Chapter Twenty-Nine

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            “So, I finished 1989 – and I want you to hear it first.” Taylor grinned down the phone. Karlie’s eyes widened in surprise as she squealed enthusiastically, jumping around the set with excitement.

“Seriously!? Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She repeated as she shook with excitement. She heard her sweetheart laugh down the line, pleased that she’d managed to lift Karlie’s spirits a little.

“I’ll mail it you. You can’t let anyone else hear it. Promise me, Karls?” She insisted, pulling the conversation down onto a serious note. The model nodded.

“Of course, rest assured that it’ll be safe with me.” She smiled, “, when are you coming back?” She dared to ask. The girl with the green eyes felt that this was a bad idea; but it was too late to take it back now. The older girl sighed.

“Not long. I have just a few more things I need to sort out.” She explained, breaking the news to her fiancé softly. The taller girl frowned slightly, hoping Taylor would be on the next flight home to LA.

“What else do you need to do?” She asked, almost in a whiney tone. The other girl scoffed a little.

“Just wait and see, honey. Just wait and see..”

            A cardboard box sat on Taylor’s kitchen counter that evening. It was full of miscellaneous items. Scarfs and necklaces, pictures in frames, trinkets and CDs. And a jumble of other things too. Those normal things you have lying around the house, yet don’t notice. But you know you would miss them if they weren’t there anymore. She was waiting to be picked up.

            Outside her apartment, a car pulled into the parking lot. Abigail stepped out, agreeing to meet Taylor on her college break. She knew what today was for. Her feet clattered up the front steps, ready to rest in the elevator which took them to the top floor. It was a long ride up to there.

            The girl with the green eyes heard the redhead’s knuckles roll across the door in a knock. She got to her feet, hurrying to the door to open it with a smile. As soon as their eyes met, there was nothing to stop the inevitable hug. It had been a while. Taylor gestured for Abigail to wait as she turned, grabbing the box and carrying it to the door. She placed it in her friend’s arms, quickly reaching for a package on the counter before stepping out of the apartment and turning to lock the door. The girls walked down the corridor quietly, so as not to wake the neighbours. Without any hesitation, Taylor slid the package into the mailbox and continued walking like nothing had ever happened.

            “I’ve been meaning to do this for a while.” The girl with the blonde hair explained as they drove through the dark, headlights flickering against the road. They’d driven out of Nashville, into the blackened shadows of the Tennessean countryside. It had been a while since the singer had seen the real fields of her and Abigail’s upbringing. All they had to do was find an empty one.

“How many memories have been thrown into this box, Tay..?” The redhead asked, glancing at the items scattered around the box. Taylor shrugged.

“Not enough.” She whispered, clutching a single silver chain in her palm.

            In reality, the memories in the box had stretched back years. Six years of memories, none of them good for anything anymore. People who had come and gone. Broken her heart for the last time and left. She didn’t need those pains scattered around her house anymore. She had memories, but these weren’t memories. These were physical scars.

            All they needed was an empty field, out of the way, where they couldn’t be seen. Abigail steered the car down into the smaller winding roads, with no real names. More like dirt tracks.

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