Chapter Nine

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            “I’ll see you on boxing day.” Taylor whispered down the phone to Karlie, eyeing the clock through the dark as she lay in bed. 11:49pm. Only two more sleeps until Christmas. She’d make sure that this year she’d fly down to Tennessee to spend the holidays with her family.

“You can count on it.” Karlie grinned, “I have a shoot tomorrow, so I’m going to have to say goodbye. I love you.” The girl with the blue eyes smiled hearing those words.

“I love you too, and have a good shoot – goodnight.” She hushed before hanging up the phone and placing it on her bedside table. Taylor looked across the room at her luggage, already packed for the trip the next morning. Christmas this year was going to be awesome.

            Karlie folded her arms at the back of her head and smiled up at the ceiling. Her suitcases were ready for her flight to LA tomorrow evening. Hopefully California would be warmer than New England this holiday.

*  *  *

            The alarm on Taylor’s phone rang out at 3:00am on Christmas Eve, and she groaned as she pulled out her arm to silence it. The room was dark until she switched on the lights, which were far too bright for such an early start, but she managed to drag her body out of bed anyways. Most of her winter clothes were packed, but she’d saved a hoodie, some skinny jeans and a pair of sneakers for the flight. Meredith sat, curled up, at the foot of Taylor’s bed. She looked so peaceful, but the blue eyed girl knew that she’d have to move her into the cat carrier pretty soon.

            The singer leant into her bathroom mirror, applying a few more lashings of mascara before adding a final sheen of clear lip gloss. It’s crazy how much the media hammers down on her when she doesn’t wear makeup in public; she did it once, and she’s been sure to never make that mistake again. Taylor picked up Meredith and held her close, stroking her fur softly, before placing her carefully in the cat carrier.

“The flight’s not that long this time, baby.” She whispered reassuringly to Meredith before picking up cat carrier and taking it to the door. Taylor returned for her luggage and gave her room a final once over before switching off the lights, locking the front door, and getting into her car to drive to the airport.

            Considering it was only 4:00am, Taylor was pretty hyped. She wasn’t tired, despite going to bed so late the night before. It was cold though. Hopefully it would be warmer in LA on Boxing Day, not that Taylor was excited to get out of the east. The one thing she was really worried about was explaining how things were with Karlie; the two hadn’t quite worked out how they were going to present their ‘friendship’ to Taylor’s parents, or if they were even going to bring it up. Because of that, she figured it was best to just leave it be, until her and Karlie had spoken about it privately.

            Taylor dragged her bags out of the van, and carefully went back to pick up Meredith from the van before thanking her driver.

            She could see her breath in front of her face, in light clouds, which condensed before her eyes. There was something comforting about the silence of the early morning, and something refreshing about the light snowfall. Taylor slid her earphone buds into place and shuffled her music. The early morning is that weird personal open-minded time; and relating to music is always possible in such a state. The blonde girl pulled her bags onto a luggage holder, with Meredith’s cat carrier on top, and made her way to the VIP lounge to wait for the private plane to be driven out of the hangar.

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