Chapter Six

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            Once she had heard the lock on car door snap into place, Karlie slowly stepped along the gravel driveway towards the steps leading up to the front door of Taylor’s Rhode Island home. Although it had been a month since she had last set foot on the property, it felt like only yesterday that the two girls had last spoken. The model carefully made her way up the steps before ringing the doorbell, hoping Taylor would come quickly and save her from really feeling the winter chill. She stood outside, listening closely for any sound indicating that the blue eyed girl was on her way. Karlie sighed impatiently, and turned her head to look over her shoulder. The visibility wasn’t good, despite the fact that the morning mist had disappeared by this point. Suddenly, the latch of the door clattered open, and Karlie snapped her neck back around to see her friend standing beautifully inside the doorframe with red lips and rosy cheeks.

            The taller girl stepped forward, readying herself for an embrace, but was instead met with a soft kiss. Taylor’s lips landed perfectly on Karlie’s, and the girl with the green eyes felt the other girl’s hand rest on the back of her neck and shoulder. She felt the singer smile through the kiss, happy to see her. The shorter girl pulled away, breathlessly, and her ocean blue eyes immediately locked onto Karlie.

“I guess it wasn’t just drunken experimentation, then?” Karlie questioned, grinning; she already knew the answer. Taylor bit her lip as she smiled, shaking her head innocently. She winked subtly at Karlie before taking her by the hand and dragging the girl inside, quickly shutting the door behind them.

            Taylor pressed the model up against the wall and their lips met again in a passionate kiss that soon gained a type of rhythm. They rushed, stripping Karlie of her coat immediately, but without letting their lips part. The taller girl kissed Taylor’s neck as she threw her head back with a passionate moan, but this was silenced as Karlie took the lead and pushed Taylor to the wall, asserting her dominance.

            The two girls continued to make out passionately as Karlie stepped out of her shoes and kicked them to the side. Focusing back on her mouth, she let her lips caress Taylor’s neck, smiling slightly with each pleasurable moan that escaped from the singer. She let her hands explore the blonde’s waistline and eventually reached the hem of her skirt. The model slid her hand up Taylor’s thigh, eventually reaching a tight pair of lace panties that barely covered the singer. Karlie was too impatient, and began pulling the blue eyed girl’s underwear down, but was interrupted by Taylor before she could finish. The singer bit Karlie’s ear, moaning and tensing against the wall, before releasing the fleshy lobe to speak.

“Let’s go upstairs.” She whispered seductively into Karlie’s ear. The model smiled, and grabbed Taylor’s thighs, lifting the other girl into a koala hug as they continued to kiss in rhythm.

            The door to Taylor’s bedroom fell open and the two girls fell clumsily onto the crisp white sheets, their lips not parting once as they went down. Taylor scrambled from underneath Karlie, who caught her by the hips in a fit of giggles. The shorter girl laid belly-down on the bed, with her lover directly on top, sucking on her ear lobe. The model slid her arms underneath the girl with the blue eyes, cupping her chest with both hands. She could feel her nipples harden through her bra, arousing Karlie even further.

            Suddenly, Taylor threw Karlie off of her, switching positions and straddling the model. The shorter girl leant down to kiss the other girl as she cupped her face in her hands; meanwhile, Karlie let her hands wonder to Taylor’s ass.

            The model pushed Taylor from her straddling position, and the girl with the red lips landed on the pillows at the head of the bed. Karlie chased her up the mattress until the other girl sat comfortably against the headrest with her legs apart. The model took no time to roughly strip Taylor of her underwear and push her dress up, leaving her bare between the legs.

            A sexy smirk confirmed what Karlie was about to do, and as soon as her tongue flicked Taylor’s bundle of nerves, the pleasure began to build. The shorter girl let out a loud moan as Karlie’s tongue found her opening. She pushed it in and out of her lover, occasionally flicking the clit when she had the chance. Taylor continued to build until she couldn’t hold it anymore but, just at that moment, Karlie stopped to hold the singers arms down so she couldn’t make herself cum. She screamed through gritted teeth, irritated but entirely in love with the idea of denying such pleasure. Karlie looked Taylor in the eye, smiling.

            The girl with the green eyes slid her leggings and panties off, throwing them on the floor. Taylor’s eyes widened, slightly overwhelmed. Karlie then stripped herself of any remaining clothes, and knelt on the bed next to Taylor, who awkwardly pulled her dress off and unhooked her bra.

“What do I do?” The innocent girl with the blue eyes croaked. Karlie giggled, finding it cute that Taylor had never done anything like this before. She took her lover’s hand and put it on her stomach.

“Just touch me how you’d touch yourself.” The model whispered as Taylor moved her hand down slowly and pushed on Karlie’s bundle of nerves. The taller girl moaned, encouraging the singer to keep going. She knelt up, so her and Karlie were at the same level, and kissed the model as she pressed on her clit with the perfect amount of pressure.

            Taylor couldn’t resist the temptation and let her hand travel down to her own bundle of nerves, and carefully applied pressure. The pleasure shot through her like electricity, but she let it build up again. She could feel Karlie on the verge of bursting, and softened her touch, allowing herself to catch up.

            That’s when the gut-wrenchingly powerful orgasm shot through both girls, and they collapsed next to each other on the bed, breathless.

            The couple lay in silence for the next few minutes, before Taylor turned to Karlie.

“I’m glad we decided to do this.”

*  *  *

            The couple sat on the intricately designed metal patio chairs on Taylor’s balcony, each with a glass of wine placed on the matching table, looking out over the beautiful sunset that evening. The low light kissed the waves on the horizon, and a burst of fiery pink colour painted the sky; no conversation was needed between the two.

            “How is this going to work, Tay?” Karlie asked, picking up her glass and taking a small sip. Taylor looked at Karlie indecisively and sighed.

“Ah, the one problem I’ve pushed to the back of my mind.” She began, “in one answer: I don’t know. I don’t know what the media will think if we come out about it. I don’t know what the public will think if we come out about it. I honestly don’t know.” Karlie pursed her lips slightly, disappointed. However, she could understand Taylor’s dilemma. Even if they did decide to make it public, the way in which they did it would have to be fool proof – and there just wasn’t the time.

“I understand.” Karlie nodded, smiling genuinely. Taylor reached out to stroke the model’s hand softly.

“Just give it some time. I mean, what’s the rush?” She asked rhetorically. Karlie nodded, turning her hand to hold Taylor’s. She looked out at the sunset, then back at the girl with the red lips, comparing their beauty.

“I love you.” She whispered to the girl with the blue eyes. Taylor squeezed the taller girls hand warmly before replying.

“I love you too.”

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