Finding Them Pt.31

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          The sun was tall in the sky when the four siblings had made it back to the inn. Snow fell gently from the sky once again, it wasn't enough to stick to the browned grass, but it was nice nonetheless.

"I'm going to go make some tea, anyone want any?" Phil asked the other three. Techno and Wilbur nodded.

"Can I have hot chocolate?" Tommy asked meekly. Phil nodded, walking off to get the ingredients. The other three took a seat on the small couch, watching as Phil worked. He took the bucket of water, hooking it over the fire before sitting down with his brothers.

"So," Phil started, "who wants to start?" Silence. Phil waited a moment before clasping his hands together.

"Alright, Tommy, why don't you tell us what happened with Tubbo." He thought it would be better to start with this seeing as it would most likely be shorter, and Techno's story could be a bit of a distraction for Tommy. Tommy sighed but nodded, he was at a crossroad between being sad and determined.

"He basically said he didn't want to talk yet, but he would meet with me tomorrow to talk things out," Tommy paused, "It was weird, it felt like it wasn't even him. I just wish things would go back to normal," he sighed. Wilbur draped an arm over him, pulling him into a side hug.

"Are you going to go?" Phil asked. Tommy nodded vigorously without a second thought.

"I'm not going to give up on Tubbo, he's Tubbo. I can't do that," he said stubbornly. Phil smiled.

"Good, from what I've seen you two were almost inseparable it's a bit astounding to me that you two would have such a falling out in the first place." Phil smiled before continuing. "Alright then, the moment we've all been waiting for."

"Finally, I get to know why you were covered in blood yesterday," Tommy added. Techno groaned under the gazes of his brothers.

"Well, I guess it all started the day I was born, both of my parents failed to show up," he began.

"Techno," Phil said, warning in his voice.

"What?" Phil glared, "Fine," Techno restarted. "I don't remember much from before I was five, but I grew up with one person; my overseer. Ever since I was able to walk, I was being trained to kill."

The sun shined brightly over the mountain side; the blinding snow covered every inch of the land. A decent sized building sat a few yards away from the cliffside. A winding dirt path was the only safe way up or down. Chunks of snow would fall from the roof of the building every so often. A child is panting picking himself up off of the ground once again. He prepares his stance, and charges. The man he is fighting with is quick to react. Attacks and dodges were swapped, quick and clean. The boy didn't see it coming and lost his balance, falling into the snow below him.

"Again." The voice was deep, commanding. The boy did as he was told, getting off the ground once more. They repeated. Days, weeks, months passed. The boy was older now, around the age of five. The two stood outside again, stances ready, waiting for the first move. The child ran at the man quickly but controlled, a hit to the side. A block to his right. The dance was executed perfectly, and when it was finished the child had a knife to the man's throat. Victory.

"Do it again, the first time is always luck."

They did. Again, and again until the boy could no longer walk, and no longer lost. A week later he was assigned his first mission. The man sat the boy down at a table, both sitting rigid, tall, intimidating.

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