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"I dont know but i'm really worried Georgie" Fred Weasley quickly muttered out to his twin as the two of them quickly walked down the halls of Hogwarts, they had been walking around for the past through hours looking for the Black girl, but no matter where they looked they couldn't find her, and they couldn't use the map because they had leant it to Artemis and it was down in her room. Neither of the twins, had seen Artemis since she left with Harry, Ron and Hermione. They knew that Hermione and Ron were quickly checked over in the hospital wing but they hadn't seen either Harry nor Artemis, and they knew that it meant something was probably wrong. If anything was going to happen to any of the four of them, they knew it would be Harry and Artemis. They had even went out of there way to ask Artemis's friends if they had seen her but all of them shook their heads and told them that they too had been looking for her all day. They had asked Ron and Hermione but they told them that they weren't allowed to tell the twins what had happened and they said they didn't know where Artemis was

"me too Freddie, but I'm sure she'll be fine, she can take care of herself, you know that, she is the smartest witch in the entire first year, even the teachers think so" George said, though he wasn't sure if he was trying to reasure himself or his brother more. Artemis was indeed the smartest witch in the grade but the twins also knew she had a tendency for walking her way directly into trouble and she was sarcastic with a sharp tongue which often got her into trouble. They just hoped she hadnt pissed off the wrong person and then gotten herself in a muddy situation.

"I know she can take care of herself but shes reckless and doesn't think about things before she does them, we haven't seen her or Harry, something could be really wrong" Fred said and ran his fingers through his red locks in worry and then they heard soft foot steps, they quickly watched from behind a wall and made sure that they couldn't be seen

"You cant let them see her headmaster, the three of them have been bugging me the whole time, I'm worried that if we let them go and see her it could worsen her condition, she needs rest Albus and a lot of it and she definitely doesn't need to hear the sound of three bickering girls, and if those twins found her, they would be in the hospital reeking havick until they saw her" The twins listen closely and were sure that the person that the voice belonged to was Madam Pomfrey but they couldn't see because if they looked out from behind the wall any further, then they were sure to be seen

"Poppy, she would want to see her friends when she wakes up, she had just gone through something extremely traumatic and I believe that perhaps it could make her feel better if we let her friends in to see her, it might even help wake her up from the coma if she hears their voices" Dumbledore said and the twins shared a look, they were sure that they were talking about the exact girl that they had been looking for

"have you seen the gash on the side of her head albus?" Pomprey asked the man with a scoff

"yes poppy, of course i have" Dumbledore responded and the twins had already had enough, if Pomfrey was out here than this would be their chance to go and find Artemis in the hospital wing. They were worried by what Pomfrey had said about her, by the sound of it she was in a pretty bad condition

The twins shared a worried look and then nodded their heads simultaneously and then made their way down the halls quickly and then finally pushed open the doors to the hospital wing and there, all the way at the other end of the hospital wing, were Harry Potter and Artemis Black. The twins rushed over to them and gave Harry a sad look but then sat down next to Artemis. Fred sat at a chair next to her bed and George sat on the end of the bed. They looked at her with sad eyes as they noticed the large white dressing that was covering the top of her head and was wrapped in bandages, her hair was a mess and under her eyes was a dark shade of brown, she looked like she had been through hell and back.

Artemis Black - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now