Finding Them Pt.46

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        The rush of air blew past Tommy's ears, pulling his hair back gently. In this moment he felt free, and so completely alone. The truth about flying was, yes it was as free as you could be, entirely control of yourself, of everything. But Tommy wasn't flying, no.

He was falling.

If he wasn't awake before he sure was now, pure adrenaline flooded his body. He paled a bit in disbelief, Phil had just pushed him out of a tree. What was he thinking?! You don't push a child out of a tree! He screamed as he fell, trying to make sense of everything around him. The longer he plummeted the less he could understand what was actually moving; him or everything else. He was so so tired, but he was falling to his potential death, but sleep... Fuck sleep, he can die later.

His wings opened like a parachute, significantly slowing the falling down, but he still wasn't quite flying. A flap of a wing, then the other. He headed for the ground, trying to make a half-decent landing. Though what he thought wasn't terrible, both Kristin and Phil winced at. Kristin ran over first, worried about the boy. She scooped him up, brushing his bangs back. She was given a clear view of the purpling bags under his eyes.

"Are you alright Tommy?" she asked gently. His eyes kept closing and opening, then he would blink frantically; trying to stay awake. He hesitated before nodding slightly, he had to hide his exhaustion.

"When was the last time you slept?" He squinted his eyebrows, thinking. When was the last time he slept? He definitely didn't know.

"Five days?" his reply was weak and hard to hear, forced. Her eyes widened, why hadn't he been sleeping?

"Go to sleep bud, you look like you're going to pass out any second," Kristin's voice was equally as soft, comforting, it only lulled him more to sleep. His eyes closed almost all the way before he shook himself awake again.

"No!" he exclaimed sitting up, "I can't go back to sleep! I don't want to die again! It hurt, I don't want to die!" he cried, he didn't want to die, he couldn't do it a second time, not so soon. Kristin was taken aback, but held the boy tighter she could only imagine what he was going through. She, herself, had never died before. Yes there were always close calls, but but he had full on stopped breathing, and came back.

Two beautiful blue, black and white wings unfurled, cradling the boy. Protection. The air around them stilled, it felt almost as if the entire weight of the world was gone. Everything disappeared in the small radius of a bubble.

"Go to sleep, nothing can reach you here." And he did, his eyes closing fully for the first time in five days. He felt so incredibly safe, as if nothing in the entire universe could reach him ever again, even his own mind. Phil watched a bit aways, a fond expression strung across his face. She had acquired her wings all on her own, through helping someone else. A blue jay, how wonderfully unexpected.

"I know you said you didn't want to stay for long, but I hope this might convince you otherwise," Phil said, making his way over to the two. She looked up at home with a knowing look. Almost accusing. "What? It's not like I planned this," Phil laughed. Although the timing was rather perfect, this still wasn't planned.

"Mmmhmm. Sure," she teased handing Tommy over. When Phil had him safely in one arm, he offered her his other. She took it, grateful. The moment their fingers touched that same spark spread throughout their arms, traveling to their toes; only this time, something else followed right after. Across their arms was a simplified scene. On Kristin's arm was a rain could, some foliage, and a rainbow that bent from behind the cloud, twisting at her wrist and mirroring itself across Phil's arm whose picture was a reflected image of her own.

There was something unspokenly profound about it, something only they could eventually understand. It would take time for them to work out what had happened and what it all meant. But Phil had an idea, he always seemed to know what was going on, even when he didn't. It was somewhat of a super power he had at this point, or that's what Kristin thought at least. That or he was just incredibly intuitive. Thinking about it, it really could just be either.

Though they wouldn't understand it all, they did know one thing. The picture, what it meant.

It was the calm after the storm.

hhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! I is the back! muahahahahahhaa! I wanted to write some nice Krsitin stuff today so that's what I did. She gots wings now too, wing gang POG. I'm glad I took a break yesterday cuz i felt like my writing stuff was getting kinda sloppy and more like cut and dry nd i didnt like that so hopefully I can switch it back to the writing style I like most. 

I finally had human interaction with people my age for the first time since Novemeber... It went well Not everyone is that terrible and I did miss being able to each lunch in the computer lab with everyone and just watch whatever the heck we wanted while eating. Such chaos is great. Pretty laid back day we just did typography stuff, someone please tell me why there is so much terminology to parts of typefacesssss and like e my guy why is your part called an eye when literally every other letter with a hole in it is called a counter or open counter depending on whether or not it closes all the way. Like you couldn't just make this easy could ya. also o's why you called bowls like my dudes you dont hold soup. 

XD so yeah, I hope you guys all have an awesome day! 

Stay cool Wisps!!!!

~Hollow <3

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