Gryffindor VS Slytherin Game

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Artemis, Fred and George all woke to the sound of chatter, all of them were confused until they remembered last night

"is that Artemis Black?" they heard Oliver Wood ask and Artemis quickly sat up, Fred let out a groan at the sudden movement, still being half asleep

"Come on, up you get, you have quidditch soon" Angelina Johnson states and she pushed George off the couch with a laugh and the three stood up and Artemis was extremely embarrassed, not just because the entire Gryffindor quidditch team was looking at her and had just seen her wrapped up in fred Weasleys arms, she tried to ignore how safe she had felt when she was in her arms, she was more embarrassed about the fact that the twins had seen her like that

"I umm" she muttered out and Fred stood in front of the girl protectively

"you lot can clear out, we will be down with you in a minute" fred says firmly

"is she okay?" Harry asked in worry

"I'm fine harry" she mutters softly from behind fred "I'll be out after you"

The quidditch team gave them one last look, a few sending winks to Fred and then they all left, leaving the twins and Artemis alone in the Gryffindor common room

"im so sorry that the two of you had to see me like that, you mustn't worry, it happens frequently when It gets too cold" she mutters out and avoids eye contact with the two red heads

"we shouldn't worry?! Artemis I think that was the most frightening experience we have ever been through" Fred exclaimed, ho voice was loud and full of worry, she had flinched and taken a step back, feeling extremely guilty for putting the boys through that. Fred and George noticed her reaction and instantly calmed down and Fred now spoke in a soft calm voice "Artie, last night, you almost froze to death, we care about you a lot and we had no idea how we could help you, we aren't mad at you"

"when we said we would take you to the hospital wing, you had said no because you were worried that they would find something out, you don't need to tell us, but if you ever want to talk to us about it, then you can" George said softly and the two boys pulled the girl into a soft hug and then pulled away "we better hurry up and get ready for quidditch or wood will kill us"

Artemis nodded her head and began to take off the boys clothes but Fred stopped her "keep it until after the game, that way you can show your support to the best quidditch team" he said with a grin and a wink and then looked down at his jumper that she was wearing "and it looks good on you anyways" he says and then without another word or look, the twins ran up to their rooms, leaving a flustered Artemis behind.

Artemis had quickly left the Gryffindor common room and then went to her dorm and had a warm shower than threw on some black leggings a yellow jumper and then Fred's jumper on top, she then threw on her own gloves and Fred's, then lastly finished It off with Georges Scarf, she looked like a Gryffindor besides the warn out yellow converse that she wore on her feet. She threw a mint in her mouth and then ran down to the Great hall to eat breakfast quickly before going to the game.

The Great Hall was full of the delicious smell of fried sausages and the cheerful chatter of everyone looking forward to a good Quidditch match, though she also didn't miss some of the chatter about her being in the Gryffindor common room with Fred Weasley, the news had spread like wild fire but she couldn't care less, they hadn't done anything that they shouldn't have, besides a Hufflepuff being in the Gryffindor common room.

"You've got to eat some breakfast." Hermione said to Harry who hadn't even touched his plate of food.

"I don't want anything." Harry mumbled out and looked over at Artemis with worried eyes "are you sure you are okay?" he asked in a worried voice

Artemis Black - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now