Gringotts Bank

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They walked towards it and Artemis' eyes had widened in interest and delight as she spotted the short man standing outside of the bank, she had read all about goblins, they were labeled as foul and selfish but artemis had seen them as misunderstood creatures, they were surly intelligent and cunning, though while they didn't seem like they kind to be loyal, she was sure that they would die protecting something that they had too or someone, however while she was intrigued by goblins, she did much prefer house elves.

"Look over there, that's a goblin, I've read about them and i knew that they would be guarding the bank, they are just as i had imagined them to be" said Artemis excitedly as she looked between her uncle and the goblin that had a rather large scowl on his face as they walked up the white stone steps toward him.

The goblin was only about a head shorter than Artemis, she was very short, which was something she was very insecure about, that was why she liked her dragon animagus so much, it made her feel bigger, instead of someone so small in such a big old world, like she meant nothing, she was just an speckle that amounted to nothing, that had no purpose, she had often wondered what her purpose would be.

As they got closer to the goblin she noticed that he had a swarthy, clever face, a pointed beard and, Artemis noticed, very long fingers and feet. He bowed as they walked inside, but not before sending her uncle a disgusted look as it noticed the scars that crossed the mans face, though the goblin did not say anything and Artemis hadn't noticed, however Remus did, he always noticed the looks that he got whenever he went somewhere, it wasn't new to him. On the occasions that Artemis would notice, she would get angry at them, she had a short temper just like her father.

Now they were facing a second pair of doors, silver this time, with words engraved upon them: Enter, stranger, but take heed Of what awaits the sin of greed, For those who take, but do not earn, Must pay most dearly in their turn. So if you seek beneath our floors A treasure that was never yours, Thief, you have been warned, beware Of finding more than treasure there.

"Well that's a lovely welcome, way to build up the business i guess, scare away the customers," said Artemis with a snort and a grin on her face, her uncle grinned back down at her. A pair of goblins bowed them through the silver doors and they were in a vast marble hall. About a hundred more goblins were sitting on high stools behind a long counter, scribbling in large ledgers, weighing coins in brass scales, examining precious stones through eyeglasses. There were too many doors to count leading off the hall, and yet more goblins were showing people in and out of these.

Artemis and Remus made for the counter. "Good morning," said Remus with a soft smile to a free goblin. "We've come to take some money out of Ms. Artemis Black's safe."

"You have her key, sir?" said the goblin after a few moments of glaring down at the girl in front of him, he didn't want her in the bank, he knew all about her father, however, he wasn't allowed to turn her away

"Yes of course, its been locked in the cupboard for the past 10 years, surprised it hasn't gone rusty" said Remus softly, and he started digging his hands into all of his pockets to try and find the key, it took awhile and the aura around them had become uncomfortable but licking remus found it and then placed it on the counter, giving the goblin a small smile.

The goblin wrinkled his nose at the man, he knew all about Remus Lupin too, and he felt disgusted as the pair stood in front of him, a werewolf and the daughter of a mass murderer. Artemis watched the goblin on their right weighing a pile of rubies as big as glowing coals and quickly put her hand on her pocket as she felt Rubble begin to pull himself out. ". The goblin looked at the key closely, he didn't trust either of them and it were as if he were purposely trying to find anything suspicious about the two so that he could get them in trouble, however the key was 100% authentic. "That seems to be in order."

"of course it does" Artemis scowls, no longer able to control herself, sick of the looks that her and her uncle were receiving, the goblins eyes widened slightly and then he turned to his right

"I will have someone take you down to both vaults. Griphook!" Griphook was yet another goblin. Griphook looked even more nasty than the goblin at the desk, he had snatched the key off the desk and didn't say anything as he walked away from them, Remus and Artemis quickly followed Griphook toward one of the doors leading off the hall. 

They followed him through two large doors which the goblin had been kind enough to hold open for them and were in a narrow stone passageway lit withflaming torches. It had sloped steeply downward and there were little railwaytracks on the floor and Artemis couldn't help but look around in amazement 

"creepy... i like it" Artemis says with a giant grin on her face as she stared at her surroundings. Griphook whistled and a small cart came hurtling up thetracks toward them. They climbed in quickly and were off.At first, they just hurtled through a maze of twisting passages. Artemis thought back to the book that she had read on the bank and remembered how it was said to be impossible to find your way out of this place the cart went right then left, right, right, left, middle fork, right, left, but it wasimpossible and she was sure that what they had said in the book was correct, but she took it as a challenge and didn't know why, but she had an urge to get lost here and try to prove them wrong, then she thought about it, if she wanted to get out of here all she would have to do is turn into her animagus and fly out of there, however that would probably result in the ministry finding out about her being an animagus, which was something that she didn't want, especially when it meant she had been using magic out of school, hell before she even went to school, and at that, it was also extremely advanced magic.

 The rattling cart seemed to know its own way, because Griphookwasn't steering. Artemis's eyes stung as the cold air rushed past them, forcing her to blink a few times, though she tried her best to keep them open, not wanting to miss a single thing. She felt an excitement flow through her as she saw a burst of fire at the end of a passage andtwisted around to see a dragon though in a flash it was gone, they had taken a large turn and then they plunged evendeeper, passing an underground lake where huge stalactites and stalagmitesgrew from the ceiling and floor. 

Finally when the cart stopped at last beside a smalldoor in the passage wall, Artemis jumped out with a giant grin on her face, she had just had the time of her life, though remus was the opposite, as got out and had to lean against the wall tostop his knees from trembling, he looked sick, his face flashing between a pale and green hue.Griphook unlocked the door. A lot of green smoke came billowing out, andas it cleared, Artemis stood there with her mouth wide open, she was shocked, Inside were mounds of gold coins. Columns ofsilver. Heaps of little bronze Knuts. 

"All yours, your dad may have been reckless but he was good with saving his money" smiled Remus though she could tell he was sad to talk about his old friend. Artemis hugged her uncle and then looked back at the money it was incredible, she had never seen so much money in her life, and now she would be able to help look after herself and her uncle. 

Artemis could feel rubble in her pocket, struggling to get out but she knew she couldn't let him out, she quickly pulled her bag off her back, it was a backpack though it was bewitched and could hold a lot more than it looked like it could and she walked over and began to put some of the money into the bag and Remus helped her. 

There was a moderate amount of money in the bag now and remus zipped it up and handed it back to her. "alright, thatshould be enough for a couple of terms, and the rest will be kept safe here until you need it" 

and with that, they got back into the cart and left.

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