Fluffy Fluff !

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so like, my last one there, woo- bit too angsty yeah? yeah I think so too... But guess what time it is! That's right you guessed it! It's Fluffy Fluff Time Boys!!!!!!!! ( I fricken LOVE family dynamics soooooooo much my dudes-)

sum: da sleepy bois chill at will's house when BOOM blizzard! uh oh spagetti oh, what will they do? Slumber party, that is the answer. (If you couldn't tell I am going insane, I've literally been doing an English assignment for years now and I want to rip my brain out- Thanks for coming to my TED Talk)

- also I've decided that COVID doesn't exist because it. is. well, nonexistent now. also distance doesn't exist either because this is a like... 1D???? universe, cuz like, idk where I was going with that to be honest. but imagine 2D is flat 3d is well, 3D or I guess realistic, but this could be 1D cuz you only know what is going on. Don't fact check me I don't know how to math.

School kind of sucks, but luckily for Tommy it was the end of the school day. The little gremlin child -as a certain adult man put it- was more excited this evening than any other day. He was going to see his friends ,the Sleepy bois is what they called themselves. Pulling out his phone, Tommy opened his messages.

Wilbur: I'm here to kidnap you.

Although that does sound fun, where are you?:Tommy

Wilbur: black car bottom right of the parking lot, I'm standing out the drivers seat. It'll be hard to miss.

Okay big W:Tommy

After responding to Wilbur Tommy stuffed his phone back in his pocket and headed out to the parking lot. As he approached his ride he realized Will wasn't lying when he said it would be hard to miss him. Wilbur being the tallest of them all towered over the car, next to him was Philza, and to top it off techno to his left. And as if the three wouldn't attract enough attention just being three adult men, standing around in a school parking lot, they just had to put the cherry on top. Each were holding up a sign as if they were at an airport.

Techno's said, " Looking for, Orphan." with a very badly drawn stick figure. Philza's read, " Tall Child lost, will respond to: Gremlin, Tommy, Tomathy, Big T, Big man, or simply yell; "Just Killed a Woman," but do not say; "feeling good". " Finally, there was Wilbur's. All the sign was, was a drawing of a blond Jesus, and the word "POGCHAMP" in impact font. It also didn't help that Wilbur decided to hold his sign above his head and spin it around a few times.

When his friends finally took notice of him walking over their expressions changed. Phil smiled, Techno's face lit up a bit, Wilbur waved.

"Hello there gremlin child." Wilbur greeted. To which Tommy replied, "I'm not a child."

"Says the child," Techno joined in.

After the four climbed into the car, they got to Wilbur's house.

"Wilbur, Wilbur watch this!" Phil yelled taking a piece of popcorn, throwing it in the air, and catching it in his mouth.

"That was great Philza Minecraft!"

"Hey, do any of you know if it's supposed to snow?" Techno asked. The other three looked over confused. "No, Why?" Will answered. Techno simply pointed out the window where large gray clouds loomed overhead. Flurries had begun to fall from the sky as well.

"Here, turn on the news channel." Phil handed Wilbur the remote. After switching through two channels he found the right one. "we currently advise everyone not to make plans for tonight. There is a nasty storm coming."

This only confirmed their suspicions. When Tommy turned his head to look out the window once again, it was nothing but thick white snow covering his view.

"Uh, guys, what are we going to do?" They decided it would be best to call Tommy's parents and ask if he could stay the night due to the weather. They agreed after seeing that it wouldn't let up any time soon.

"So what are we going to do now?" Techno asked. "Slumber party of course!" With that The second oldest ran to his room and came back with a pile of pillows and blankets. Without a second thought the rest joined in making a bed space on the floor in front of the couch. Half way through techno got up and made hot chocolate while the rest looked for a movie to put on. They decided on a comedy, but after about 20 minutes in the screen went dark, as did the rest of the electricity. Tommy's heart rate picked up. He wasn't necessarily afraid of the dark, but he wasn't a big fan of it either.

"Welp, guess it's bedtime then, night guys." One by one the three older boys fell asleep, Tommy however, sat curled upon himself pupils widening trying to see. Every now and then he heard the house creak and almost every time he would jump a little bit. What was he going to do, he wouldn't be able to fall asleep like this. He bit his tongue and tried to ignore the sounds going on around him. However, he could not ignore the sound of a trash can being hit against a wall. With a loud bang and a shout from Tommy the other three men woke up instantaneously. Tommy wanted nothing more than to melt into the floor.

"Is everyone alright?" Phil asked. Wilbur and Techno both replied with a simple, yeah. Tommy simply slipped his head lower between his arms and tried to disappear.

"Tommy, are you okay?" "Y-yeah I'm fine." Damn, why did he have to stutter. Knowing it wasn't alright Phil walked over to him. "What's up?" "Nothing, really just spooked is all-" he reluctantly answered. Phil grabbed his cover and brought it over to where he was set up and wrapped an arm around the younger boy. Next came Techno laying on the other side of him. Finally, Wilbur, who decided to lay right across the three in the most eccentric way possible.

"It's alright Tom's we gotcha." Tommy felt better now.

"Oh, and just saying that was a trashcan earlier." Wilbur informed. "Oh no, there goes my house-" 

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