Chapter Twenty-Six

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            A sharp buzz spun from the strings of Karlie’s guitar as she strummed down. She wasn’t pushing hard enough. The older girl smiled, leaning over her guitar to correct the position of the other girl’s fingers on the fret board, her blue eyes twinkling as they met with the model’s.

“Try again.” She suggested, smiling enthusiastically. She could tell that the taller girl was finding it difficult to stay motivated. Karlie lowered her brows in determination, however, pressing down her fingers on the strings until they blemished in white at the tips. And she strummed the perfect G-chord with her left hand.

“That’s so good!” The singer burst out in smiles, genuinely proud of the other girl, who grinned in response as she realised how pleased Taylor was with her. She moved her fingers awkwardly back into the C-chord position that the girl with the blue eyes had taught her earlier, and strummed again. A slight buzz, but nothing that couldn’t be fixed with a little practice. Karlie was content with her progression, and stood, propping the guitar up against the wall. The shorter girl frowned, confused as to what the girl with the green eyes was doing. She watched her walk over to the radio, leaning over to fiddle with the dials and buttons until it crackled into life.

            The sound was grainy, almost like a record player, but the tune was that of some upbeat 30s classics – perfect for dancing.

“Just our luck.” Karlie grinned as she looked to Taylor, “now you’ve taught me something, I want to teach you something. Ever tried the foxtrot?” The model turned to face the girl who had taught her to play the guitar and reached out her hand to take Taylor’s. The blue eyed angel placed her guitar next to Karlie’s and took her lover’s hand, standing to meet her in one swift movement. She shook her head in response to the taller girl’s question.

“Then, can I have this dance?”

            Both girls looked at their feet as Taylor was taught to dance, making sure not to tread on Karlie’s toes with each step. With each foot that moved back, a foot stepped forward to take its place, and this timing was vital. The singer had been too slow many a time, and was certain she wouldn’t do it yet again. She sped up, premeditating the model’s steps, and lifted her feet ready to move. But she’d been too clever, and the expectations she’d had of Karlie were false, and she felt the taller girl’s toes crunch under her weight. Damn. And the model winced.

“This is no good.” The girl with the green eyes tutted, “you’ll have to come in closer.” She continued, pulling Taylor in, without a choice. Their hipbones grinded as the younger girl held her partner’s hip with one hand, and her palm with the other. The tension was beautiful.

            The close proximity helped – the girl with the blue eyes couldn’t help but move her feet correctly, and they picked up speed, twisting and turning and swirling and whirling and moving so quickly they couldn’t help but laugh as the blood ran from their heads. And the music slowed as they lost their footing and Karlie managed to spin her partner over to the car, laying her across the bonnet as she lost her balance. Taylor let her body relax, resting her weight on the front of the car as the model smiled and leaned over her. She placed a firm and reassuring kiss on her lips, stealing her breath after countless times.

“That was beautiful, Tay.” The taller girl whispered, her face hovering above the girl who lay across the car bonnet. Taylor bit her lip, pulling on the other girl’s shirt. Karlie edged forward, kissing the girl again, running her hands up her tank top and against the singer’s lean stomach. Just as she felt herself soften to the model’s supple touch, the sensation on her skin lightened, and the green eyed girl stopped.

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