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They were finally at Romania, the twins pointed down when they noticed their brother waving to them with a large grin on his freckled face

"down there artie" Fred said and the dragon let out a small roar, and then it went to fly down and landed right next to Charlie and the twins jumped off, Charlie looked shocked to see his brothers

"Freddie, Georgie, what on earth are you boys doing here?" Charlie asked and pulled his brothers in for a hug and then he turned at the large dragon that they had been riding on "Shes beautiful, where on earth did you get her, very rare, and its so tame, magnificent"

The dragon suddenly changed to a girl with brown eyes and black hair Charlies eyes widened even more "merlins beard, Artemis Black"

"Hey Charlie" Artemis said and then carefully grabbed Norbert off her shoulder and held him in her arms "its been a while" Charlie was still in shock

"Your gonna end up catching flies Charlie, that's if Fred doesn't get to jealous and feed you too the dragons first" George said with a grin and Fred elbowed him and Charlie finally snapped out of it

"You're an animagus and only a first year, that bloody incredible, and a dragon" Charlie looked extatic and then made his way over to the twins and pat them both on the shoulder "take care of this one boys"

Artemis rolled her eye with a grin "if anyone is taking care of someone, im taking care of them" Charlie laughed

"I wouldn't say im surprised about that, and im assuming you aren't registered" Charlie said with a smirk and she looked down at the ground "don't worry, I wont tell anyone" he walked over to her and took Norbert "you guys should get back, you don't want to get caught and you are going to be bloody exhausted its over 700 miles one way, id be surprised if you can make it through the day"

The Weasley's and Artemis talked for a few more minutes and then said all of their goodbyes, Artemis took her dragon form again and then began the journey back to Hogwarts. The twins were glad they got to see their brother again but they were sad that they didn't get to stay long but they understood why they had to get back.

They hadn't even got back to Hogwarts yet and it was obvious how tired the girl was getting, she had slowed down but she kept trying to fly, the twins could see that she was in pain and they were immedietly worried for her

"maybe we should take a break" Fred called out over the wind to the girl but the dragon ingnored him and kept on flying "come on Artie, you're bloody exhausted" the dragon kept on going

"fred is right Artie, come on, youre about to collapse" George said and then all of the sudden the dragon let out a big jet of fire from its mouth, telling them to shut up and then she kept on flying, pushing her limits.

The sun was just beginning to show over the water as the dragon landed in the forest. The twins jumped off and then girl instantly turned back into her human form and then collapsed to the ground

"Artie?!" the twins yelled and ran over to her in worry, Fred quickly kneeled down and pulled her into his lap "Artie?" soft snores began to escape her mouth and her eyes were shut softly, dark bags had formed under her eyes and her hair was messy but Fred still thought she was beautiful.

"She'll be fine, shes just knocked out from exhaustion" George said with a relieved sigh and put the girl on the head softly "lets get her back up to the castle

"Have you figured out the Hufflepuff password yet?" Fred asks and George shakes his head with a sigh "well she needs to go to bed, if we can't get her into the Hufflepuff dorms, we will have to take her to Gryffindor"

"do you remember how that went last time?" George asked and the two twins grinned

"how could I forget" Fred asked with a grin. Carefully, he picked the girl up in his arms and then the twins began to make their way back into the castle and up to the Gryffindor common room, they took her to their dorm then carefully put her down on Freds bed and covered her over with the blanket and then closed the curtains around the bed. George went over and hoped into his bed and Fred grabbed a pillow and blanket and laid down on the floor next to the bed that held artemis black.

Fred couldn't help but feel grateful that he and George had gone out after her that night, this was one of the most interesting nights that they had ever had at Hogwarts and they even got to see Charlie. Fred thought back to what Charlie had said

'take care of this one boys'

Fred frowned slightly at the thought of something happening to her and the fact that people now knew her secret, was she right to trust so many with her secret? Fred was determined to take care of her.

Artemis woke up hours later and she frowned as she looked around, she wasn't in her bed, instead of her yellow blankets, the blankets were red and there were red curtains around her. She remembered what had happened the night before and she figured it was one of the twins beds. She drew back the curtain and the bed around her were empty and unmade, there was a pillow and blanket on the floor and she smiled slightly but then when she looked out the window her smile disappeared "Helga!" she quickly jumped out of bed, she had slept the whole day and she has detention tonight. She ran towards the dorm door and pulled it open, she figured It must have been dinner and everyone would have been down in the great hall.

Her body ached but she pushed through it and made her way out of the dorm and began to make her way to the great hall, hoping to not be too late and get something to eat however, just as she walked down the staircase that led to the hall, all the students began pouring out

"seriously? I fly more than 1400 miles, wake up and have too go to detention and I miss dinner, someone must really hate me today" She grumbled out and then made her way to filches office to serve the detention she got for shaving Mrs Norris's tail

Artemis Black - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now