Chapter Thirty-Four

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Hey guys! For those who asked, my exams went pretty well, and thanks for asking. On another note, I hope this chapter introduces you to a game you haven't played before called Paranoia – it's so much fun. Whilst it's explained in the chapter, feel free to ask me if you don't understand and want to know the rules because it is like the best game at sleepovers and stuff. Anyway, enjoy!

The leaves were crisp and flame-like as they fluttered to the ground before the group as they trekked through the deciduous part of Adirondack forest. The sun shimmered through the canopies above them, flashing patterns across the forest floor. They'd been walking for about two hours, with Taylor leading the way through the trees as they happily chattered amongst themselves – taking photos and stopping to wonder at the beautiful colours of the leaves that tumbled down that early autumn. The girl at the front checked the time on her phone, trying to figure out when to schedule in a break. 11:41am. If they could just make it to a clearing sometime soon then they could sit and eat beneath the warm afternoon sunshine, with a light breeze drifting through the undergrowth.

"Hey, Taylor, I think I can make out a break in the trees over there." Ed called out from the back of the group. The rest of them turned to see him standing up on the bank that marked out the track, pointing through the wilderness to a small clearing that was flooded by light and about two hundred metres through the forest. It was off the beaten track, but it was the best they'd ever find. The group looked to Taylor in approval as she climbed up the slope to stand by Ed, hoping to follow his line of sight and catch onto the view of the clearing he was talking about.

"It seems great if we can make it up the bank and through all the foliage." Karlie nodded, beginning to make her way up too. But she was suddenly taken aback by the actual consistency of the 'foliage' she'd previously referred to. Taylor frowned, looking down at the rest of the group. They looked at each other, unable to see what was over the other side of the bank and understand exactly what the big deal was. Lena cracked her knuckles, drawing attention to herself before making her way confidently towards the foot of the bank.

"If I can do it, I'm sure as shit you kids can." And with that, she began to clamber up to meet Ed, Karlie and Taylor who overlooked the rest of the group as they found their footings.

What met them from the top of the bank was not what they had expected. They looked down to see a long steep slope, completely laden with slippery mud – but that wasn't the issue. The problem was that, at the end of the slide-like slope was a good few metres worth of stinging nettles and thorny brambles that you would be sure to run into if you slid down the other side of the bank. The group stoop with their mouths agape.

"Kinky sex right there." Cara joked, before realising it wasn't a laughing matter.

"Nuh-uh." Lena shook her head, turning around to go back down the bank, but Lily quickly grabbed her by the arm before she could leave. Taylor inhaled deeply, her hands on her hips, pensive.

"Well?" She asked eventually, looking around, "suggestions?" Everyone looked to each other in silence with nothing to say (or nothing helpful to say).

"Anyone?" Ed added, looking from eye to eye. Lena gasped as an idea came to her, opening her mouth to speak. However, Taylor lifted her finger up to silence her immediately.

"Anyone but you, Lena." She continued, not even looking to Lena as she frowned, miffed that she was unable to suggest her eccentric idea. As no one piped up to say anything, Taylor exhaled loudly in frustration, but was quickly distracted by Ella's facial expression. It was concerning.

"What is Karlie doing?" She asked, looking past the girl with the blue eyes and towards the model was sat at the top of the bank, on her backpack which was directed down the slope and towards the brambles. Taylor turned to see her fiancé preparing herself to slide down the bank and into what literally looked like living hell. She leapt on impulse, determined to stop her from pushing off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2015 ⏰

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