, you can always find it"

Artemis was shocked "how do you know so much about me"

"i have telempathy," he says and her eyes widened

"Wicked" she muttered out with a grin

Artemis Black - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now