The Burrow

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The first few weeks of holidays had flown by, Remus and Artemis had spent the weeks catching up and filling each other in on what had happened through out the school year. Remus was sadly still struggling to find a job, but luckily he had managed to get a small one down at the corner store up the street run by muggles. Artemis had received an invitation from the twins in the second week of the holidays to come and stay at the burrow with their family. Remus had agreed and she would be spending the last week with them, and would be leaving to go there tomorrow

"I cant believe you'll be starting your second year in a week" Remus muttered out and took a long sip of his coffee "it feels like only a few days ago we were walking into Ollivanders to get your first wand

"Its only second year Rem, I've still got heaps of time left" Artemis told him with a smile but she did agree that the school year had flown past "alright I'm going to go to bed, I'll see you in the morning" she tells him and then gets off the couch and goes and walks into her room. Her room was covered in Hufflepuff banners and flags.

She let out a soft sigh and flicked the light switch then walked over to her bed and laid down under the blankets, staring up at the ceiling, she couldn't wait for tomorrow, she would finally be going to the Weasley's house, who would be taking her to diagon alley and then to the train station to leave to school.

"Merlins beard!" Artemis hears her uncle cry out and her eyes shot open, she quickly grabbed her wand off the bedside table and stumbled ou of the room, she was still half asleep and wearing her ninja turtle pyjamas. She jumped into the kitchen with her wand held high and her eyes basically closed

"what happened remus are you okay? did someone bre--" she stopped talking as she eyed the twins, Ron, and Mr Weasley standing in the middle of the room talking and smiling with Remus. Her cheeks went  dark red as everyone in the room looked at her with giant grins "oh"

"Well Artie, isn't this just a pleasant surprise," Fred asks her with a smirk as he looks at the girls attire and how she looked like she could fall back asleep any second

"Bloody hell" Ron muttered out and looked at her with wide eyes and the girl looked around in embarrassment 

"i-ill just go and get changed and grab my stuff then" She mutters out and then leaves the room, as soon as she was out of sight, she bolted down the hall to her bedroom and slammed the door shut. Her cheeks were still red in embarrassment as she quickly pulled on some muggle clothes and brushed out her hair then grabbed her bag quickly of the floor, shoving a few extra things in. She ran over to her bed and bed side table

"Rubble, oi you furry git wake up we need to go" artemis said and shook the sleeping niffler that was snuggled up into her pillow on her bed. He opened his eyes and stretched out his legs like he was going to get up but then he rolled up into a ball and fell asleep again, causing Artemis to let out an annoyed huff as she turned to her bedside table "Bean, come on, wake up" she says and the bowtruckle opens his eyes and stretches his roots before climbing up her arm to stand up on her shoulder "at least one of you listens to me" she mutters out with a grin and then reaches down and picks Rubble up and carefully places him in her empty pocket "alright i think that's everything, lets go" she mutters and looks around her room one last time and then grabs her stuff and walks back out to the Weasleys

"Have you got everything?" Remum asked her quickly, worry evident in his voice, she goes over to the man and hugs him with a smile

"Yes Rem, I've got everything" she says and then pulls away

"Ready to go?" Arthur asks her with a smile and then takes the girls bag

"Oh, I can take that" she says and reaches her hand out to grab her bag

"nonsense, your the guest, I'll take it" Arthur says with a smile and she hesitantly nods her head

They make their way over to the fireplace, they were going to be travelling to the burrow by the floo network

"Alright Artemis, you first, remember, the burrow" Arthur says and she nods her head, grabs a handful of the powder and then steps into the fireplace

She lets out a small nervous breath but catches Freds eyes and he gives her an assuring nod and a smile, she smiles back and then throws the powder down onto the floor "the burrow" she felt the flames ingulf her and then when they cleared away, she was in a totally different location. She quickly stepped out of the fireplace and looked around and the fred appeared behind her

"It's not much," said Fred softly as they looked around the burrow, the girl turned to grin at him

 "It's wonderful," said Artemis happily, and it really was, infact she thought it was one of the best things that she had ever seen

The rest of the Wealsey's toppled in through the fireplace one by one and Molly Weasley rushed into the room with a giant smile and pulled Artemis into a hug "oh how good to see you dear" she said and Artemis enjoyed the hug by the woman who somehow she had already started seeing as a mother

"its great to see you too Mrs Weasley" Artemis says with a smile and the plump woman pulls away from the hug 

"you must be starving" Molly said with a giant smile and dragged the girl off to the kitchen, giving the twins one last look who were grinning at her widely as she was dragged away.

Artemis grinned as she laid on her bed in the burrow, she was sharing a room with Ginny, the youngest Weasley child and the pair had gotten exceptionally close over the last two days that she had spent at the burrow. 

"I hope I'll be placed in Gryffindor" Ginny says with a wide smile as she looks over at Artemis

"I think its pretty likely that you will, your whole family is after all, but it doesn't mean you definitely will be, and it doesn't really matter, i mean all the houses are equally important" Artemis says to the red haired girl 

"Except for slytherin" Ginny says with disgust and Artemis looked over at her, she supposed she shouldn't be surprised, all the rest of the Weasleys hated slytherins

"just because someone is in Slytherin Ginny, it doesn't mean that they are a bad person" Artemis tries to explain 

"yes it does" Ginny says as she looks down at artemis in confusion


"Artie" the girls hear and turn their heads to the door in confusion and they see Fred Weasley and George Weasley standing at the door 

"what?" Artemis asks in confusion and Fred puts his finger to his lips and shushes her

"come on" Fred mutters out softly

"ooo where are you going? can i come?" Ginny asks in excitement

"sorry Gin, we just need help with our... potioins homework" George quickly says and Artemis knew that he was lying but somehow, Ginny didn't 

"Oh, okay" Ginny says and nods her head and then Artemis stood up and went to leave with the twins

"where are we going?" Artemis asked as they walked down the stairs of the burrow

"to go and save Harry Potter" the twins reply

Artemis Black - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now