End Of Year Feast

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The last few days of school ran by smoothly and Harry had finally woken up that day. The twins had been in a mood because they had been destroyed in the last quidditch game of the year by Ravenclaw, and of course they made it their personal job to continuously announce that if Harry Hadnt been away for the game, they would have easily won the game.

The school was now all piled in the Great Hall for the final feast at Hogwarts, the houses were all separated and Artemis couldn't help but feel weird as she sat at the Hufflepuff table, though it wasn't to bad because the twins sat right behind her at the Gryffindor table. Artemis was squished between Ophelia and Cedric and JJ was in front of her, she was glad that she had made up with them again, they had continuously apologised to her but she had told them the first time that she forgave them. 

Artemis looked around the hall, taking it all in before she would go home for the holidays, she planned on eating a lot of food and even sneaking a few treats into her robes before she left to go home.  The great hall was decked out in theSlytherin colors of green and silver to celebrate Slytherin's winning theHouse Cup for the seventh year in a row. A huge banner showing theSlytherin serpent covered the wall behind the High Table. Suddenly the whole hall went silent as the doors opened and Harry Potter walked in, and then everybodystarted talking loudly at once.

"I'm glad he's alright" Artemis says to her friends with a grin and they all nodded their head in agreeance 

Fortunately, Dumbledore arrived moments later. The babble died away."Another year gone!" Dumbledore said cheerfully. "And I must troubleyou with an old man's wheezing waffle before we sink our teeth into ourdelicious feast. What a year it has been! Hopefully your heads are all a littlefuller than they were . . . you have the whole summer ahead to get them niceand empty before next year starts. . . . Now, as I understand it, the House Cup here needs awarding, and thepoints stand thus: In fourth place, Gryffindor, with three hundred and twelvepoints; in third, Ravenclaw, with three hundred and fifty-two; Hufflepuff hasfour hundred and twenty-six and Slytherin, four hundred and seventy-two."A storm of cheering and stamping broke out from the Slytherin table. 

Artemis could see Draco Malfoy banging his goblet on the table and her and Ophelia shared an unamused expression. "Yes, yes, well done, Slytherin," said Dumbledore. "However, recentevents must be taken into account."The room went very still. The Slytherins' smiles faded a little."Ahem," said Dumbledore. "I have a few last-minute points to dish out.Let me see. Yes . . ."First — to Mr. Ronald Weasley . . ."Ron went purple in the face; he looked like a radish with a bad sunburn.". . . for the best-played game of chess Hogwarts has seen in many years, Iaward Gryffindor House fifty points."Gryffindor cheers nearly raised the bewitched ceiling; the stars overheadseemed to quiver. Percy could be heard telling the other prefects, "Mybrother, you know! My youngest brother! Got past McGonagall's giant chessset!"At last there was silence again. 

"Second — to Miss Hermione Granger . . . for the use of cool logic in theface of fire, I award Gryffindor House fifty points."Hermione buried her face in her arms; Artemis strongly suspected she hadburst into tears. Gryffindors up and down the table were beside themselves —they were a hundred points up."Third — to Mr. Harry Potter . . ." said Dumbledore. The room wentdeadly quiet. ". . . for pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award GryffindorHouse sixty points."The din was deafening. Those who could add up while yelling themselveshoarse knew that Gryffindor now had four hundred and seventy-two points— exactly the same as Slytherin. 

"Forth -- to Miss Artemis Black . . . for showing great courage and showing an outstanding amount of loyalty to her friends, I award Hufflepuff house... 50 points" Hufflepuff cheered loudly, and all reached over to the girl to pat her on the back, they were in the lead

"that's my best friend" Ophelia says and shakes her friend excitedly

"Youre bloody brilliant" Cedric cheers from next to her and looks down at her proudly and JJ and the Hufflepuffs all cheered for her

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