The Grand Plan

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After class Harry had been taken somewhere by professor McGonagall but Artemis hadn't gotten in trouble for flying which was a big relief, but much to her dismay, Malfoy hadn't gotten in trouble either

"I cant believe that you did that, do you know how dangerous that is? You could have gotten seriously hurt or even died?" Adira complained as they walked up the halls

"Merlin Adira, didn't you see her fly? She was bloody brilliant; you should try out for quidditch" Octavia said with a grin on her face

"Im going too but some of the hufflepuffs said I wont make it onto the team because im only a first year" Artemis replies with a sigh "but im gonna go and give it my best shot, that's the only thing I can do, and I can prove the people who said I wasn't good enough wrong"

"You sure you shouldn't be a Gryffindor or a Slytherin?" Ophelia asks with a grin and Artemis shrugged her shoulders

"I think Hufflepuff is a good house for her, she may be sarcastic and moody but we have all seen how caring and loyal she is" Octavia said

"Shes a bloody adrenaline junkie, tell me that doesn't sound like Gryffindor to you" Adira says with a grin and they

"well if we are gonna get you ready for the try outs, why not start now" Octavia said with a grin and Adira and Ophelia looked at her confused, their eyebrows furrowed as they looked at their blue eyed friend but Artemis was just grinning, felling excited

"where the bloody hell are we meant to get the balls and bats from, they are all locked up in Madam Hooch's office and she isn't going to give them to us, we are first years who couldn't even finish their first flying class because A FIRST YEAR broke his bloody wrist in the first 5 minutes" Ophelia said but by the identical smirks that covered Artemis and Octavia's faces, she knew that whatever was coming next, was far from legal and following the school rules "oh no, no, no, no, NO. Whatever the two of you have planned, it is NOT happening, its our second bloody week and I do not plan to get expelled straight away, I quite enjoy my time here, even if a majority of my house our assholes who believe in Pure blood supremacy"

"come on Phelie, it'll be fun" Artemis says with a grin on her face and she playfully punches Ophelias shoulder "I'll even help you fly a broom and then next lesson you can show off to that slytherin boy you cant take your eyes off," Ophelias cheeks flashed red

"who? Oh yeah that Vincent Reznor guy" Octavia said with a grin and Ophelias cheeks flashed an even darker shade of red

"I have no idea what you are talking about, but I guess you teaching me how to fly could be fun" she replied with a small smile

"how bout you Bambi? You up for it?" Artemis asks and the girl looked unsure but then nodded her head "great, ive already got a plan. Alright Ophelia, you're gonna distract Hooch, you're dad used to come here right?" she asked and Ophelia nodded her head, not knowing where Artemis was going with this "well he's a famous quidditch player, Hooch is sure to remember him, all you gotta do is praise her ya know? 'Ive heard all about you from my father' 'he says he would never be where he is today if it weren't for your flying lessons' and stuff like that, she will eat that shit up like Ron Weasley eats his pork sausages and chicken wings, she is in a meeting with the teachers at the moment and we don't know when it will end so you will have to wait around the corner and when you see her coming back, then you start" Ophelia nodded her head, understanding what she needed to do "then, me and Tavi are gonna sneak into the office a-"

"how are we going to get in? it will probably be locked" Octavia says in confusion and the other two nod their head in agreeance

"Alohamora of course" Artemis said with the shake of her head

"Alohamora of course, that's right silly me for not knowing about a spell we haven't learnt yet" Octavia says and playfully hits herself in the forehead

"okay so Tavi and I will sneak into the office and find the Qudditch box with all of the stuff in it and then we get our asses out of there, its quite simple really" Artemis states

"And what do I do?" Adira asks in confusion "and what about broom sticks, and what if we lose something and wh-"

Artemis cuts her off "don't worry about it Bambi, you are going to be the look out, you just have to stay outside madam Hooches office and if somehow we don't get out before Ophelia is finished with Hooch then knock on the door so we know that she is coming, then we will get the hell out of there, but it should only take us a moment to get what we need, also don't worry about the broom sticks, I'll get the twins to get them while we get the other stuff, we aren't going to lose anything okay, the twin are beaters too so if they wanna play, the three of us will make sure the bludgers don't get away, the quaffle will be fine obviously and we don't even need to use the snitch, but I would be able to find that too, im good at seeking it may just take me a while and being a beater is much more fun, seekers just sit around for a lot of the game"

"Alright, does everyone know what to do?" Artemis asks and everyone nods their heads and Artemis brings her fingers to her mouth and then whistles loudly, the sharp sound echoing through the hallways in the giant castle

"why did you do th-" Adira asks but is cut off by a small creature running down the hall towards them "Rubble!"

"Merlins beard, what is that" Ophelia asks as it runs up Artemis body and sits on her shoulder

"it's a niffler, its my pet" Artemis says and the two Slytherins stare at it with their mouths wide open

"why the hell are we only finding out about it now, and are you even allowed to have it at Hogwarts?" Ophelia asks

"Calm your tits Phelie, your only finding out about it now because it isn't really a big deal and of course I'm not supposed to have it at Hogwarts, though I'm sure there are multiple of them roaming around the grounds" Artemis says and then pulls a piece of parchment and a quill from her robes and then she leant it against the wall and began to write

Evening boys,

Would you mind breaking into the broom shed and nicking 7 brooms and making your way down to the quidditch pitch, I'll meet you both in around half an hour

From 'your favourite first year,'

Artie Black

Artemis quickly folded the parchment and then handed it to the niffler who shoved it into his front pouch "would you mind taking this to Fred and George for me?" Rubble nodded his head and then quickly ran off down the hall

"alright, time to get down to business" Octavia says with a grin

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