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The following week dragged by slowly and Artemis and the twins had pulled pranks on about 4 different teachers and at the rate that they were going, they were surprised they hadn't been sent home. Charlie Weasley had written back to Ron to tell him and his friends that he would happily take Norbert, however he didn't really have a way of getting the dragon, but Hagrid had told ron that he had got that part of the problem sorted out and that he had a friend who would take Norbert over to Charlie, Ron had wrote back to his brother straight away and it was as simple as that.

On the weekend, Saturday night, Artemis would fly Norbert over to Romania, all she would have to do is sneak down to Hagrids hut, grab Norbert, make her way into the Forbidden Forest so that nobody could see her change into her Animagus form and then she would fly Norbert over.

Saturday night had finally come around and Artemis was currently sneaking through the Halls of the castle, making sure that she wouldn't get caught otherwise the whole plan would blow up, she kept her wand in her hand however she decided against using Lumos as that would only attract attention to her, meanwhile, Fred and George Weasley were also walking around the halls, wands lit and a familiar map in their hands as they followed the girl, worried that she was doing something that could get her hurt.

Artemis let out a sigh of relief as she made it out of the castle, she quickly ran down towards Hagrids hut and knocked on the door. The door quickly opened and Artemis noticed the tears running down Hagrid's face. He moved out of the doorway and let the girl come into the small hut, she was sending him a small sympathetic smile.

"it's okay Hagrid, he will be in good hands and he is going to make lots of friends" Artemis said and pat the man on the shoulder comfortingly and then made her way over to the table where Norbert was sitting and he instantly jumped around happily when he saw the girl

"I know I know, ya better be off now, we need ya back before sunrise" Hagrid said and snuffled "Bye-bye, Norbert!" Hagrid sobbed, "Mummy will never forget you!" Artemis gave the man one last small smile and then allowed the dragon to jump up onto her shoulders and then she waved to hagrid and made her way out of his hut and over towards the dark forest which luckily wasn't too far.

The twins watched the girl in confusion, it was too dark to see much but they could make out that there was something on the girls shoulder, they followed her but made sure to keep their distance

"shes running into the forest" George said in shock "and she is by herself"

"we have to go after her" Fred muttered out in worry and they ran over to her

Artemis turned around with her wand pointed up as she heard a twig snap from behind her, she quickly lowered her wand when she realised who it was "Jesus boys, what the hell are you doing out here" she scolded

"we were making sure that you are okay" Fred said and then the two boys finally realised what was on the girls shoulder "Blimey, is that a bloody dragon" fred muttered out in shock and Artemis let out a nervous laugh

"what no pfft- a dragon of course not" she said and the twins raised their eyebrows at her and she let out a sigh "yes it's a dragon, now can you please go back to the castle I have to do something"

"is it dangerous" George asks

"probably, but I can handle myself and im on a tight schedule so could you please go back to the castle" Artemis says and then turns to walk into the forest but Fred grabs her wrist

"We aren't letting you go in there by yourself, its dangerous" Fred said and Artemis looked down at the ground to think for a while and then she let out a big sigh and looked back up towards the boys knowing that they weren't going to give up and she was just wasting time by arguing with them

"well come on then" she says and runs into the forest, the boys run after her in confusion

"where are we going?" George asks as they run through the forest and weave between the trees, he tried to hide it but he looked slightly worried

"Romania" She states quickly and the brothers share a confused look

"Romania?" Fred asked in confusion

"how the bloody hell are we getting to Romaina" George asks

"we fly of course" Artemis says and stops running and turns to look at the boys, the three of them were in a large clearing in the woods "you boys wanted to know my secret, well now you are about to find out, but you must promise not to tell anyone, I trust you both and if anyone found out I could be sent to Azkaban"

The twins shared a worried look with each other before turning back to the girl and they nod their heads "we promise we wont tell anyone"

Artemis grins "you might want to stand back" she mutters and the twins look confused but then nod their heads and walk back a few steps but she ushers them to keep going and they do, when they were far enough she looked over at Fred "please don't hate me after you see this" she mutters and then all of the sudden her body quickly begins to change and grow and then in a few seconds, where the girl was standing, there was now a giant white dragon that were way taller then the trees in the forest. Norbert was on the dragons shoulder and the twins looked up at her in shock and then grinned

Artemis laid down so that the twins could climb onto her back, she waited for them to get comfortable and then she stood up. The twins held on tightly, they were amazed

"You're an animagus" Fred said with a laugh of excitement

"wicked" the twins both say and then Artemis stretched her wings out wide and then took off into the sky and began to fly over to Romania, which due to her big size and speed would only take about 2-3 hours. The twins were more than surprised and then everything started making sense and they understood why she always got so cold.

Fred pat the dragon and looked down at the ocean below them, Artemis flew closer to the water, her feet dragged through the ocean, she hadn't been in her animagus form for a very long time and she finally felt free and the fact that the twins didn't judge her only made everything so much better

The moon was reflecting on the ocean and it looked beautiful, and the twins were glad that they finally knew her secret, and from that night, the two of them swore that they would never tell anyone about that secret

Artemis Black - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now