Chapter Nineteen

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I’m just letting you know that I’m going to up my level of dedication to this fanfic – i.e, more updates, more often, and better quality. Thanks for supporting me so far as well! I’m more of a writer than a reader, but I recently just discovered some Kaylor fanfics I adore and it really gave me motivation to make this more of a thing. I’ll also be open to offers of oneshots on my tumblr (which is realign-a-star, if you don’t know) so, yeah, that’s happening. I hope you enjoy this update!


The girls sat in the living room, the glow of the flames illuminating their faces as they sat by the fireplace in absolute silence. Taylor’s parents were asleep, and Austin had left to stay with a friend before heading back to college in the coming days – so they were alone.

“Would you rather read a book of all the lies you’ve ever told, or read a book of all the lies you’ve ever been told?” Taylor asked in a quiet whisper, breaking the stillness ever so slightly. The model bit her lip in thought, contemplating how she’d answer.

“I would most want to read a book of all my lies people have believed.” She answered eventually. The girl with the blue eyes smiled, tired.

“But that’s not an option.” She whispered, insisting that Karlie answer her correctly. The taller girl smiled a knowing smile, as if she’d anticipated that Taylor would reply with something along those lines.

“I think it would hurt, but I would rather read a book of lies people have told me.” The answer came out eventually, and all the stillness came flooding back into the room. The golden flames were the only source of light they had that evening, and they were thankful that it was warm too. Karlie couldn’t help but stare into the shorter girl’s eyes, the reflection of the fiery lashings from the hearth glittering in her irises.

            “Would you rather be remembered with hatred or forgotten about entirely?” The girl with the green eyes asked after a five minute pause in the conversation, genuinely curious as to what Taylor would say.

            It was a difficult one. But then the blue eyed girl realised she was thinking about her answer using a larger spectrum than she needed to. She narrowed her options down. Would she rather be hated by Karlie, or completely forgotten? The singer took the time to over-analyse the situation, as always.

“If it was you, I’d rather be hated.” She began, “because it means you care. You’re not indifferent to me. You’re passionate about me, perhaps not in the way I’d hoped, but it’s there.” The girl with the green eyes raised her eyebrows in surprise, resulting in a slight giggle from Taylor, which questioned why the model was so astounded by her response.

“I would’ve thought that you’d want me to forget about you, as if you mean nothing to me. Nothing lasts forever, right? Just like we will.” She explained why she was surprised so smoothly, it almost made the older girl question why she preferred the attitude of hatred. But then she remembered, and popped her question to Karlie, so rhetorically and so suddenly.

“Why would I want to mean nothing when I could mean everything to you?”

            Minutes passed since the last transaction, with it being a defeated smile from the taller girl, her green eyes slicing through Taylor in a ‘you win’ kind of stance towards her point. She shuffled closer to the singer, letting her hand creep around to her hip and clutch the flesh firmly. She leant in, the heat from the fire almost burning her lips, and pressed her mouth to Taylor’s in a hot flush of temptation.

            The best kiss they’d ever shared.

            The shorter girl fell weak, leaning backwards until she was lying on the floor, looking up at the ceiling. But, through the darkness, Karlie’s glowing figured leant over and kissed her again with an equal amount of sultry passion as the first time. The girl with the blue eyes expected to feel the presence of Karlie’s hands all over her, but all she felt was an absence. It was a surprise. She turned to look at the model, who lay next to her, propping herself up with her elbow as the flames illuminated her face entirely.

“Are we going to..?” Taylor asked, sitting up slightly as she suggested something more than just a kiss. The model laughed silently, shaking her head and looking down, as if she was embarrassed by the notion. She sighed, putting the words together in her head, so as not to sound prudish.

“Does it always have to end in sex?”

            That was certainly one of the strangest things the singer had ever heard Karlie say. She propped herself up on her elbows, both of them this time, and looked at the model with a slight smirk on her face. She wasn’t entirely sure whether to take her seriously or not, but after the silence that ensued, she decided that her lover had meant what she’d said.

“No, of course not. But I figured that’s where it usually leads.” She commented, slightly embarrassed by the truth. Karlie nodded, and with that, the girl with the blue eyes began to reach for her shirt in an attempt to pull it off. At least, until the model stopped her, delicately taking her wrist and touching Taylor just enough to grab her fleeting attention.

“Can’t we just kiss?” She smiled, her eyes taking on a new shade of calm. The shorter girl stopped to listen, her expression lifeless for just a few seconds, before hiding a shy smile.

“Sure.” She whispered, her lips parting slightly as an invitation. Karlie smiled, and with that, moved in to let her own lips brush against Taylor’s in a kaleidoscope of radiant bliss.

*  *  *

            The roads were foggy on the outskirts of Nashville, the taller girl glancing at her wing mirrors as Taylor rode shotgun with a notepad and a ballpoint pen, scribbling down a set of rhymes.

“New material; new album?” Karlie asked, peering at the girl in the seat next to her. Her writing was illegible and, even if you could read it, the words would undoubtedly mean nothing to anyone but the lyricist. She nodded in response to Karlie.

“I have these words in my head, and none of them make sense, but they’re screaming to be let out in some way, shape or form.” The older girl explained, adding a few more scribbles to the page. The model smiled, cracking a slight chuckle in the silence.

“Give me an example?” She asked, pushing in interest. Taylor tried to hide her smile, being rather shy when it comes to releasing her ideas before they’re ready. She made herself more comfortable before taking the notepad with a steady hand and focusing on the melody she’d developed in her mind. And she began.

“We found Wonderland..”

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